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Pudge is a hero which is very dependent on the skill-level of the player. You could say this about every hero, but pudge needs a player who can predict enemy movement very well and land skillshotts with a very small "AoE"-Hitbox at long range. On the other hand Pudge is a rewarding hero if you play him well. If you like to know more, read on....
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Meat Hook
- Did you ever play with an ally who overextended all the time and you just knew he is goin to feed the enemy carry if he stands in this position? Then Hook is your ability. You can save allys who dont want to listen to you by hooking them away from the Enemy team. ;)
- In addition you can initiate and create 4v5 fights for your team or gank like crazy with this skill.
- Its a damagenuke.
- The hook has actually a realy small AoE(Area of Effekt) at its end. So you can play around with this AoE. But you have to remeber that it is very small and you have to get used to it especially when you try to hook champs near chreeps. The hook might be in perfekt position but the Hitbox of the hook is so big that it hits on a creep right befor it gets to a enemy hero just because the hitbox of the hook was a litle bit bigger then you thought.
Block the creeps at the start:
By standing in front of your creeps when they initially come out you can slow them and delay their movement. The easiest place to start creep blocking is in front of your first tower. Stand in front of the creeps and walk forward. You can slow them by either pressing "H" and moving forward or by weaving back and forth in front of the creeps so they can't get by.
Your creeps will arrive later and the enemy creeps will be near to your turret.
When you start your Combo with Hook try to start your Rot as fast as possible. If you dont hook a enemy with a Blink or escape ability try to run a little bit with your
Rot on with the enemy so you can savely start the
Dismember within the
Rot Range. The Dismeber range is a little bit larger then the closecombat range so it can happen that the enemy is not in the
Rot circle.
Using Shift:
By pressing shift you can create chains of skills. If you hold shift down use hook and press dismember on your target pudge will instantly start the dismember when you hooked the target in range.
First things first. Pudge is a viable Mid Hero, BUT you wont get much farm if your opponent is a half decent player and picked another strong mid hero.
You play Pudge in Mid lane for getting fast LvLs to lvl up your
Meat Hook+
Dismember combo. Actually this combo is the only reason you are viable in Mid. With this combo you can brust down most Mid Champs especially when you manage to hook them in tower range, so while they are Dismember and cant get away, the tower will also deal dmg to them.
Befor you decid to go mid, tell your team that someone has to buy a Animal Courier (chicken) for you. Otherwise i would never go mid, because you will "lose" your lane in most cases just by having no
Animal Courier (chicken) to bring items to your tower. So you have to spend to much time goin back to your base... and when i have to buy the chicken i dont go mid cause i need the money to win my lane.
Start with the normal starting build and then build a fast Bottle. Now you may ask why i dont buy a
Bottle just form the start. The thing is without any stat items lasthiting will be realy hard against someone with stat items. If he is good enought he might deny you every creep even if you time your last-hit perfectly just because he will do more dmg to a creep and can last hit it befor you can. With the items you boost your stats. You will take some her*** but you have the
Tango and a
Healing Salve to compensate this, till you have your bottle.
Why Bottle so fast? Because midlane ist all about the runes. Most people underate runes heavy... maybe i overrate them, but thats better then not using their power. Its not only the power of the runes that makes them strong. Your
Bottle will be refilled when you had a
Bottle which was empty and saved a rune in the
Bottle. This will be really strong for your lane sustain and cripple your enemy hero because he might need to buy pots or go back to base.
A rune will spwan every 2 minutes in one of the 2 random spots. Tell your team to ward Observer Ward one spot so you always know where the rune spwans or tell them that one hero has to check one spwanpoint so you know if its there or at the other spwanpoint.
If your enemy isnt dumb he will also try to get the runes, so how do you manage to get it and your enemy doesnt steal it. If your lane isnt pushed already start pushing your lane at the 3.45 minute mark (if the rune spwans on 4.00) so your creeps will be at the enemy tower when the rune spawns. Your opponent has to defend the tower and last hit the creeps while you have time to go to the rune and put it in the Bottle. You can use your
Rot to push the lane.
