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I am sick and tired of jungling Legion Commanders. Here, I'm gonna tell you you've been doing it wrong every time.
The amount of games I've seen in pubs where your early game falls apart because your Legion Commander jungle doesn't help at all, gets first item
Hand of Midas, and flames the team because we're getting destroyed by roaming supports while he farms his
Shadow Blade in the jungle totally oblivious is infuriating.
Legion is first and fore most, a MID hero. By far the best place to put Legion is in the midlane. You want to max Overwhelming Odds, first, get early levels and GANK lanes and snowball! You gain damage by fighting and using
Duel so it makes sense that you want to get involved and not farm for ages.
Legion should never be your main carry. Legion is not a hard carry. Legion is a DISABLER. Your role in fights is to duel that Phoenix before he can use
Supernova, that
Enigma before he uses
Black Hole, or whichever hero on the enemy team is a menace and needs to be controlled.
I'm not saying you can't jungle with Legion, but I think you should do it only when you have, say, a solo safelaner, a strong early game mid, NOT Medusa, and an active duel offlane with a mobile support. Even then, you should leave the jungle AS SOON AS you have
Duel and a
Blink Dagger. And yes. Get BLINK. NOT shadow blade.
I have to say, I am struggling to think of any mid laners who Legion Commander would struggle against. In fact, I didn't think I would be saying this but I think Legion is quite possibly one of the best mid heroes in that game. I have only started playing Legion mid fairly recently but I can't remember losing while doing it.
Let's consider some match-ups with standard mid heroes.
- Invoker - you should be fine.
Overwhelming Odds destroys Forge Spirits if he goes
Exort, and you can zone him out with that spell as well. Also, you can purge
Cold Snap with press the attack so you should be fine. Also
Invoker is one of those mid heroes who barely leaves lane, so you will be ganking all over the place, racking up duel damage while he farms his
Hand of Midas and
Orchid Malevolence while the rest of his team is having a miserable time.
- Puck -
Overwhelming Odds comes down far too fast for him to have any chance of dodging it, and
Duel is one of Puck's worst nightmares.
- Sniper -
Overwhelming Odds has a very large radius and will melt him. Also, when you get a
Blink Dagger, he might as well call 'gg wp ff' because he has no chance.
- Pudge - are you kidding? I could beat
Pudge mid on
Omniknight, it's such a bad mid hero.
- Templar Assassin - slightly harder, make sure you don't use your Q against
Refraction, but now that it's visible, and
Overwhelming Odds drop like a hammer you should be able to hit it every time.
- Viper - Viper is probably one of the mid heroes I wouldn't feel too great about going up against. But again you really should still be OK.
Basically, the reason Legion is so good mid is that Overwhelming Odds is one of the best spells in the game - a mini
Echo Slam with low cooldown and mana cost with a huge movement speed boost afterwards as well - and because
Press the Attack not only heals you but provides a purge and a fantastic attack speed boost. Also, Legion has a great attack animation, strong starting damage, high HP, and has VERY high base movement speed.
Duel is quite a good spell, let's be honest, very good, in fact.
Legion is a brilliant pick against high mobility heroes. Pick [Legion Commander if they pick things like Storm Spirit and
Timbersaw. Timber is getting picked an awful lot of the time now in 6.88, so get a duel on him and stop him bouncing around for a while.
- Legion is a no-nonsense hero. Legion is fantastic against heroes that are hard to isolate and hit, like Puck, carries like
Spectre, and in particular
Phantom Lancer, and also against heroes that need to press a lot of buttons - magic damage dealers.
- Also, like I said a bit earlier, Legion is brilliant against heroes that revolve around using certain spells at certain moments like Phoenix and
Legion isn't too great against heroes that don't really have to worry about pressing many buttons in fights.
- Carries like Sven don't care too much about Legion because they just press r and hit things. Also heroes like
Death Prophet who just use their ult and walk around a bit don't mind too much about standing in the same place for a little while. Although Legion with
Blade Mail will melt
Death Prophet so that's one counter that isn't actually a counter.
- Supports like Shadow Demon are your biggest enemy, I would say. Those heroes who can save their ally or ruin the duel are the things you need to watch out for, mainly.
- Also, know which heroes have Linken's Sphere on the enemy team. Don't waste duel.
I discussed this mostly in the second section, but I'll summarise here.
- Overwhelming Odds. Max this spell first. Very damage, such movement speed, wow.
- Press the Attack. Max next. Good heal, purges things, always be thinking about who on your team you can help out by using it on them. Purges stuns. Use it before duel - duh.
- Moment of Courage. You won't be jungling so you can max this later.
- Duel. Skill whenever.
Pretty simple huh?
Start off with whatever you like, I assume you know something about DOTA to have found your way here.
I think I've said what I needed to. It suffices to say that Legion Commander is not a safelaner, is a decent jungler, but really excels in the midlane. If you have any doubts about this guide then lemme know, but try this out once, even if it's unranked - I think you'll change your mind.
Til next time, see ya.
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