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7 Votes

Devil's Playground

May 2, 2014 by Hi-Breed
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Rudd (3) | December 18, 2013 10:46am
Clarity to use healing ward implies you will have to completely get out of the lane to do it, since a smart support will cancel your Clarity with an autoattack.
Hi-Breed (3) | December 13, 2013 7:24am
samukobo wrote:

The regen issue is right though, Tangos are hardly enough, especially when the opponent know what they're doing and 2 Clarities would only be valid if you're spamming your Q - you shouldn't, unless you'll be getting a kill.

Actually the Clarityes are for 2 Healing Wards that can heal you (AND your lane partner) for 50-75% over 25 seconds, which heal you for 265-398 HP (assuming you heal the 530 initial HP, which almost never happens) that's somewhat au-pair with a Healing Salve, although for 3 times slower (but for half the price and put another minute on top of that for the Clarity MP regen).

So you should use it under the 1400 XP range of creep line but outside the enemies' range (which should average at 600, some being at most 900).

But it works even when farming (aside for the Clarity), if you place it a bit to the back of the creep line, such that you're still in healing range but it's out of enemy range.

Creeps will never attack the Healing Ward.

And it's great to have after a (successful!) gank, to heal you and your team mates while you push the respective lane.

Thanks everybody for the constructive criticism, I'll take this guide to the next level (I'll make it an in-depth one, too) starting 2014, probably.

I'm currently researching about (armor-based) damage reduction and damage increase together with damage block, to name just a few.

From the knowledge learned up to now, I see a build made of Poor Man's Shield ( Ring of Protection and/or Magic Stick and/or Magic Wand maybe), Boots of Speed (probably upgraded to Phase Boots after a Robe of the Magi or Drum of Endurance), Drum of Endurance.

I'm not sure about the Yasha at this point of the game, as its best feature is the extra 10% MS (I can get 30 AS and 8 DMG from a 50% cheaper AGI Power Treads upgrade of the Boots of Speed).

But it has two 'good' items to upgrade to: Sange and Yasha and Manta Style.

In case Manta Style won't be opted for, will follow with Point Booster to either Aghanim's Scepter then Desolator (or the other way around).

Vladmir's Offering is also great to pick with Desolator, as it's the only lifesteal that Desolator will work with.

And to wrap it up, Butterfly remains a solid lategame item (if you are beefy enough ( Aghanim's Scepter). 2000-2500 HP are good enough lategame for the DPS-oriented carry you'll end up. You'll also have high evasion and good Armor, making Juggernaut good against DPS-ers, but not that good against (nuke-like) magic damage when his spells are on cooldown.

Everyone can still continue to downvote this, as every new guide that spawns gets negative votes at first even if they will end up having above 80% rating in the long run. (I can name examples of great guides that got this: check their first comments).

And I don't quite long for being the top-rated, I'd like to be the most argumented one (yeah, like my Chaos Knight guide). But that takes a lot of time to do that.

I'm sure my Chaos Knight guide will end up being a top-rated one and if I put a lot of effort into this Juggernaut guide, probably this will, too.

And by the way, the 'racecar' build everyone is praising is actually the 6 months older The Boss Guide to Juggernaut. Which is pretty cool! ^^

Too bad the racecar owner doesn't credit the original youtube guide.

That's quite it, now we'll see each other in a couple of months with my homework done. ^^

Rudd (3) | December 12, 2013 7:59am

You miss interpreted me.

I do not think Juggernaut should be played in the Offlane. All I'm saying is that this guide goes towards that idea, because it even defends that you should pick Jugg when you already have a hard carry. So if you already have a hard carry, and this guide isn't exactly aimed at playing Mid, I assume he is talking about playing Juggernaut in the Offlane, probably with the help of 1 support.
samukobo (28) | December 12, 2013 4:36am
Rudd wrote:

I see that constructive criticism gets you worked up, so I'm gonna try to be more careful with my choice of words. But you should be careful when criticizing the pros decisions.

You end up saying things like: "they complain they can't use all 3 spells at level 6 with Chaos Knight". No Chaos Knight is going to have 3 spells at level 6... Not because of mana issues, simply because no one wants the Ulti with just one level on it...

Drum of Endurance is an amazing item on semi-carries, such as Juggernaut, but you insist it is a bad item for carries and should only be picked up by supports...

