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First and foremost, a complete boss. This guy has it all. When you see his non-face, there's not a thing that you would change, because he's amazing, just the way he is. He pretty much has had sex with every other hero in Dota, after all, he's one of the hardest carries in the game, and that adjective applies not only to his skillset but also to what's under that HUGE loincloth. Io? Been there done that (consequently Io is one of the most sexually underrated heroes in the game, if only because of his huge ball).
Drow Ranger? His most recent one-night stand.
Anti-Mage? Claimed by Void's sorcery nightly. But he's multifaceted--he's adopted two kids, and he's a great father. Makes sure to take them to museums and gets involved in the PTA. He also takes an active role in community service and just last week finished constructing a shelter for the ancient-less. But all this good work doesn't detract at all from his sense of humor--he occasionally does stand-up at a local nightclub, and is well-known for his prank of Chronosphere-ing someone and leaving their hair un-chronoed, so they have to get a haircut and also all their friends are dead when they wake up--hilarious! He also is known for taking a stand for civil rights--he attends pride parades with his trophy wife Anti-Mage and is a proud member of the NAACP (since he is a purple colored person).
Keep in mind that Void is an extremely good anti-carry because of Chronosphere and perma-bash. He's especially good against evasive heroes like Windrunner and PA (yes I said Windrunner deal with it) because
Chronosphere disables evasion and invisible glass cannons like
Riki and
Clinkz because
Chronosphere disables invisibility. Note that Panda's debuff, Troll's W, and other similar spells are NOT dispelled in Chrono so you might still need an MKB, which is also good for Windrunner or PA outside of Chrono. He's not so great against int spellcasters, although most carries are good against them, because he's a bit of a glass cannon and a disable in a teamfight stops him getting chrono off entirely. He also needs good lane support, as well as positioning spells to get off a good chrono. His laning is weak, so good lane supports are great, as are disablers that let you get kills, and mid gankers help too. Given these particular strengths:
Pick Faceless Void if you have these heroes or other ones like them::
Lich (great lane support as well as imba ult synergy)
Jakiro (not quite as good at lane support but also provides brokenness when you combine ults)
Disruptor (great positioning skills as well as yet another broken combo with his w and your Chrono)
Crystal Maiden
Keeper of the Light
Storm Spirit
Troll Warlord (most broken combo ever because you get so much bash from his ult)
You are definitely going to be the team's #1 carry and so your other heroes should probably have a strong early and mid game. Avoid picking Faceless Void if you have heroes like this on your team:
Phantom Lancer
You're one of the best anti-carries in the game. If the enemies have heroes reliant on their right-clicks, instead of spells or survivability, pick Void. Agility carries often have good escapes that Chronosphere negates. Here are some examples:
Drow Ranger
Phantom Lancer
If the enemies have strong tanks, Void is usually a pretty good pick, but beware against Centaur Warrunner ,
Axe, and
Tiny, since their passives will be very effective against you since you stack attack speed more than other carries because of your bash. Void is a pretty bad pick against a disable-heavy team. I build him very tanky against physical damage, but you're still vulnerable to magic damage and disables prevent you from Chrono-ing, and you can get blown up pretty fast if disabled physically as well as magically.
Avoid picking Faceless Void if the enemies have heroes like:
Storm Spirit
Skywrath Mage
Lina (though it is fun to backtrack Laguna Blade if you get lucky)
Time Walk--Great skill, basically a better blink balanced by a much longer cooldown and higher manacost. It has more range, and it also slows enemies you cross, making this great for kills at all times, especially solo kills where you don't want to waste Chrono.
Backtrack--Probably the most hated skill in the game after Blink. You can dodge Laguna Blade with this. Increases your ehp against all damage and gives 51% evasion against physical damage when stacked with Butterfly. Doom is the only way to stop this skill, not even hexes or stuns do. This DOES NOT dodge secondary effects of skills like damaging stuns, so beware.
