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59 Votes

Not Just KFC! (Updated With Aghanim's Scepter!)

September 24, 2014 by Shutters
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yxj2017 | May 17, 2017 8:39am

it was kinda funny how you mentioned not to play Phoenix if you're new to Dota. Well, I just played my first Dota 2 match in my life with Phoenix and I won. I went 5/5/11 :p

...but thanks for the guide anyways xD
MMPH | April 12, 2016 11:37am
The first time i played him i got reported by my hole team....
But THIS GUIDE HELPED ME ALOT and its the best phoenix guide out there. 😀
GeRoCk | September 10, 2015 11:48pm
I´ve given u a thumb up because your guide is so ****ing detailed, rly great work how many weeks u needed for this o.o

Anyway the part about Oscar xD , i mean Huskar is in many cases rly good but i would also recommend a Blade Mail. I´m rly a good Huskar player almost in the Dotabuff Top 1000
pure dmg and attack speed slow isnt all u need to kill an experienced Huskar player.
But one thing i learned from your guide if its true.
If u halberd someone before he uses BKB he is still disarmed? In 3 years of Dota 2 i never had that feeling xD

Maybe u wanna read my Huskar guide Click
Shutters (2) | February 17, 2015 1:28am
Quaerenti wrote:

Would a Phoenix- Io combination work? It seems to me like Phoenix could benefit from the extra regen and such.

Not particularly. Io's Tether heals are a cool bonus, but the hero's specialty is overcharge and Phoenix is NOT an autoattacker
Quaerenti | January 27, 2015 11:17am
Would a Phoenix- Io combination work? It seems to me like Phoenix could benefit from the extra regen and such.
SnooSnoo | December 11, 2014 12:20pm
Meepo clones count as well so you might wanna add that in too.
Love the Agha combo with Undying. When you Supernova with him they enemies go 'What do we attack?! Tomb or Sun!? TOMB OR SUN!!?", then suddenly second tomb springs up lololol
Shutters (2) | September 25, 2014 9:19am
Tigerre wrote:

You've missed a very big counter to Phoenix... Visage, as his familiar's attacks count as hero attacks, so he can kill off Phoenix's ult VERY fast.

Wow I did NOT know that. Thank you for the info, I'll add it soon (A bit dumped on with college work atm).
Tigerre (4) | September 24, 2014 9:41pm
You've missed a very big counter to Phoenix... Visage, as his familiar's attacks count as hero attacks, so he can kill off Phoenix's ult VERY fast.
Tigerre (4) | August 13, 2014 2:10am
I am currently 1-1 as Phoenix, though one of the games didn't count as me and a couple of other friends made them RQ with our amazing mid- Phoenix+DPS- Nature's Prophet, he'd use Sprout I'd dive in and kill them with my ult and then Sunray XD

AAAANNNNYYYWWWAAAYYYSSSS.... The build that I use for mid is I go Bottle rush, into the obvious item choice afterwards, then I get either Tranquil Boots OR Boots of Speed and Magic Wand then Tranquil Boots, then after that I go Mekansm and then Blademail, after that early game, I get a Heart of Tarrasque or 2, then I get Radiance OR I get Pipe of Insight to help the team, but who helps teammates? NOT PUB PLAYERS, THAT'S ****ING WHO! Other than me of course :P

Shutters (2) | August 12, 2014 3:38am
Blubbles wrote:

So I noticed that none of these builds has a Bloodstone, which I buy on him every time. The HP and Mana regen is very good and since I use fire spirits a lot, as my main killer and weapon, so the mana really is needed. What do you think about this? Maybe as a situational item?

Somehow I can see some people buying a bloodstone on Phoenix. My biggest problem with it however, is that for the same price, you could be buying something else that'll serve your needs much better. A Shiva's Guard gives you enough int such that your spells aren't much of a problem to cast, and a Refresher Orb gives you great mana regen whilst having an amazing active. If you're feeling greedy, just grab a Heart of Tarrasque and blow as much spells as you want!

It's not the worst idea in the world by any means, but i don't think the regen is worth the insane price when other items fare better, and its active just kills Phoenix, which really sorta ruins the point of being an unkillable murder bird who relies on staying alive to deal enormous DPS.
Blubbles (13) | August 11, 2014 12:16pm
So I noticed that none of these builds has a Bloodstone, which I buy on him every time. The HP and Mana regen is very good and since I use fire spirits a lot, as my main killer and weapon, so the mana really is needed. What do you think about this? Maybe as a situational item?
Eon_Theory (2) | July 30, 2014 4:57pm
Brilliant and hilarious guide, made me think about trying out Phoenix and is now one of my favourite heroes (if not my favourite). Some other good allies are PA and Centaur in the offlane because you are the almighty giant flaming bird you allow PA to get early kills if coordinated with a friend which allows PA to stomp lategame. The coordination of Centaur and Phoenix is kinda self explanatory your foes are your friends. Once a Centaur lands a Hoof Stomp and Return.
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