You say the starting items are very important. I agree. You say 1 Tango and 2 Clarity is a safe build to start and that will let you avoid going back to fountain. I disagree. If you are playing semi-carry, you are either going Middle Lane (in which case you are going to get a Bottle and don't need clarities, or you are going Offlane (in which case having only 1 set of Tango can cost you a lot of xp and gold)

I advise you to calm down. You are accusing people of not even reading your guide... That is a bit childish. Of course people are reading it, apparently they just don't agree with it.

And about having to test the build before understanding it, I don't need to test this particular build to know that 1 tango as the only source of item regen doesn't help to not getting zoned out of the lane, if you go Offlane and face good enemy supports.

Also in your comment you are now saying thing like "whats wrong with finding an alternative to other builds the Pros use?". But in your guide you don't say that. You say things like " Battle Fury is a Core item"... In the comments now you also say that the 2 Circlet is for Drums and Aquila? Cmon...

Not to mention that you mean to play Juggernaut on the Offlane, but you expect to farm as an hard-carry and you are going for expensive items such as Battle Fury and Maelstrom. If you are on the Offlane, your farm will be lacking and it will take time to farm those items. By that point, you lose most of your impact as a Semi-Carry. If you have been playing like this on the Offlane and you have managed to farm those items in less than 20 minutes, then you either are an amazing farmer or your opponents haven't been punishing you as they should.

There are other thing that you have said that, in my opinion, show that you have a some dificulty in understanding the different phases of a match. For example, you say Satanic doesn't have good sinergy with Blade Fury. That is correct, but you will get a Satanic in Late-Late Game. And in Late Game you shouldn't be using Blade Fury for damage output, you should just be auto atacking. And auto-attacking, especially with Jugg crits, have a lot of sinergy with Satanic.

This is just my vision of the game and, judging by the votes, other people agree with it. Maybe you should respect that, before saying we are not even reading your guide...

Getting CK ult at 6 is viable. (Not something I do, but fair enough) It's on his other guide.

I think that your understanding of a semi-carry is a bit off. A semi-carry is simply a carry that does well in the mid game than the late game in comparison to a hard carry. The laning is insignificant to deciding the role - if you plan to roam more in the mid game instead of farming like a hard carry Juggernaut then that already makes you a semi-carry.

Offlane Juggernaut is just stupid, and mid Juggernaut only works if you're running a dual mid with a Io and/or your laning opponent is not very powerful in the laning phase. (I.E Juggernaut against Pudge, Bloodseeker or Dragon Knight)

A team does not necessarily need a hard carry if they plan on winning the game early-mid game. A safe lane Juggernaut does not have to be a hard carry Juggernaut.

The regen issue is right though, Tangos are hardly enough, especially when the opponent know what they're doing and 2 Clarities would only be valid if you're spamming your Q - you shouldn't, unless you'll be getting a kill.
Xyrus (104) | December 12, 2013 4:02am
The reason people go Phase Boots + Drum of Endurance + Yasha is because of the Movement Speed that the "Racecar" Build provides.

- It's beneficial for Roaming, since you can travel from your Lane to another much faster
- You can chase better with Bladefury making 1 vs 1 kills easier
- You can Escape better with Bladefury since not many Slows go through Magic immunity ,meaning you can outrun Gankers
Rudd (3) | December 12, 2013 2:15am
I see that constructive criticism gets you worked up, so I'm gonna try to be more careful with my choice of words. But you should be careful when criticizing the pros decisions.

You end up saying things like: "they complain they can't use all 3 spells at level 6 with Chaos Knight". No Chaos Knight is going to have 3 spells at level 6... Not because of mana issues, simply because no one wants the Ulti with just one level on it...

Drum of Endurance is an amazing item on semi-carries, such as Juggernaut, but you insist it is a bad item for carries and should only be picked up by supports...

You say the starting items are very important. I agree. You say 1 Tango and 2 Clarity is a safe build to start and that will let you avoid going back to fountain. I disagree. If you are playing semi-carry, you are either going Middle Lane (in which case you are going to get a Bottle and don't need clarities, or you are going Offlane (in which case having only 1 set of Tango can cost you a lot of xp and gold)

I advise you to calm down. You are accusing people of not even reading your guide... That is a bit childish. Of course people are reading it, apparently they just don't agree with it.

