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But its good guide on how to play him.add some friends and foes section also sending legion mid against some enemy is a suicide magnus,viper,ta,clinkz,skilled puck/invoker will trash legion.i remember a game where i gone ursa mid and roshed lvl 4 then i proceed to butcher poor legion until he rageqit.god forbid if you send me legion mid and i m magnus.i will trash him from min 1 and piss on him in every teamfight also linken bkb as my core will destroy him.blink on legion is better than shadowblade no doubt.she is easy to counter with axe,timber,sven,sb,or any initator with stun and disable.blademail makes her walking creep.
best build for her is blink boots blademail bkb curias basher etc. but core are allweuss blink and bkb without it she is realy ussless
I almost always got flamed by going mid with lc, but really, just do it. Lc can perfectly own most lineups and when hitting 6 killing the enemy mid or another sidelaner is just to easy. I think it is a waist to let her jungle since she has such a devastating laning presence.
Gj for creating a midguide, the real way to play lc