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11 Votes

Heroes and their potential counters

December 26, 2012 by the_dark_shade
Comments: 20    |    Views: 95921    |   

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Hamstertamer (89) | February 28, 2014 9:53pm
I agree with everything except with Tiny being a counter to PL and Naga. I play PL and Naga a lot and I never considered Tiny to be anything more than food. He has a good nuke combo, but he's not a carry. Essentially if you can tank his combo (you just need heart for that), then you can kill him easily. With a 0.9 agility gain and a 50 attack speed penalty, he has absolutely no attack speed and this alone makes him a terrible carry. He needs at least 3 items to have cleave + decent attack speed (e.g agha + Mjollnir + AC). Give the same kind of farm to a PL and he can probably solo your entire team :)
Xr Kyuz | January 26, 2014 8:33pm
Add more heroes, this guide has really opened my mind
dota2cp | April 9, 2013 6:21pm
I'd like to announce a new Dota2 Counter-Pick tool at based on statistics of recent games in the high skill bracket, not user opinions. It calculates your chance to win based on team composition, suggests picks and bans. My friends use it for every match they play and they win more often. Try it out!
the_dark_shade (1) | January 2, 2013 4:53pm
sheeptudor wrote:

1 earthshock won't use up all his mana...

diffusal will rip him off mana..................
sheeptudor | December 30, 2012 10:13pm
1 earthshock won't use up all his mana...
the_dark_shade (1) | December 30, 2012 6:55pm
sheeptudor wrote:

Can't Ursa just use his first to show which one is the real one by looking at the hp differnces since illusions take more damage?

he is gonna send illusions first.....if he uses it will be on illusions and by the time main hero comes with other illusions no mana will be left
sheeptudor | December 30, 2012 2:52pm
Can't Ursa just use his first to show which one is the real one by looking at the hp differnces since illusions take more damage?
the_dark_shade (1) | December 27, 2012 12:52pm
Awais wrote:

Heres how i would lay this out taking into consideration i'd frequently update it with new suggestions

- items
-> Manta: Multiply targets firstly increases damage and allows a hero to kite him
-> Ghost Scepter: Prevents physical damage and naix is 99.99% damage
-> Diffusual: Slows naix rendering him useless as he cannot move to deal damage.
- Hero
-> Choas knight, Naga Sire, Phantom lancer; the abilitiy to summon illusions increases their damage and allows the hero to kite.

SCRUBDESTROYER (1) | December 27, 2012 12:29pm
Also Zeus's ultimate reveal Riki but takes no damage.
On: Helpful guide.
Awais (1) | December 27, 2012 11:53am
Heres how i would lay this out taking into consideration i'd frequently update it with new suggestions

- items
-> Manta: Multiply targets firstly increases damage and allows a hero to kite him
-> Ghost Scepter: Prevents physical damage and naix is 99.99% damage
-> Diffusual: Slows naix rendering him useless as he cannot move to deal damage.
- Hero
-> Choas knight, Naga Sire, Phantom lancer; the abilitiy to summon illusions increases their damage and allows the hero to kite.
the_dark_shade (1) | December 27, 2012 11:15am
Wulfstan wrote:

I want both.And that means that I either kill or I just come up when I am sure I can kill.

ok bro....this shows how selfish you are
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