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Ice take you!(Updated 7.00)

January 26, 2017 by eranie
Comments: 19    |    Views: 19946    |   

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The Frosto (14) | October 30, 2016 2:52am
Overall a really good guide +1

Also, I suggest you build first Arcane Boots if you are going to build an Aether Lens. This is because Arcane Boots are still good on a cm and for your team and you can than later dissassamble your Arcane Boots into the Energy Booster and the brown boots to use that Energy Booster into your Aether Lens when you have finished it.
eranie | October 30, 2016 6:07pm
Yeah i forgot. Thanks for mentioning ill add that later. Thank you for the +1. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Wulfstan (77) | October 29, 2016 12:38pm
Now back to the actual guide, I like it, it's also a bit different with maxing Frostbite first, which is perfectly fine. +1
eranie | October 30, 2016 6:04pm
Thank you. Im still working on with my build and item choice. But for the moment what ive written was what works for me since im still at the lower bracket skill. This may or may not change as time goes by. Thank you.
ChiChi (47) | October 24, 2016 4:57am
Hey eranie, welcome to Dota Fire and thanks for your guide on CM! Looking good so far :)

As it's probably obvious, I'm also a huge Crystal fan, and it's my most played hero. So I'm gonna leave you here my opinion on some stuff!

First and foremost, my skill and item build is different from yours, but I think we can always say it's because of different play styles/level of games played. In lower levels players tend to max Frostbite first, while in higher levels you only do that in very few occasions (if there is a hero with a blink ability on the enemy team for instance). Your build is at least coherent, since you max Frostbite and accordingly you get a Aether Lens. So regarding this I will only advise: try other builds too! For instance, have you ever tried my favourite one - Urn of Shadows into Glimmer Cape/ Force Staff? If you do let me know what you think; or just in advance tell me why you don't think it suits you, or any questions (for instance if you don't know why higher level players max Crystal Nova first 90% of times).

The only thing I really dislike about your guide: you say some things in a very definite tone that are not absolutely correct, in the sense that they are not right for higher level players (and ideally you want to aspire for that). For instance: there are actually more situations where maxing your Arcane Aura first is preferable to maxing Frostbite first: it really depends on your team or the enemy team's composition. Say, for instance, that you have a Storm Spirit on your team: you should most definitively max it early, as it gives him more damage/survivibility. So it's good for you to look at your choices as framed by your experience, and realize their limitations.

Other examples of this: Vladmir's Offering is really not a CM item, I don't think I've ever seen one with it/thought it would be good. Some reasons behind this are: 1) the fact that you need to survive and be close to your team to help them with the aura in teamfights - and you don't do both naturally, because you die more than the cores since you're the support and because you don't want to be in the middle of the teamfight but on the back to be useful without insta dying; 2) the fact that the items that build the item up are completely useless on CM - Ring of Basilius, Morbid Mask, Headdress, CM doesn't need any of this/doesn't give her anything of any value for the role she plays; 3) Because there are other, better items that suit CM needs more.

I think a good way for any of us to think of an item build that suits a hero is to go through a series of steps, including what your team needs too, but not only: your team maybe needs a Vlads but if the item doesn't help your hero at all then it's still gonna be a bad choice, as you want to have things that benefit both you and your team, to do your job better.

My personal list of CM needs is as follow:
1) Utility for your team;
2) Survivibility/Self Protection;
3) Mobility;
4) Damage/Disable.

In my opinion, you should try to get on her the items that fullfill the most options out of this list, hence why I dislike Aether Lens completely for instance, since it doesn't give her the 2 and 3, while giving too little 1 and 4 to make it worth. Conversily, that's why I like items like Urn of Shadows, Glimmer Cape and Force Staff, because they give her many of this advantages at the same time.

Another example of not being complete in the info given would be what you say on Glimmer Cape: "buy this if your being focused too often. Glimmer yourself before freezing field. This gives magic restance too. You can glimmer your initiator too before initiating to minimize the magic damage hell get." Right now Glimmer is considered almost core on CM, because of the versatility/utility it brings to her and her teammates. It will help you not only if you're being focused often (which you're always supposed to be, you are the first priority target of the enemy team, because you're the most easy to kill), but it also increases your survivibility in all scenarios, allows you to channel your ultimate, and can be used on every single one of your teammates to help them escape/minimize the damage they take. Btw it also doesn't interrupt channeling, so you can actually use it also during Freezing Field.

I'm known for very lenghtly comments specially regarding my beloved princess of ice, so I will end up here! :D I hope I hinted at some stuff that can help you though, and I think your guide has space for improvement while keeping your original idea - just give a look at other guides around and see what higher level players do with Crystal Maiden on Dotabuff, for instance.

eranie | October 24, 2016 8:31pm
Hello chichi chan. Thank you for this wonderful lengthy comment. I would love to play better with my favorite heroes. And hearing an advice from a veterans is a start to play better. I really dont buy vlads unless told so. Ill fix it later.hehe. and for maxing aura, yeah youre right, there were instances you want it max first, im just not comfortable to max it first.but i will keep that in mind. Aether lens is my comfort zone item so i put it in core, and when i checked out my winrate with this item a while ago, i found out its not so good after all, i always max frostbite but yeah pro plays max crystal nova most of the time. I also tried that but im just an ordinary player in lower bracket, and everyone is aggressive. But ill play her with what you taught me in your comment when playing with good friends. I always watch pro players in youtube. And i hope someday ill be good. Ill fix my guide after 50 games playing her differently. Thanks chichi.
ChiChi (47) | October 26, 2016 3:54am
@eranie, thank you too for your long and nice answer! You're into something indeed, it's always good to keep our minds open to other builds cause we never stop learning but in the end what works better for us is what we should be doing :) good luck with your games!
michimatsch (26) | October 25, 2016 6:47am
Gonna have to disagree with you hear ChiCHi.
I am in no way a pro but if you play it right a build in which you max out Frostbite can definetly work if you play it right. I love going this build and it still works in 3k.
You just have to use it to gank single targets or lock down the enemies main damage dealer.
Also: Never max Arcane Aura before having at least 5-8 skill points in your first two skills.
Even pros say that. You are basically throwing Crystal Maiden's early game overboard and then you have wasted her potential. It can be really good after you put 2 points into Crystal Nova and 4 points into Frostbite or the other way around if you prefer that.
There are cases in which just maxing the aura is good but those cases are so rare it's not even worth talking about them.

And at the end of the day it really comes down to your playstyle. I know players who reached 4k and just spammed Omniknight skilling Degen Aura, Repel and stats, maybe accompanied by one poin in their ult. Even if you follow a build that is seen as "wrong" by the community or the pros it can be "right" for you (don't just go nuts though, you would need a really good reason for your Refresher Orb , Blade Mail , Octarine Core Crystal Maiden).
It's not wrong when you look at the pros and question your builds. But don't just follow them blindly. See what works for you and keep your eyes open for other possibilities, you will just slowly adapt your build into the right direction at some point.
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