Offlane Bambi - ChiChi's way [6.86]
January 28, 2016
Introduction to the guide
SPECIAL DEDICATION: This guide was written mostly because I had the support of Bunkansee and Timminator, the two best teammates I have ever met in Dota! And they don't play this hero - yet. So it's dedicated to them :)
Hi guys, this is ChiChi, many of you already know me either by playing with me or by my guides on
Crystal Maiden or
Winter Wyvern. For more details on myself go there please.
It may come as a surprise that I'm now writing a guide for
Enchantress, since my are of expertise is the support position. The fact is I've been recently trying this amazing hero, and I came up with my own way of playing it, inspired and based, as you may have guessed already, by the Slasher's way. I've noticed that the guides on our favourite bambi are all a bit outdated and there's no one that addresses
my specific way of playing her, and also she was amazingly
buffed by the recent change of patch 6.85, so here I go!
EDIT: We're living now the new era of
6.86. With no modesty I dare say my predictions about this hero were true, and she is now incresiangly picked for the offlane, specially by American pro teams - about that and for more info see this article on Dotabuff, "
Offlane Enchantress - Escaping the jungle?".
Let's see if I can continue updating this guide as the meta evolves, feel free to help me with any suggestions/corrections you might have.
Skill Build
Untouchable is a passive ability which makes
Enchantress a
surprinsingly tanky hero in the early game. Every time an enemy tries to attack her, be it by right clicks or by spells, he's gonna be slowed for 4 seconds. The slow begins with the animation itself, so you can actually even dodge some attacks by running away if you see the attack animation + slow on the enemy quickly enough.
By maxing this out first you can
trade hits with the enemies on your lane, specially the supports that try to zone you out.
Since the only thing that his ability does is diminish the attack speed of your enemies, don't expect to survive later on just because you have it maxed up.
Enchantress's biggest weakness is against burst magical damage, because as every Inteligence hero her HP point isn't naturally that high. Also if your enemy turns on his
Black King Bar your aura will not work.
In this build, the usually signature spell of
Enchant, is usually ignored until level 5, and only maxed last. The reason for this is that you
won't be using it to convert creeps but as a slow against enemies - it's actually a very powerful slow, slowing mouvement for 50% during 5.5 seconds. Just so you know how good it is,
Rod of Atos's active gives a 60% mouvement slow for 4 seconds. So you basically have a free Atos each 15 seconds.
The reason why I max it last is because I prefer to have the other skills maxed first, as they help with
Enchantress] survivibility. The value point at level 5 is to allow you to have a slow before your ultimate at level 6, so that you may have the chance of getting a kill still in your lane and then transition out of it. Skip this altogether if you feel you need to max out
Untouchable or
Nature's Attendants first, and/or if there are a lot of other disables, soft or hard, in your team.
Feel free to also use it to convert creeps to help you push or disable throughout the game - also auras like the Packleader's Aura from the Alpha Wolf, with its 30% attack damage bonus, are very useful. The encantation only lasts for 80 seconds, so don't forget to recast it before that time expires.
If circumstances force you to duo lane, but because of that you have some killing potential because you're teammates also has disables/good amount of damage to offer: get more points earlier in this ability, which you will use to initiate, and max it at the same time as
Untouchable, leaving only a value point in your cure.
Nature's Attendants
Nature's Attendants is
Enchantress heal, and the second reason why she can endure so well the offlane. The spell invokes a cloud of wisps that heal you and allies nearby, randomly - every second each wisp chooses a random allied unit to heal 10 HP. This spell can deal a total of 300/500/700/900 over its duration, and it still goes on if
Enchantress dies.
You will notice I didn't pick any mana regeneration items for the laning phase. That's because the only spell you're gonna be using until level 6 is this one, and you can manage between it and your set of
Tango to heal during the entire laning phase.
Impetus is
Enchantress's ultimate, and it works as
Frost Arrows or
Searing Arrows do: your
regular right click attack gets an extra effect, which is giving extra
pure damage based on the distance traveled by your projectile. It's a toggle on, so you may use it to harrass without depleating all your mana, and in regular teamfights you leave it on. The fact that it deals pure damage means it ignores armor and magical resistence alike, and it affects magical immune units, making it very powerfull in that middle game where
Black King Bars start being purchased.
