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Samukobo's guide to Riki, the backstabber

April 19, 2013 by samukobo
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samukobo (28) | April 21, 2013 1:14am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

I was not saying take Quelling Blade, I was saying Back Stab functions as a Quelling Blade (I know it works, I just didn't think I spelled it correctly. It's also why I never tag Vlad's.) The amount of damage it gives early on, that also scales very rapidly, is massive.

To get the Diffusal Blade as fast as possible, why are you spending 1000 gold on a Ring of Aquila?

Getting More last hitting power and killing potential from your skills is usually the way to go. The Poorman's Shield is there simply because Riki is squishy, and it limits harass greatly while still comboing nicely with backstab (and giving you inventory space)

Here is my reasoning on Back Stab > Blink Strike. Blink Strike adds 30 damage per level. Back stab adds about 20 or more damage per level. Blink strike needs mana to be effective, and the more it is leveled the more you can spam it (thus costing more mana) If you hit someone 2 times with a level 1 backstab, at level 1, it is more damage than a level 1 blink strike. a level 2 blink stike vs a level 2 backstab has the same effect, and so on an so forth. if you hit anyon twice with backstab, it is always more damage than a blink strike of the same level. Blink strikes primary purpose it to augment backstab, not much more.

We seem to have quite a lot of misunderstanding here. I agreed on the previous comment about Backstab functioning something similar to a Quelling Blade, and that Poor Man's Shield is on my personal build. Please look at the item builds other than build #1, thank you.

Pardon me for the Ring of Aquila. I should mention it on the items as an expensive counterpart to Poor Man's Shield on how to use your starting Slippers of Agility -ies. And as I previously said, the vanilla build rushes Diffusal Blade while possibly getting other items. (everything other than Boots of Speed / Power Treads may or may not be picked up. I guess I should be more clear in general, please wait for the update later.

Thank you for the explanation of your skill build's reasoning. I fully understand your point now and will add the Backstab first build later. (The testing went pretty well anyway)
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 20, 2013 11:29pm
I was not saying take Quelling Blade, I was saying Back Stab functions as a Quelling Blade (I know it works, I just didn't think I spelled it correctly. It's also why I never tag Vlad's.) The amount of damage it gives early on, that also scales very rapidly, is massive.

To get the Diffusal Blade as fast as possible, why are you spending 1000 gold on a Ring of Aquila?

Getting More last hitting power and killing potential from your skills is usually the way to go. The Poorman's Shield is there simply because Riki is squishy, and it limits harass greatly while still comboing nicely with backstab (and giving you inventory space)

Here is my reasoning on Back Stab > Blink Strike. Blink Strike adds 30 damage per level. Back stab adds about 20 or more damage per level. Blink strike needs mana to be effective, and the more it is leveled the more you can spam it (thus costing more mana) If you hit someone 2 times with a level 1 backstab, at level 1, it is more damage than a level 1 blink strike. a level 2 blink stike vs a level 2 backstab has the same effect, and so on an so forth. if you hit anyon twice with backstab, it is always more damage than a blink strike of the same level. Blink strikes primary purpose it to augment backstab, not much more.
samukobo (28) | April 20, 2013 8:11pm
Wulfstan wrote:

I don't see people get Vlads that often.It just gives away their position.

There's a reason my personal build doesn't include Vladmir's Offering, and that's because I play in pubs. Generally, the reason you would want it is for survivability. And in pubs, your ult is all the survivability you would ever need. I only get Vladimir's Offering against decent pub teams who actually ward against me, so the lifesteal just serves as a method to keep me alive because they can see me anyway. Giving away your position doesn't really matter when the enemy supports are loaded with Sentry Wards and their STR carry has a Gem of True Sight.
samukobo (28) | April 20, 2013 8:07pm
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

Vlads is lifesteal that stacks with Diffusal Blade, that is the only reason to take it.

HOWEVER, I disagree with your skill build. The amount of extra damage you actually get from Backstab is greater than Blink strike, and doesn't cost mana.

In your core build, level 2, You will have 37 base AGI + 8 from items, giving you a grand total of 45 agi by level 2. If you have 1 point in backstab, you are getting about 22 extra damage per attack against the back. That is a Quelling blade right there, but on heroes too.

I would go Backstab OR Blink Strike first level (likely Blink Strike when you try to get first blood, or backstab if you are fairly safe and need last hits) and then continue the skill progression. I only disagree with maxing Blink Strike before Back Stab, as the added damage from backstab is much more viable at getting kills and blink strike requires a lot of mana to be useful.

And I would probably turn those Slippers of Agility into a Poorman's Shield, personlly, for harass (and if you arent getting harass, just leaving them at Wraithbands works too.) getting 2 slippers without intent of making them into a Poorman's just doesn't bode well with me.

Thank you for your feedback.

First of all, are you referring to the vanilla build? If so, then the vanilla build is just a compilation of what I personally see from most (decent) pub players, and what you would typically see as the "default" skill build for Riki. As for taking Backstab at level 1 (and the Quelling Blade that works on heroes reference too! ) and Poorman's Shield, they are both listed on my personal build. As I stated on the guide, the vanilla build's point is to rush Diffusal Blade as fast as possible, while possibly taking Vladmir's Offering before finishing the Diffusal Blade.

Maxing Backstab first is debatable. I'll try to test it out first before giving any negative comments about it, but I'll state my comments on it for now. (Depending on the results, I may add it to the builds) We all understand that Riki should have at least 1 point on each skill by level 4, and that's all he really needs besides his ult (along with some items) to kill an unsuspecting squishy hero at the early stages of the game. Now, as I said on my personal insight for the skills, the reason I max Blink Strike is for the early game (laning phase) engagements, as I find it more useful.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 20, 2013 7:34pm
Vlads is lifesteal that stacks with Diffusal Blade, that is the only reason to take it.

HOWEVER, I disagree with your skill build. The amount of extra damage you actually get from Backstab is greater than Blink strike, and doesn't cost mana.

In your core build, level 2, You will have 37 base AGI + 8 from items, giving you a grand total of 45 agi by level 2. If you have 1 point in backstab, you are getting about 22 extra damage per attack against the back. That is a Quelling blade right there, but on heroes too.

I would go Backstab OR Blink Strike first level (likely Blink Strike when you try to get first blood, or backstab if you are fairly safe and need last hits) and then continue the skill progression. I only disagree with maxing Blink Strike before Back Stab, as the added damage from backstab is much more viable at getting kills and blink strike requires a lot of mana to be useful.

And I would probably turn those Slippers of Agility into a Poorman's Shield, personlly, for harass (and if you arent getting harass, just leaving them at Wraithbands works too.) getting 2 slippers without intent of making them into a Poorman's just doesn't bode well with me.
Wulfstan (77) | April 20, 2013 10:01am
I don't see people get Vlads that often.It just gives away their position.
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