And about having to test the build before understanding it, I don't need to test this particular build to know that 1 tango as the only source of item regen doesn't help to not getting zoned out of the lane, if you go Offlane and face good enemy supports.

Also in your comment you are now saying thing like "whats wrong with finding an alternative to other builds the Pros use?". But in your guide you don't say that. You say things like " Battle Fury is a Core item"... In the comments now you also say that the 2 Circlet is for Drums and Aquila? Cmon...

Not to mention that you mean to play Juggernaut on the Offlane, but you expect to farm as an hard-carry and you are going for expensive items such as Battle Fury and Maelstrom. If you are on the Offlane, your farm will be lacking and it will take time to farm those items. By that point, you lose most of your impact as a Semi-Carry. If you have been playing like this on the Offlane and you have managed to farm those items in less than 20 minutes, then you either are an amazing farmer or your opponents haven't been punishing you as they should.

There are other thing that you have said that, in my opinion, show that you have a some dificulty in understanding the different phases of a match. For example, you say Satanic doesn't have good sinergy with Blade Fury. That is correct, but you will get a Satanic in Late-Late Game. And in Late Game you shouldn't be using Blade Fury for damage output, you should just be auto atacking. And auto-attacking, especially with Jugg crits, have a lot of sinergy with Satanic.

This is just my vision of the game and, judging by the votes, other people agree with it. Maybe you should respect that, before saying we are not even reading your guide...
Hi-Breed (3) | December 11, 2013 2:03pm

Rudd wrote:

Battle Fury isn't a core item on Juggernaut, like you say. Core means you have to get it almost every time you play it. If watch the replays of professional games that have a Juggernaut, a lot of times they don't go for battlefury.

Also, Battlefury is an hardcarry item that will help you improve your farm even further. You even say Jugg isn't an hard carry, so it is logic and easy to understand that Battlefury isn't core.

Actually you mentioned in the comments a game where you had other 4 supports and you said "Obviously we lost". I don't see why it is obvious that you lost. Having an early, agressive lineup isn't a recipe to losing. Actually, if you go for more early impact items, instead of a Battlefury, you can sinergyze much better with an aggressive lineup.

You point out that Jugg has low mana pool and a bit squishy in the beggining of the game. Drum of Endurance solve both those problems during the early stages of the match. You say you don't like the item. I guess thats personal opinion, but Drums are extremely strong for a semi carry to have even more impact in the early stages of the match, which is when you want to be dominating.

So instead of 2 Circlets, just get 3 Iron Branch for a Magic Wand (amazing early game item, that you should include).

Finally, buying 2 clarities is a bit questionable. 1 maybe is ok, if you plan on using a lot of times. But your supports should also be contributing with clarities

Well... I always take Battle Fury with a fall down Maelstrom option. Maelstrom gives MORE DMG and MORE AS than the cheaper Drum of Endurance, AND WORKS GREAT WITH YOUR ULTIMATE.

But then again, you send me away from two Circlets that give 44% of the Drum of Endurance STATS for a fifth of its price THAT I HAVE FROM SPAWN and send me closer to an item giving 33% of its STATS for more gold?

Sure, its active is great, but my build aims at being a bit courier-free. And Juggernaut's spells have a quite high cooldown: I could go for MP/s regen items instead ( Battle Fury). I'd even be better off with a plain Magic Stick that again I can buy from the Side Shop, again courier-free. Try the item build before ranting about it: I really consider a hero is as strong as his starting items pick.

Another thing: a Magic Wand instead has a -1 INT (-1 to all STATS, actually) compared to a pair of Circlets. Sure, if it has at least 1 (one) charge (which almost always happens), it's better. I'm not saying Magic Wand is worse on Juggernaut than two Circlets, I'm saying the two Circlets with Tango and two Clarityes are a safer starting bet that don't require a courier.

Get a Magic Stick at the Side Shop and that's it.

I buy Drum of Endurance for heroes like Cristal Maiden, Rubick, Brewmaster and Io, so it's not a bad item, it's a bad item choice for a carry-like Juggernaut.

