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4 Votes

Jungle Commander

March 31, 2014 by enganacious
Comments: 9    |    Views: 144907    |   

The Jungle Commander

DotA2 Hero: Legion Commander

Hero Skills

Outfight Them! (Innate)

Overwhelming Odds

10 12 13 14

Press the Attack

2 4 8 9

Moment of Courage

1 3 5 7


6 11 16


15 17 18

Jungling Basics w/ LC

I'll skill the BS and tell you what's important.

Legion Commander can Jungle fairly quickly, by that I mean by ~6 min you'll be lvl 6 w/ Phase Boots + starting items - any tangos eaten.

Basically, you're going to eat the small/pull camp twice. Once, RIGHT, when it spawn @ 30 seconds, and again at 1 min when it spawns again. LC w/ just 1 level of MoC can clear the small camp under 30 seconds about 9/10 times. That will give you level two and from there you can generally jungle medium camps, dire side is much easier for this.

When you build Phase Boots, buy the Blades of Attack first. The reason being is the extra damage works with MoC for more lifesteal, which means you can jungle without dying. Once you have Phase Boots, your lifesteal will start giving you decent chunks of HP back, especially once MoC is lvl 3-4.

After that, it's pretty much run up to camps and right-click. You'll be able to heal off jungle creeps once you're level 7 (or higher w/ Max Moment of Courage) w/ Phase Boots + Quelling + Stout.

You've hit level 6, what now?

It's time to get some bonus damage and start snowballing. Basically just organize a gank, Phase Boots have another advantage over Treads, the active will help you run up to someone and catch a duel w/o Blink.

Once you start getting duels, provided things are going good, you should look to set them up whenever possible. The more duel wins you get, the harder you hit, simple as that.

Blink? but what about Sha...


Don't get Shadow Blade, unless you're sub-2k MMR trencher McGee.

Blink initiation w/ Duel is amazing, and the 0 mana cost is awesome for being mobile in general. It's much easier to get close, cast Press the Attack on yourself, blink and duel; than it is to do any setups with Lothar's.

You could get a Shadow Blade in addition to a Blink Dagger. But don't think Shadow Blade is a replacement. Blink + Shadow Blade would allow you to blink in and duel someone for an ez win + that all important permanent bonus damage and then invis away. But that's still likely to get countered.

Blink rules, buy it, use it, love it.

I'm not doing enough damage!

There are a number of options open to LC to buff her damage up without busting the bank, in order to do enough damage to get duel kills. The best way, before I get started, is to get duel wins. Then you don't need to buy a mid-game item, and can just focus on late game purchases and blowing up towers, which LC does very well once she has one big item.


Anywho, Armlet isn't a terrible option, but if you're eating shots or worried about your toggling skills. May not be the best option. It's amazing damage for the cost, and in the right hands is utterly destructive. However, it can bite you in the *** when RNGesus doesn't come through on lifesteal procs. So it's not entirely reliable, and that's my opinion. Nonetheless, if you're in need of a major damage output item early on, it's hard to beat the Armlet.

Blade Mail is a fairly situational option. Blade Mail can really work wonders if they have hard right-click hitting heroes on the enemy team. It gives you bonus damage, never bad. Armor, which is something LC needs, and a bit of INT which will pretty much fix any mana troubles. It's not generally going to do more damage than an Armlet, but you don't lose health by using it, and against certain heroes it will do more damage, it's also good vs teams with AoE damage like Tinker when you duel in a team-fight.

There are other options, but I feel they are generally inferior. Medallion gets a mention, even though I didn't put it on the list. But that's because you lose the Armor while it's active is up, which is a double-edge sword. LC needs armor and both Armlet and Blade Mail will give it to you while you use them in a duel. Medallion basically is just a -6 Armor to your enemy, as it negates it's own armor benefit while in use. But it's really cheap, so you might want to try it out.

Now what do I do?

Generally, Desolator -> AC or AC -> Desolator are LC's best bets.

AC gives lots of Armor, which is very important to LC, negative armor to enemies which means more damage, and attack speed; which is super-duper.

Desolator gives you lots of damage and negative armor.

The real magic is when you get them together. Then your duels become a really scary thing to just about anyone unless they are ridiculously fat.

Desolator also lets LC push towers very fast, and if you get Deso with a Medallion of Courage, you can solo Roshan provided you don't dis RNGesus and score 0 procs. Best bring a bud and just burn him down. Granted you'll have a hard time if you haven't landed any duel wins. If you've landed a lot, it'll be ez pz.

I think that Deso->AC or AC-> Deso is best once you've gotten Phase, Blink, and maybe an Armlet/Blademail/Medallion (if needed/wanted). After that, Crit and Vlad's become really attractive. Vlad's stacks with Deso and gives armor, lifesteal, base HP and mana regen, and % damage bonus (which works really good w/ LC). Crit becomes really nasty when you're getting Duel wins, because your crits will just grow bigger and bigger, and Moment of Courage can proc crits, a crit 80% lifesteal is basically full health.

Boots of Travel will need to be on the shopping list before you lose space for a TP, because that's what smart people do. Keep themselves able to TP in/out.

Late Game Options

MKB will handle evasion like PA or Broodmother and many others. MKB also hits hard so, it's a perfectly acceptable replacement for Chrysalis/Daedalus

Butterfly is a bit of an odd pick. But the attack speed, bit of armor, and evasion aren't bad. I just don't generally recommend it, but if you need evasion, it's not bad. Although Halberd gives you an active + evasion.

Abyssal will help you shutdown people who are hard to duel like Lifestealer, Troll Warlord, Slark, and many others. Decent alternative for Crit in the right situation. Bashes hurt, although thankfully (for balance purposes) MoC doesn't proc bash.

BKB is a big optional, and is honestly mid/late game. If you need a BKB, it's pretty much necessary to be successful. But LC isn't generally a BKB carry type hero, she doesn't pop BKB and just blow up teams, mostly because she's Melee. But if you're getting CC'd/nuked/etc.. get a BKB.

Halberd is another way to deal with heavy right-clickers, just disarm then duel them. The bonus STR+Damage+Slow+Evasion don't hurt either. It's definitely a good pickup in the right spot.

Mjolnir is amazing with the 6.80 buff to it's active. It turns any right clicks into creep wave clearing madness. LC is no exception. She'll already eat waves quick already, add a Mjolnir and she blows up creeps like nobody's business. It is another UAM but it honestly stacks because it only matters when lightning procs, so no worries there. Make sure you use the Active when you fight/duel, it's REALLY REALLY GOOD YO.

In closing.

That's it, GIT GUD.

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