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4 Votes

Jungle Commander

March 31, 2014 by enganacious
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Elbinac | July 28, 2014 1:08pm
It is possible to Jungle Hard camps at level 1 with double stout+Tango+1 point in Moment of Courage.
Later selling both stouts if you don't upgrade one.

Not that I'd call it a great start, but it is a potential option.
Also allows you to slip between towers and pretend you are Axe if the opportunity arises.
Map awareness would be super important though to avoid getting ganked.
PowerTime | April 1, 2014 3:24pm
I didnt said not to buy Blink Dagger
I said buy Hyperstone instead of armlet.
My general item build with Legion Commander
Is Power Treads-> Blink Dagger-> Hyperstone-> Desolator->assault cuiras
Bu t eveything is situnaitonal
This build is working for me.
I ll check my winrate and edit
26 match 80.77%wr with lc
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 1, 2014 6:50am
Well I am surprised to not see it, but a rushed maelstorm as the 1st item is always core for me, with her passive legion trigers it pretty frequently, 160 magic damage every 2 seconds is no joke.

Getting blink right of the bat after phase would help your ganking but you will need another person to damage the dueled chap which kinda beats the purpose of instant initiation.

Blink should be gotten after boots and a core item like armlet maelstorm.
Holzklotzkillah | April 1, 2014 6:41am
I want to hit anyone in the face when I see a Blink Dagger as a first purchase and the amounts of fails I've seen with this purchase order is immense. Armlet first is nearly always the way to go, as it boosts your farm capability as well as survivability during early fights. Things don't always work out as expected and engaging for early ganks with only a Dagger leaves you in a vulnerable spot. I'd rather sacrifice early positioning advantage over the ability to win ANY duel I start, even when in a sticky situation.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 1, 2014 6:28am
PowerTime wrote:

I don't really like getting blade mail until latmid-late game cause ur enemys dmg suck
Vladimor doesnt work under duel
And if u go phase boots ur attack speed is **** so i prefer hyperstone instead of armlet
U should add treads for situnatioanal items

1. A late Blade Mail is useless as, by that time, the enemy carry should already have a BKB: don't get me wrong, you can still use it when Dueling, but in teamfights it would just obstruct your inventory.
2. Hyperstone? Seriously? You could go for an Assault Cuirass, but I'd take the Blink Dagger first at least. I think Phase are fine, but maybe tread switching could help since LC's mana pool is tiny.

And about the guide:
Sando wrote:

- Butterfly is a big no-no on strength heroes, get a Heaven's Halberd instead if you want evasion.

- As a regular support player, I hate it when junglers take the pull camp. Blows my lane control, means I have to leech more xp from my carry, delays Flying Courier and next set of Observer Wards, and feeds farm/xp to the enemy offlaner. I don't jungle LC so can't comment on how necessary it is, but it's annoying whenever junglers do it.

This. And also this.
In my opinion a Heaven's Halberd is one of the best items for LC: the evasion and STR help a lot, plus being able to disarm a second enemy is priceless. Also, I'm pretty sure you can farm using medium camps exclusively (unless you have Centaurs in both camps): I remember running jungle LC before his passive was slightly changed and could jungle with two points in Moment of Courage and one in Press the Attack, so I could still max out Overwhelming Odds by level 8. I don't know if it still works though.
Sando (118) | April 1, 2014 5:56am
Overall well written guide, like the pref for Blink Dagger > Shadow Blade but there are various points I'd raise:

- Butterfly is a big no-no on strength heroes, get a Heaven's Halberd instead if you want evasion.

- As a regular support player, I hate it when junglers take the pull camp. Blows my lane control, means I have to leech more xp from my carry, delays Flying Courier and next set of Observer Wards, and feeds farm/xp to the enemy offlaner. I don't jungle LC so can't comment on how necessary it is, but it's annoying whenever junglers do it.

- You've mentioned it on the item list, but I think you should talk more about Black King Bar, it's necessary in a lot of situations.

- I think you could do to talk more about enemy heroes who can cause you problems. There are various mids/offlaners who love to chew on a jungler before the main course.

- You can also be screwed up pretty badly by jungle wards, placed right you'll only have 2 camps to work with. Your sole support (no trilanes with a jungler) is gonna really struggle to buy Sentry Wards, so you'll probably have to do it yourself or have a plan B ready.

- You can use double square brackets [ ] to highlight item/hero names, like this Legion Commander. ((Legion Commander)), but with the squares.
Rudd (3) | April 1, 2014 5:32am
You can jungle without taking away the pull camp from your support.
PowerTime | April 1, 2014 12:41am
I don't really like getting blade mail until latmid-late game cause ur enemys dmg suck
Vladimor doesnt work under duel
And if u go phase boots ur attack speed is **** so i prefer hyperstone instead of armlet
U should add treads for situnatioanal items
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 1, 2014 12:24am
Vlads is disabled while dueling, so you basicly lose lifesteal by going vlads.
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