Time Lock--Arguably a more important skill than
Chronosphere since it gives you near perma-bash lategame, has no cooldown, and lets you solo kill a group of two or three enemies without help or
Chronosphere. This skill is why I build for max attack speed (note: max attack speed is 500, this build gives you 460, since that is enough to lock someone down and allows you to have other useful itmes as well).
Chronosphere--Possibly the best ult in the game, especially since bashes do double damage under it. Use this in teamfights for easy rampages. Note that you don't need to get their carries, especially if they're melee, since you can kill them afterwards and they can't kill you, but disablers can ruin your chrono with a good disable, so get them instead and kill them first. Void is an anti-carry, very easily killed by spellcasters, but practically immune to carries. Get their disablers and magic nukers in the chrono and kill them. If you didn't use
Time Walk first then you can catch up to the carries; otherwise, just try to run after them. NOTE: this pauses buildings, so don't worry about diving to secure a kill with it early, and this also lets you get easy fountain rampages which is always fun.
Obviously your skill build will vary greatly. I've included 4 main ones.
The first is your ideal skill build. You max bash first, getting Chronosphere whenever you can, and then time walk to maximize early kills. This should only be used if you have absolute freefarm and are against a solo offlane (never do this against duals lanes).
The most common one (especially in pubs) helps get kills early but is much safer. If you have farm ranging from 25 to 50 lasthits at 10 minutes and you are a dual lane vs dual lane, use this. You max Time Lock for kills, but grab backtrack next for harass, then get time walk.
Next is a lane with good farm that has a heavy ganking lineup, such as a Storm Spirit or
Nyx Assassin in the mid lane. You get all three skills about equally to get a combination of good escapability, killing potential, and harass immunity.
The last is for a bad lane (under 25 lasthits by 10 minutes). Max backtrack and time walk for the maximum chance of staying alive.
I personally find my item build is much less variable than my skill build. I have four slots for which the items are pretty much constant except for very rare cases, and the other two I vary between ten or so items depending on the situation.
Starting Items:
Quelling Blade. I include this for a few reasons. If you are in a dual-lane vs dual-lane situation, your opponent might try to deny you lasthits. This ensures they can't because your high base damage combines with the Quelling blade to make it impossible to deny you. It also makes lasthits under tower much easier, so stacking and pulling will pay off more. If you get only a few lasthits you would missed otherwise it more than pays off, so get it at the start.
Stout Shield. Helps you take less creep damage and makes you less vulnerable to harass. I usually skip the upgrade though.
Tangos. Basic regen. Ferry yourself more tangoes or a salve if you need them. If possible, try to have your support buy two salves, one of which is for you, but don't expect it, since it is a pretty greedy request.
Lane Items:
Hand of Midas. This should be your first item unless you have a bad lane and need lots of extra regen. I think this item is almost required on Void, since the farm and level advantage is extremely helpful and the attack speed is great in Chrono as well.
Ring of Health. This item is basically a continuous tango and so you finish it as soon as your regen runs out. Get it after your treads if you have a harass-free lane, which is rare, so plan on getting this first usually.
Power Treads. You will finish these next. The attack speed and movespeed are great (38 attack speed on agi treads, almost as much as a
Manta Style), but you'll keep these on strength unless you're going for a kill to hopefully avoid dying to surprise ganks from heroes like
Nyx Assassin.
After this you'll finish your Battle Fury. Why two farming items? Because Void needs to have 4 slots filled with his main items to be even remotely effective, so two farming items pay off. Plus
Battle Fury is not only a farming item, which is why I include it in your 6-slotted build. If you get a 4-man chrono, it brings your damage output to 100+35*3=205% of what it would be without cleave. You also really need the health regen for farming the jungle and the mana regen is helpful to always have mana for
Time Walk and Chrono, and to
Time Walk between jungle camps, making your farm faster.
Next I usually pick up Butterfly. This item makes you much better against physical damage (increasing your anti-carry capabilities) and gives huge attack speed and damage, and even some armor.
