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Heroes and their potential counters

December 26, 2012 by the_dark_shade
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Counter-picking heroes

This has become a strategy to pick a hero after someone picks so that you can pick a counter to that hero in that game and have an advantage. Counter-picking works most of the times but sometimes doesn't work when you are really countered by the opponent with their better game plan and good team combination. Basically you cant counter a good team work with good heroes but you also need a good team work with your heroes to defeat the opponents.
Anyway i am going to list some of the heroes and their possible counters below so that you can decide if you want to pick some hero to counter them.

heroes and counters (mostly carries)

1. Lifestealer looks really scary on the ground,its definitely hard to go against him, his obvious counter item is Manta Style as he is a single target hero and you can kite him down.Another counter to him are the heroes like Naga Siren Phantom Lancer Chaos Knightwith lot of illusions and have Diffusal Blade; the Diffusal Blade burns all of his mana and renders him useless on the field. Ghost Scepter also prevents him from attacking you for 4 seconds which gives you enough time to go back to other heroes for support

2. The same type of strategy goes for Ursa. Single target hero so Manta Style confuses him and heroes like Naga Siren Phantom Lancer Chaos Knight are easy counters for him.

3. Sven is another monster in the battle field, he cleaves down most of the heroes easily. It definitely needs some kiting and skills to stomp him down. Counter hero to him are Lone Druid Bane Faceless Void Shadow Demon. Other heroes like Ursa and Lifestealer with some mind games can easily counter him. Gyrocopter with good kiting skills can easily get him down.

4. Riki doesn't have particular counters because any proper carry or nuker can get him down with Gem of True Sight, Sentry Ward, Dust of Appearance and even the ultimate of Slardar and Bounty Hunter can give vision of him.

5. Phantom Lancer is another strong hero who is hard to stop if he gets a decent farm and not enough death in the early stages of game. Heroes like Tiny with Aghanim's Scepterand Earthshaker can stop him in mid or late game. Tiny with equal amounts of farm as Phantom Lancer can actually outcarry him easily. Sven and Kunkka are other two heroes whose cleave effect really puts Phantom Lancer in trouble and its obvious counters.

6. Templar Assassin is a really good mid hero who can really dominate mid lane and runes easily. Early ganks and everything goes in her teams favour easily. The only advantage she has is that she is strong in early and mid game but this phase of her can also be stopped by Pudge who can go mid against her and an unconventional mid Axe can really give her hard time and often kill her mid with the Battle Hunger. Templar Assassin 's advantage is that she has the shield called Refraction but the purge effect from Diffusal Blade removes this buff and she becomes easy pray later.

7. Chaos Knight is another single target hero who can take down opponents easily. A really good Sven is the best counter to Chaos Knight and other descent counters include Tiny Earthshaker Kunkka . Outworld Destroyer can also be a problem as he deals 400 % extra damage on illusions

8. Naga Siren is another good carry with image and potential nuke which lowers armour. Tiny is the best counter while Sven can cleave the hell out of her. Nukes from Earthshaker can also leave her helpless in battle field with no illusions. The option to counter her is to just run around until her images get over. It's easy as i am saying but not that easy with her net Ensnare coming for you.
When a Naga Siren is there as your opponent its obvious she is gonna Ensnare you from far and take at least 1-2 sec to come up to you,but if you have Force Staff you can move 600 distance again and waste her 1-2 sec more to come upto you. By this strategy you can avoid at least 3-4 sec of her Ensnare and the Ensnare time she has is of 5 sec when maxed to the most.So her auto attack for 1 or 2 sec wont kill you and you can run from her.
This is a good idea as i was trolled like this by the opponent team when i farmed with Naga Siren so much but cant get to the heroes as 3 out of the 5 opponents had Force Staff which really irritated me.

9. Skeleton king is another pain if he farms up but his obvious counter is Anti-Mage who burns his mana and the item Diffusal Blade really stops him from respawning. But a clever skeleton king would keep a Magic Wand and Soul Ring to save his life. whatever the situation is you should be ready to kill him twice.

10. Anti-Mage is also another hard carry but his early game should go really well or else he is just a piece of cake. Though he has magic resistance, his low hp is a downfall for him and his strength gain is significantly low. therefore he is easy pick early game but he can still run away.

AXE as a counter

Your text to link here... This is the link to the guide to that fierce early game axe....
Level 6 Axe with nothing other than the initial starting item can counter these heroes easily with the level 3 Battle Hunger build and 2 levels of Counter Helix and 1 level Culling Blade can kill them. The heroes who are prone to die are... Anti-Mage Phantom Lancer Phantom Assassin Weaver Templar Assassin Luna Bounty Hunter. >>> the trick goes in this way---you have to initiate with Battle Hunger if the hero is not close their tower which would put the hero in two minds whether to back up or kill a creep. This mind game would help you. If you see him coming close to deny or last hit; just right click on the hero which would put all the creeps after you resulting in Counter Helix damaging the hero as well as killing your opponent creeps. If you see his hit point going down you can Culling Blade him.This would instantly kill him or get him to low hp. If he is on low hp that moment he would run away for sure and you just need to chase him for the time your cooldown for Battle Hunger is up and you can place it on him and guarantee that you would get the kill by the time he reaches back to base..... remember when you are level 6 jungle Axe the opponent maybe 5 or level 6 and he wont keep a Town Portal Scroll for sure.

Some general counters

1.All the nukers and disablers become useless for at least 10 seconds when an opponent carry buys Black King Bar and this 10 seconds are more than enough to get him down for a carry.
2. Lifestealer is pretty good counter to all tanky heroes like Centaur Warrunner Treant Protector slarder Axe Pudge doom bringer Undying Ogre Magi clockwork and many more who tend to become high hp heroes with Heart of Tarrasque.

If you want me to list more counters just comment and i will update it with its counter. I would love to have feedback and any of your suggestions.....hope you pick counters and win but remember counter-picking doesn't win you game; its about better teamplay and team composition. ...............I think you will like it when you play.............

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