Its special characteristic is the fact that
you want to be as far away from your target as you can, so that you deal the max added damage. This gives you a clue on the whole way of playing this hero, because you will want to make sure you're not initiating the battle or going in front of your teammates. Ideally you play like a
Sniper or a
Drow Ranger, in order to be able to do your full damage and don't risk dying with the initial nukes.
This is your main way of dealing damage, because all of your other skills don't do it. That's why your only core item will be something that gives you more range: I suggest
Dragon Lance first in most games, usually getting
Aghanim's Scepter later on if you don't need anything else. It will allow you to augment your attack range, therefore augmenting the distance additional damage from your attack. Also, you welcome the stats: first the extra strenght and attack speed, and in the case of the Aghs also HP to help you tank more and more manapool to cast everything you need each teamfight.
This skill was considered an Attack Modifier/Orb effect before, that is, it didn't function at the same time that other Attack modifiers do, such as lifesteal or the slow from
Eye of Skadi. This, however, was changed in the recent 6.85 patch, allowing this skill to become even more potent because
you can couple it with any attack modifier of your choice. That doesn't mean you should necessarily get one, because it might not be the best item choice for that specific game. In the same sense, I suggest avoiding life steal in general, because this hero is not build to benefit from that like regular carries are.
Item build
What's really awesome about
Enchantress is that she's one of the most flexible Inteligence heroes I know concerning her item build. Besides the
Dragon Lance/
Aghanim's Scepter, which you will want almost every game but even that may be skipped, you will buy for her what you need specifically for that game, bearing in mind your enemies and your role - which may even range from the Position 2 to the Position 4.
Because so many items are possible for her, and I'm here only to tell you about my way of playing her, I will not explain those items such as a
Bloodstone, which you may buy in some occasions, but that are not my favourite go-to items.
On the items that I don't recommend going for - again, if you intend to try my way of playing - a brief explanation: Don't go
Hand of Midas because you're priority won't be farming and you will be joining fights from level 6 onward (and because you already have a nice XP boost in the beggining of the game by offlaning); Don't go
Mask of Madness unless in rare situations because the attack speed boost is offset by the extra damage received, and you're not in a position to handle that nor do you need the extra attack speed for anything else than teamfights (and you don't need lifesteal).
Initial Items
Core Items
As I've been explaining, this is Enchantress's only core because most games you will want to build a Dragon Lance for your first item, as it gives you a mix of all the things you need: more survivibility, more damage, more attack speed. At some point you might want to trade this for an Aghanim's Scepter or not, depending on the specific game. Tip: Don't forget that Dragon Lance can be disassembled, so you can disassemble it at some point to help you get your extra item, be it the Aghanim's Scepter or a Black King Bar (or even an Orchid Malevolence with that Quarterstaff, if you have a good timing on it, beause if it comes after the enemy team has their BKBs up is useless).
Power Treads used to be the best Boots for her because of the attack speed, extra life points or mana from tread switching, but now I think Phase Boots are a best choice most games, since you will already have attack speed and HP from the Dragon Lance, so this item strenghts your laning phase and the burst move speed is usually just what you need for that extra hit in that will kill your target. If you go this route, however, consider items like Magic Wand and/or Drum of Endurance, for some extra survivibility.
Six slotted
As your big weakness is magical damage and disables, you will probably need a Black King Bar most games. Get it as your second item or even first if you're having troubles surviving teamfights.
Damage and attack speed are always welcomed, and you might need a Monkey King Bar in the late game if your enemies are purchasing evasion items.
An Hex and Inteligence? Yes please.
Some luxory and situational items I prefer
Laning Phase
Your role in the offlane is to
stay alive, and
disrupt as much as possible the
enemy carry's farm, while
getting XP and farming enough for your
Magic Wand and
Phase Boots + some piece of the
Dragon Lance if possible. If you do this without dying, you've done your job. Don't hesitate to use your
Nature's Attendants as soon as you're hit by some powerfull nuke/disable which you think will have follow-up, because that's how you guarantee you won't die. Your high movement speed - actually the highest base movement speed of the game - will help a lot with this. Because of it, you can even pass on the Boots for a while and get the Magical Wand first instead, boosting even more your survivibility.
