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7 Votes

How many blades am i holding up?

May 17, 2014 by ThreadOfFate
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ThreadOfFate (14) | May 19, 2014 10:25am
Timminatorr wrote:

I think that a good way to play him is with a good 5 man push hero in the midlane.
Some good ones could be viper or alchemist, or if you want FULL ON KOREAN 5 MAN PUSH!! A necrophos.
Let the midlaner build a mekanism, and just walk up to their towers as a team and DARE them to fight you. When they do own them with massive sustain becouse of heals and wreck them with ommnislash.

So i would argue that healing ward is his best skill and the main reason why you should pick him, and as a result you should ofc max it.

And ill try to sound nicer guys, maybe a part of it is that often when i react to things, its early in the morning and im on my way to school. :P

Healing Ward IS, arguably, Juggernaut's best skill.

Timminatorr (57) | May 19, 2014 7:47am
I think that a good way to play him is with a good 5 man push hero in the midlane.
Some good ones could be viper or alchemist, or if you want FULL ON KOREAN 5 MAN PUSH!! A necrophos.
Let the midlaner build a mekanism, and just walk up to their towers as a team and DARE them to fight you. When they do own them with massive sustain becouse of heals and wreck them with ommnislash.

So i would argue that healing ward is his best skill and the main reason why you should pick him, and as a result you should ofc max it.

And ill try to sound nicer guys, maybe a part of it is that often when i react to things, its early in the morning and im on my way to school. :P
Yzreel (30) | May 19, 2014 7:21am
Timminatorr wrote:

Im cursed, everytime i type something it makes me look like im mad. But im not, im really nice trust me. ;_;

To be honest Tim, that's what I thought when I first joined dotafire and saw your comments going around hurting people XD. However, now I know that you are not THAT bad, quite a good guy actually (now don't go flattering yourself)

As for the guide, I kind of agree with most of it, but I'll share how I sometimes play Juggernaut. I like getting Ring of Aquila early on as an alternative to Poor Man's Shield because it gives you the armor and stats you need to survive, much alike to Poor Man's Shield. However, Ring of Aquila also provides mana regeneration and all stats, when paired with Magic Wand gives Juggernaut capability to cast Healing Ward and Blade Fury whenever need unsparingly (I can even harass with Blade Fury in most games). As soon as you have Perseverance or Soul Booster it practically gives you enough mana to do anything you want, anytime you need.

However, let's not forget the aura. Tim has a great point on saying Juggernaut's potential as an early pusher. I usually pick Healing Ward in level 2, skipping stats because I have enough with Ring of Aquila and Magic Wand, sometimes also level 4 when needed. This way, when you are pushing with Healing Ward, you can activate Ring of Aquila's aura, and make the creeps even harder to kill. Oh, and I normally get to Maelstorm as soon as possible (after Ring of Aquila, Magic Wand, and Phase Boots), then getting Aghanim's Scepter for the stats and +750 damage (early on it hurts. A lot.) After Aghanim's Scepter, proceed with some luxury items or finish Mjollnir first as you see fit.
Timminatorr (57) | May 19, 2014 5:28am
ThreadOfFate wrote:

Ty for clearing that up for me :). I usually pick Juggernaut because I find his attack animation great for last hitting, though i'm sure that's just me. Of course I would LIKE kills in my lane, but that's just an added bonus. I realise that he is only a semi carry at best, but again that's just opinion.

Also, if I hadn't seen you around Dotafire often, I would say you were a flamer. But I respect your opinion on most things and atleast decided to give thought to your comment. No hard feeings ;)

Im cursed, everytime i type something it makes me look like im mad. But im not, im really nice trust me. ;_;
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 19, 2014 4:47am
JACKAZZ234 wrote:

The guide has depth. The issue is it's a bit messy which makes things confusing, try separating things into different chapters more

Aha, Jackazz. Welcome to my guide :P.
I would gladly do so if I knew what to separate them into.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 19, 2014 4:42am
Timminatorr wrote:

My problem is with the reason why people pick juggernaut.
A lot of people do becouse they want to make kills happen in their lane, but no one ever picks gyro for that reason, even though he is much better at almost everything a carry should offer to his team.
So the main reason to pick juggernaut is as i described, to push. My problem with this in pubs is that you need an organised push, preferably with extra creeps from chen or prophet. But its really hard to organise this in pubs, and this guide doesnt cover his role and what he does best.
Playing him as a standard carry is a waste of your carry position.