Another important point in mid is creep blocking and i will describe why:
You may lose your lane just by not blocking the creeps at the start if you play against a good opponent. I will describe this futher with images:You want to block your creeps so that your creeps are on your side of the river. This is important because the enemy hero will have a misschance with his attacks on the highground and cant see ontop of the hill. So you can stay in a save position. The problem is if you dont block your creeps and you find yourself in this position but on the enemy side it can lose you the game cause you can be her***ed really hard and wont get any farm. He may be able to denie you the xp too.
There are 2 ways you can creepblock:
1. Block all your creeps so that all creeps are on the top of your Hill
2. Block only the melee creeps and let the rangedcreep run first. With this creepblock you will automatically push the lane to your tower. This is the safest block because if your enemy hero blocks good too the lane will meet in the middle of the river`, but because the rangedcreep ist targeted first your lane will automatically be pushed to your tower even when the enemy hero blocked well.
The Itembuild doesnt change from the top build except the starting items. When you have your lvl 4 Meat Hook you can start to gank the sidelanes hard.
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![]() Her name says it already. She can be a pain in the a**. If she has a good reactiontime she will blink out befor you dismember her. That means that you will only kill her if she fails hard. At lvl 6 she has a strong burst and can kill you if you already lost some health form harass, which she can do fairly easy. QoP can also gank very well with the blink ability and it is hard to control the runes against her, because normaly she should get every rune with her blink. |
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![]() Well what should i say except really really annoying. He slows you so much that you can barely move, has an escape with ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Outworld Devourer |
Outworld Devourer This guy can be very annoying. Not only is his damage with ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() Puck isnt that hard. Bait his ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() He is a really tough opponent with his manaburn and silence. If you are not able to sustain yourself in the lane against him, you should consider to switch lanes with someone who can. |
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![]() He is not really a counter but you should ALWAYS use your ![]() ![]() |
You are playing a major roll in teamfights.
1. You can initiate.
Again try to initiate a fight with your hook. Its a good way to position yourself inside trees again so the enemy you have hooked cant get away that easy. Dont use your Dismember if you dont have to assure the kill. You will maybe need Dismember for the 4v5 fight you have created.
THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO HOOK! Dont just hook anything. If you hook the enemy Tidehunter into the middle of your team and he uses his Ultimate, you have created the perfekt engage for your enemy team and pretty much GG for your team. Again hook soft targets especially their main Carry. If you can hook the enemy main carry you can clap your hand on your shoulder. Dont try to hook people with good blink escapes (if the main carry has a good escape try to hook him anyway even if he gets away his escape will be down later in the fight). There is a chance that even if you land a perfect hook, they will get away. So its a saver way to hook soft targets without good escape.
2. Your team gets caught in the open and the enemys try to ROFL-stomp you:
You have to 2 choises. First look at your team. Can your main carry handle the engage and can get to a save position where he can DPS very well? Your main carry is number 1 priority. If you have to die to get an ace at the enemy team GO FOR IT! If your main carry can handle the situation you can try to go for the enemy main carry. Stick to him like glue or try to kill him so he cant DPS your whole team down. Maybe the enemy team starts to focus you cause you are on their main carry and that is exsactly what you want to force. Soak the dmg till the rest of you team has killed everything.
okey... if your main carry cant handle the situation and gets jumped by the enemy heros try to do everything to peal of the enemys from your main carry. 1. you can hook your main carry away form them 2. you can hook the enemys away form you carry. 3. Dismember the jumpers. 4. Turn rot on to slow them down so your carry can get away. 5. Help to dps the jumpers down to save your carry....
There are some different Starting builds you can play on pudge depending on the Lane an your porpose in the game. At the beginning i have stated only 1 startingbuild but i willt state some more in this chapter.
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Its a all around start which you can play on sidelane very well especially when you dont know who your enemy/s on the lane will be. You have enought regen and a good stat-gain.
