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5 Votes

Simple Guide on Bane

December 16, 2014 by StuPiD_NewBie
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apaz (17) | December 16, 2014 4:02pm
A rather good guide. Like the analysis. Probably though, still remove Blade Mail. Sure you know that. Perhaps add Force Staff. Bloodstone and Orchid Malevolence are controversial, but situational.
wangyuphing (9) | December 16, 2014 1:06am
I think you should remove Blade Mail. You won't be in the center of the war too much, Ghost Scepter is enough. And Bloodstone? Never saw one, but no problem. But, I once saw a Bane with Force Staff and it ain't too bad. Think of it as a replacement for Blade Mail. Better, actually. High escape probability. And about the skill build, if you are really going to use this build, better don't get too close on war XD
StuPiD_NewBie | December 15, 2014 6:40am
Thanks to MrLocket and Sando for the commends and the suggestions.
I've made some changes about the items and skill builds, would you mind looking at them again and tell me what needs to be done to make it better. Thanks a lot.
Sando (118) | December 15, 2014 5:41am
I'm presuming you're going mid or solo offlane with this kind of build as it's quite farm heavy - quite often Bane is run as a support where you'll have much less farm, or he'll become a support later in the game as more items aren't that useful on him past a certain point.

Enfeeble can be a really key skill mid or offlane against many opponents. Being able to screw up their right click for a relatively small amount of mana can be very worthwhile - you may need a Bottle or Clarity potions to keep it going though. A usual build for this would be Q-E-W-W-W-R.

Your early items are ok for this role, although you really need to consider Blink Dagger, as it's great for gank initiation, escaping, etc.

I'd get rid of a lot of your late game / optional items tbh. The only really useful ones for Bane are:

Blink Dagger, Arcane Boots, Soul Ring (situational), Black King Bar and Aghanim's Scepter. Ghost Scepter can be useful, and I'd probably just get a Scythe of Vyse and/or Necronomicon (the minions can beat on opponents while you Fiend's Grip them, also utility against wards/invis heroes and for pushing) if you have excess gold left.
MrLocket (16) | December 15, 2014 5:08am
Somewhat greedy guide for Bane. I mean, you are going to take every last hits from your lane partner while you don't need much item to be effective.

And also, leaving Enfeeble behind is a bad idea, it's like playing Riki without Smoke Screen, or Huskar without inner vitality. It has a very long cast range, short cooldown and long debuff duration! At early/middle game phase you can have 2 enemy heroes do 0 attack damage at the same time!

Why would you ever need Monkey King Bar, Helm of the Dominator, Radiance or Assault Cuirass on Bane? And where is Blink Dagger?

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