Ty for clearing that up for me :). I usually pick Juggernaut because I find his attack animation great for last hitting, though i'm sure that's just me. Of course I would LIKE kills in my lane, but that's just an added bonus. I realise that he is only a semi carry at best, but again that's just opinion.

Also, if I hadn't seen you around Dotafire often, I would say you were a flamer. But I respect your opinion on most things and atleast decided to give thought to your comment. No hard feeings ;)
JACKAZZ234 | May 18, 2014 10:41pm
The guide has depth. The issue is it's a bit messy which makes things confusing, try separating things into different chapters more
Timminatorr (57) | May 18, 2014 1:47am
My problem is with the reason why people pick juggernaut.
A lot of people do becouse they want to make kills happen in their lane, but no one ever picks gyro for that reason, even though he is much better at almost everything a carry should offer to his team.
So the main reason to pick juggernaut is as i described, to push. My problem with this in pubs is that you need an organised push, preferably with extra creeps from chen or prophet. But its really hard to organise this in pubs, and this guide doesnt cover his role and what he does best.
Playing him as a standard carry is a waste of your carry position.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 15, 2014 11:54pm
Timminatorr wrote:

personally i think that jugger is **** in pubs unless you get fed and get a really early aghanims.
bladefury is really overrated, becouse it is outclassed SOOOOO hard by gyro's rocket barrage, and gyro also provides more constant threat in the midgame and is much better lategame.

you can use him as a sort of 'semi offlaner'. maybe when you have 2 roaming supports who occasionally join him in the lane, and gank other lanes forcing their supports to leave, giving you room to farm.
against most dual lanes he is also fine, becouse his spin can evade most spells.
so in pubs the best way to use him is probably solo against a dual lane, so you have some other carries who can provide consistant damage, and use the healing ward to push hard.

the competetive way to play him is with a soul ring and healing ward, none of those stats and skipping the ward shenanigans. couple him with some summons and pushpushpush.

Wait no I get what you mean now. However, just because there is one ability that is slightly more useful doesn't mean that blade fury is overrated. That's like saying Dragon Knight is useless because Ether Shock is better than Breathe Fire.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 15, 2014 7:53am
Timminatorr wrote:

becouse it is outclassed SOOOOO hard by gyro's rocket barrage, and gyro also provides more constant threat in the midgame and is much better lategame.

Why do you assume I'm playing vs Gyrocopter?
I do agree with most of what you're saying, but **** in pubs? Pubs is the only place he'll actually see a lot of play. Any professional team or even ranked matchmaking would rather not use him.
Timminatorr (57) | May 15, 2014 5:34am
personally i think that jugger is **** in pubs unless you get fed and get a really early aghanims.
bladefury is really overrated, becouse it is outclassed SOOOOO hard by gyro's rocket barrage, and gyro also provides more constant threat in the midgame and is much better lategame.

you can use him as a sort of 'semi offlaner'. maybe when you have 2 roaming supports who occasionally join him in the lane, and gank other lanes forcing their supports to leave, giving you room to farm.
against most dual lanes he is also fine, becouse his spin can evade most spells.
so in pubs the best way to use him is probably solo against a dual lane, so you have some other carries who can provide consistant damage, and use the healing ward to push hard.

the competetive way to play him is with a soul ring and healing ward, none of those stats and skipping the ward shenanigans. couple him with some summons and pushpushpush.
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 15, 2014 5:17am
FleetAU wrote:

I kinda disagree with this, with an early point in healing ward and a couple of clarities jug can quite easily handle the offlane, he is impossible to lock down with spin making you magic immune. Much improved guide mate sense I last looked, vote changed, I think the item build needs to made clearer, battlefury for example is kinda situational if at all. Also this might be just me but I get Blink Dagger on him sometimes, helps chasing down heroes e.g. blink, spin on him. Also you can initiate a fight with blink-blade dance, maybe a situational

Yes, that is possible but if you're versing a tri-lane, you will get 0 farm and if they have say a Sniper your clarities will just go poof. Really there are much better options, plus if you get caught out with spin on cooldown then your screwed. Just saying. there are much better options.
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