Manage between the mana needed to use this spell and your pool of
Tango, and don't use your
Enchant unless you think it's worth it - either because you've hit level 6 and you see an opportunity, or if you think it might help you escape a difficult situation.
Medium to late game
The way I go around with offlane
Enchantress is to try and make her the most useful to the team I can, by never stop to idly farm unless it's to finish an important item or just pushing a wave. I recommend deciding
upon your level 6 what is the best way to proceed - usually you won't be able to gank immediatly because if you leave the lane it will be very obvious, but you should
have a TP on the ready to go help other lanes and
start joining teamfights. If nothing happens and you're happily farming, just continue with it, try to kill your opponent yourself or ask your teammates to come gank on your lane.
After that, you should always be around on the map,
taking objectives and buying
Smoke of Deceit. You're power curve is still up, because BKB's arent'; so make use of that and go
gank as often as possible, and
organize pushes. The
Keywords in this part of the game are:
Make Space. Deliver damage. Sustain your team in teamfights.
Try to get your core up as soon as possible, and decide on what item you're going for this game - either be it more magical protection or a purely offensive one.
Later on you're gonna feel your time of the game as passed, as you will be dying more easily. This is will be upset, however, by your purchase of the
Point Booster for the Aghs, and any other adequate item. In teamfights, continue to try and stay in the back healing people and using your
If the game was rather easy and you went for the tank build (Aghs-Skadi for instance), and/or your enemies don't have that much magical damage, you can just tank for your team and stay in front of the teamfight soaking damage and immediatly activating your heal.
Friends and Foes - an explanation
It's rather obvious by now, but avoid picking
Enchantress if you're facing huge magical damage on the other side (
Queen of Pain,
Venomancer, etc., all a pain in th *** for you). If it happens for some reason, don't hesitate go to
Point Booster into
Black King Bar or even casual
Cloak or
Glimmer Cape, you're not use for your team if you're dead, and you're a squishy hero - you actually have the lowest strength growth – +1 per level - of the game, which you can remedy by purchasing Strenght items.
Other heroes that she isn't good against include all of those that can easily come in her face, making her
Impetus damage useless (blinkers like
Anti-Mage or abilities like those from
Storm Spirit and
Phantom Lancer), and those which attack speed modifiers make your
Untouchable not that big of a deal (such as
Windranger and
Troll Warlord).
Also don't pick her if you're missing a hard carry - she can carry, but not outcarry most hard carrys like
Anti-Mage or
Faceless Void. She's the mid game carry, excelling in situations where the space created by her will help your real hard carry farm unobstructed.
She can mid reasonably, because she can survive and last hit as told for the offlane, but she's unable to gank or contest runes, so avoid this unless completely necessary - and in that case try to have your support help you with runes vision and get a
Bottle, because your regen may not be enough.
I don't advice picking her for any other place that isn't the jungle, the offlane or mid, because she needs the early levels to be succefull, so don't run her on duo or trilanes, if you can avoid it. If you're forced to duolane, access if you have killing potential with your teammate and in that case play aggresively; if not, concentrate on farming to get your core items asap and disrupting the enemy's farm.
The fact that she's a flexible hero also means that she can partner up with most heroes, because a heal and a slow are always nice to have. She doesn't have any special preferences though, besides from heroes like
Crystal Maiden and
Drow Ranger, which make her life easier because of their auras. If you're considering her on a full draft, try to couple her with heroes that have harder disables and even more mobility, as
Enchantress is fast but can be kited.
Extra content
Thenceforth I set myself to play
My solitary time away,
With this, and very well content
Could so mine idle life have spent;
For it was full of sport, and light
Of foot and heart, and did invite
Me to its game; it seem’d to bless
Itself in me. How could I less
Than love it? Oh, I cannot be
Unkind t’ a beast that loveth me.
Passage from The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn, by Andrew Marvell
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