Mobility Items
Good mobility items are Blink Dagger and
Force Staff. If you dont go for the "save" build i would build one or both of these.
Force Staff
You can pull of some crazy plays with this item. With the active + hook you can create a really big iniate circle around you and when you ever see a enemy hero out of position and away from his team he is nearly dead cause he wont get away when you use this active and land your hook.
You can also escape with this item out of difficult situation cause it is usable even when you are hit by enemy attacks. You can go over cliffs and through woods with this item.
You can use this item on your allys too if you want to save them or give them some speed boost to initiate a fight with you. This works even when they are disabled.
In addition you can force enemys into the direction they are looking at and create another iniate with this.
Blink Dagger
This item was banned from pudge for a really long time. For initiation this item is even better then Force Staff because you can get a exact position and you can blink on someone and use
Dismember. This creates really easy ganks. You have to keep in mind that
Blink Dagger uses more mana then
Force Staff
Other Items
Pipe of Insight/
Hood of Defiance
If your team gets blown away by magicdmg this items is the way to go. It massivly boosts the magic tankyness of your team.
Use it at the start of every Teamfight. Your team will thank you a lot for those extra hitpoints.
Black King Bar
If you play against good enemys, they will wait for you ultimate to pop in a teamfight and use CC to counter it.
The active of Black King Bar works great against those CC counters. Just use the active right befor you are going to ult, so you will get the full channeltime of your ultimate.
Also you dont take Rot damage while using
Black King Bar
Shiva's Guard
With this item you really boost your Armor and boost your mana and manareg again.
In addition you get a realy good aura which will slow your enemys attacks down. This really helps in latgame when the enemy main carry tries to go crazy with his DPS.
Also the acitve is very nice because you can slow the whole enemyteam down for 4 seconds. Again you can use this to keep people away form your carry.
Ghost Scepter
If you get raped by physicat autoattackers you can build a Ghost Scepter to counter their damage and the item gives you some good all around stats. Actually playing Pudge with
Ghost Scepter +
Black King Bar is really funny.
Assault Cuirass
With the new Flesh Heap buff you can farm so much strength that it is worth a try to go into some carry item. You will hit hard with your attacks and this items also make you more tanky.
Aghanim's Scepter
By the time you have your Aghs you probably are around 3500 HP without any components of a HoT. The strengthgain of the buffed Flesh Heap just creates a really good synergy with Aghs effect. If you need extra damage then Aghs is a good investment. And you really dont need more tankitems because you snowball so hard with this flesh heap buff.
Heart of Tarrasque (HoT)
Well if you build this item after the Aghs, your HP will skyrocket. Most of the time this is not needed.
This itembuild is focused on maximising your movementspeed and getting even faster with force staff.
This has 2 basic uses. You can gank the lanes faster and initiat form father away with the force staff. It is important to note, that you are also able to outrun most enemys and that you are able to get out off many difficult situations just because you have such a high movement speed
This Build is the safest build. Basicly you focus every item on sustain and beeing tanky for teamfights where you run around an rot the enemyteam. To do this you have to absorb damage and should be able to heal yourself. This build is focused on that.
My videos:
some random pudge hooks:
second video. just for fun, some hooks:
Pro Videos:
(Oldschool Video)Dendi playing Pudge at the ESWC 2011 Finals: Short video of his hooks
NaVi vs Dignitas at "The Defense": Dendi stomping with pudge
16.6.13 Update for patch changes
18.01.13 enemys
-10.11.2012 some updates
- 24.3.2012
-> added some more info on Starting items
- February 11, 2012
- edited the itembuild a little bit
- January 6, 2012
- added chapter for midlane
-December 18, 2011
-> added Chapter for the Hook Rot Dismember
- December 16, 2011
-> over-worked the item section
-> added a chapter for replays
- December 14, 2011
-> added some gameplay tipps
-> added a chapter for items after the core build.
Have some fun with the hooks:
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