After this I usually get Assault Cuirass. With its
Hyperstone, your attack speed becomes more than enough to solo-kill someone with just the slow from Time Walk. The armor aura also softens your opponents and makes you quite tanky against physical damage.
Next get a Mjollnir. This is the last item I get almost every game, after this it's much more situational. You should have sold your
Quelling Blade and
Stout Shield by now, and should probably sell your hand of midas as well at this point, especially if you want to make room for an aegis of the immortal after soloing rosh (which you can do with only your battle fury, treads, butterfly, and a hyperstone).
Your next items are a little more up to the situation. I usually go Manta Style for the 41 attack speed and to help you get out of disables, as well as for confusion purposes. Other viable options are damage ones like
Daedalus or MKB, or items you need for a specific purpose (MKB for enemies with evasion, Manta for enemies with Silence, BKB for magic-heavy team, etc).
Some people like selling Power Treads for
Boots of Travel. I personally tend to not, because you lose 38 attack speed, but if the game goes SUUUUPER late and you need to constantly alternate between defending pushes and starting them then it's worth it. If you rosh late in the game let a better base defender have the Aegis, because if you have all six items you really have no excuse for dying and should give it to someone more vulnerable.
Mask of Madness I see this on so many Voids it's not funny. Yes, it gives you 100 extra attack speed. But the problem is that sometimes it doesn't do that. You don't want Void to be effective only half the time. Plus the attack speed makes you more vulnerable to damage. So it's only really viable if it's off cooldown and you get a 5-man chrono. The main problem with this item is that it's a mid game item, and Void is not a mid game hero. If you want to go for
Mask of Madness, you'll eventually sell it to make room for either better lifesteal or better attack speed (or both). The lifesteal doesn't help anyway, since a mid game Void hits like wet tissue--the only source of damage he has is 140 magical per bash, damage that grants no lifesteal, in his Chronosphere. This ends up being a waste of 1000 gold (if you sell it) and makes you more likely to die while securing few kills, if any.
Aghanim's Scepter Yes, an extra second of disable is great. But you don't really need it. By the time Void can carry effectively, Chronosphere doesn't need to last much longer than 2 or 3 seconds to kill the every hero you've caught in it. The stats are OK but pale in comparison to other items you can get (for example,
Manta Style gives the exact same stats with more agility, and a great active for only 1000 gold more).
Refresher Orb See previous entry. You don't need more than two or three seconds of chonrosphere to kill every single hero you caught in it lategame. So why you would spend 5300 gold for a 10-second disable for which you don't even have enough mana to carry out safely is beyond me.
You should take the safelane (Radiant bottom, Dire top) with support--preferably a trilane, though that's never going to happen in a normal pub so just try to get a good lane support so you can handle a 2v2. If the enemies have mostly melee heroes then it will be very helpful. Early game, try to have enough mana for Time Walk, unless you just got a kill with
This is a difficult part to accept. You are the game's second or third hardest carry ([perhaps after Syllabear and Medusa). You need gold more than anyone on your team does. So basically you must be blatant and deliberate in stealing every single kill you can that is near your lane. Using Chronosphere for this purpose is totally acceptable before 20 minutes. Your allies will hate you. It doesn't matter.
In the same vein, make sure to get tower lasthits. If you aren't used to this, practice in a lobby! I usually stop autoattacking when the tower is about 10% health, then press the s key and click on the tower to see its health. Look at the rate it descends and try to extrapolate as to when your attack will land. These will give you 200 gold, the same as a creep wave, so they're very important to get.
Lategame, as I said before, Chrono the enemy's disablers. You can manfight two or three carries if you feel like it, because you have Butterfly,
Time Lock, backtrack, and
Assault Cuirass. Just get those disablers out of the way first because they will absolutely destroy you.
Have a good time getting rampages! I hope you enjoyed the guide (actually I don't really care if you enjoyed it because it will in no way affect anyone if you enjoyed it or not). Thanks for reading!
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