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To me this seems like a horrifically expensive build because whenever I play void I have no other carries on my team and if I am lucky I get MoM and Battle Fury before we lose.
You couldn't have contraddicted yourself more: no carries mean more room for you to farm and early aggression from your supports/ganker to deter enemy teamfights. Getting a BF in ~16:30 minutes, especially if your team has already destroyed a tier 1 tower, is a pretty standard time; adding up a Midas slows it down and, in turn, makes you lose ~5 minutes of quick farm in which you could've got half a BKB or Maelstrom. I myself can get a BF by 16 minutes and a Manta by 25 on
About the
The starting items are definitely too greedy (
Text walls abound, could use some formatting...
I don't know about getting both a
Also, I don't like