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12 Votes

Mother loves you most (prior to 6.82c meta)

October 30, 2014 by Xr Kyuz
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Xr Kyuz | November 9, 2014 9:52am
Xr Kyuz | October 30, 2014 12:05am
MadmanDRS wrote:

The only carry who outcarrys you is void :(

Well it depends, if void manages to back track Sunder then yes, but not, praying to rngesus that you get regular crits, tb can win void too in certain circumstances
MadmanDRS (1) | September 17, 2014 7:59am
The only carry who outcarrys you is void :(
Tigerre (4) | June 25, 2014 7:30pm
Metamorphosis should be your first spell on TB, as the extra range helps get first blood with a good lane, and allows you to last hit creeps without fear of too much harrass
Xr Kyuz | February 28, 2014 12:11am
Xr Kyuz | February 7, 2014 12:08pm

I just wanted to point out that Anti-Mage isn't exactly the best hard carry in terms of damage potential: many Heroes including Faceless Void, Weaver or Medusa should be able to kill him if both are six-slotted. The point is, he can actually reach the late game before all the other Heroes, as he can farm very quickly and get a big level advantage doing so. So, you will never find an equally farmed Anti-Mage and Terrorblade unless the AM is doing bad.

Anyway, about the guide, there are two little things I don't agree with:
  • The starting items: please get more regen unless you want to be shut down early on. I usually go Tango, Healing Salve, Ring of Protection and triple Iron Branch so I don't have to buy that half-useless Poor Man's Shield (it obstructs your inventory as well, considering you would have 6 items without considering TP Scrolls before your BKB) and I can get a first-item Ring of Basilius which I really like.

  • The delay of the Helm of the Dominator: I find it very useful as a first item (after the Ring of Aquila) because, if you stack camps with Conjure Image in the laning phase, it makes farming much quicker and lets you get your Yasha in little time. Also, if you want to go BKB, I think you should either take it before the Yasha or simply skip it, since it gives more early game presence than the other item but is useless if you're planning to go full-illusion straight after it.

Okay noted, I usually get Stout Shield and Quelling Blade as my lane partner is usually the regen guy since I'm the carry in the lane. (if there is 2 carries in the lane then it might as well be ggwp)

I find you pick of helm the dominator to be pretty useful and interesting tho :D thanks for the feedback
Xr Kyuz | February 4, 2014 5:29am
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 2, 2014 12:34am

In my opinion, in a scenario where both is equally farmed, only to be fought with skills, Terror blade has the edge. Sunder requires no mana cost at full level, conjure images could easily kill off a Anti-Mage. And being ranged after Metamorphosis, terror blade would win the battle in a swift strike.

I just wanted to point out that Anti-Mage isn't exactly the best hard carry in terms of damage potential: many Heroes including Faceless Void, Weaver or Medusa should be able to kill him if both are six-slotted. The point is, he can actually reach the late game before all the other Heroes, as he can farm very quickly and get a big level advantage doing so. So, you will never find an equally farmed Anti-Mage and Terrorblade unless the AM is doing bad.

Anyway, about the guide, there are two little things I don't agree with:
  • The starting items: please get more regen unless you want to be shut down early on. I usually go Tango, Healing Salve, Ring of Protection and triple Iron Branch so I don't have to buy that half-useless Poor Man's Shield (it obstructs your inventory as well, considering you would have 6 items without considering TP Scrolls before your BKB) and I can get a first-item Ring of Basilius which I really like.

  • The delay of the Helm of the Dominator: I find it very useful as a first item (after the Ring of Aquila) because, if you stack camps with Conjure Image in the laning phase, it makes farming much quicker and lets you get your Yasha in little time. Also, if you want to go BKB, I think you should either take it before the Yasha or simply skip it, since it gives more early game presence than the other item but is useless if you're planning to go full-illusion straight after it.
Xr Kyuz | January 29, 2014 10:18am
TERRORBLADE IS COMING TO DOTA :D Following the Chinese New Year event
Yes, Yes he is. hope to play him soon. Also for the guide, maybe add a strategy for when to and how to use his skills? For example, using 3rd skill then 2nd to increase potential damage. Good guide in any respect. If you would like, please add me on steam and we could play sometime.

It's coming in a few days :D, thanks for the feed back I will add a combo skill section immediately.
Marquis Roberts | January 29, 2014 4:59am
Xr Kyuz wrote:

TERRORBLADE IS COMING TO DOTA :D Following the Chinese New Year event

Yes, Yes he is. hope to play him soon. Also for the guide, maybe add a strategy for when to and how to use his skills? For example, using 3rd skill then 2nd to increase potential damage. Good guide in any respect. If you would like, please add me on steam and we could play sometime.
Xr Kyuz | January 27, 2014 9:11pm
Asway wrote:

Great guide! Thanks a ton! I really love Terrorblades lore.

Thanks :D, do you think there is anything to be imrpoved ?
Xr Kyuz | January 27, 2014 7:49pm

Lore-wise, it is most probable that he would be released alongside Pitlord, as Valve may make the lore something like Pitlord corrupted Terrorblade or something like that. BTW good guide, the build is what i usually used in the first dota. I recommend though adding Necrolyte as an enemy as his ulti makes using your own ulti rather hard.

TERRORBLADE IS COMING TO DOTA :D Following the Chinese New Year event
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