Sure in competitive play a Juggernaut will never get his Battle Fury and the core item on Chaos Knight will always be Black King Bar, right after Power Treads and a (WRONG!) Bracer. I'd at least 'sacrifice' 3 STR for 3 INT coming from a Null Talisman instead that will allow Chaos Knight to cast all of his three spells starting level 6. But they still do it that way and still complain they can't cast all the 3 spells at level 6...

Coming back, yes, a game at that level can end up in 15-20 minutes. And that's about the time you need your Battle Fury up to be effective (so don;t follow this guide for 15-20 minutes games). A competitive item build is Phase Boots, Drum of Endurance then Yasha to Manta Style with a pinch of lifesteal. Everybody knows that.

Probably that's what 99% of the Juggernaut builds out there are made of.

It's not bad looking for a solution in a different way (and finding it), it's bad to have people saying 'oh, if it doesn't (ab)use the courier, then it's a bad item build' and '1 Clarity is more than enough'.

I tried to build the guide having in mind a good start that will allow me to delay my first fountain trip as much as I can, and I think my starting items help do just that.

What if I'd tell you one Circlet is for a Bracer to Drum of Endurance and the other for a Wraith Band to Ring of Aquila?

You saw the 'of course we lost' and you didn't see the Nether Blast instead of Decrepify?

I'll still keep it to prove the point of people downvoting a guide before understanding it, not to mention before even reading it.

Sure, the bad part to an early Battle Fury is the farm, but having good starting items, you can pull the Omnislash + Blade Fury combo for early kills that will get you the sought after item.

The good part is it gives everything you need and even quicker farm to other items.

Why won't you give it a shot before downvoting?

For me it works the way it is (rushing a Battle Fury then rushing a Butterfly),

Rudd (3) | December 11, 2013 6:22am
Battle Fury isn't a core item on Juggernaut, like you say. Core means you have to get it almost every time you play it. If watch the replays of professional games that have a Juggernaut, a lot of times they don't go for battlefury.

Also, Battlefury is an hardcarry item that will help you improve your farm even further. You even say Jugg isn't an hard carry, so it is logic and easy to understand that Battlefury isn't core.

Actually you mentioned in the comments a game where you had other 4 supports and you said "Obviously we lost". I don't see why it is obvious that you lost. Having an early, agressive lineup isn't a recipe to losing. Actually, if you go for more early impact items, instead of a Battlefury, you can sinergyze much better with an aggressive lineup.

You point out that Jugg has low mana pool and a bit squishy in the beggining of the game. Drum of Endurance solve both those problems during the early stages of the match. You say you don't like the item. I guess thats personal opinion, but Drums are extremely strong for a semi carry to have even more impact in the early stages of the match, which is when you want to be dominating.

So instead of 2 Circlets, just get 3 Iron Branch for a Magic Wand (amazing early game item, that you should include).

Finally, buying 2 clarities is a bit questionable. 1 maybe is ok, if you plan on using a lot of times. But your supports should also be contributing with clarities
Hi-Breed (3) | December 11, 2013 5:23am

GotYou wrote:

Overall OKish guide. However, there are some points I'd like to critisize. While I agree that stats in the starting items are needed, it is probably better to exchange the 2nd circlet for 3 branches (better value and you have empty slots anyway; also it can be build into magic wand).
The battlefury build, while genereally being a viable option, is considered a greedy build and should be farmed on the safe lane which contradicts your concept of juggernaut as a semi-carry. I personally think that you will run in a lot of trouble if you head into the offlane with just one set of tangoes and w/o a stout shield.
Consider phase, drums, yasha (SnY) for max. midgame impact.
You could also add skull basher / abyssal and satanic into situationals.

Overall, this build might work out to a certain extent but will fall off if you face smart opponents.
my 2 cents, peace

I totally agree on having a Magic Wand (and at least a 4th Iron Branch) as that will take me to the +4 INT needed at level 6 but it is a more expensive way, takes up more slots and you'll need a courier at some point in time.

And if you even lane against heroes that have 1-2 active spells or low MP and therefore won't spam them ( Bloodseeker, Dragon Knight, Faceless Void, Huskar, Kunkka, Phantom Lancer, Pudge, Riki, Skeleton King, Sniper, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Sven, Tiny, Troll Warlord), it's a safer bet to have your starting pair of Circlets.

If you follow the item build, you'll notice you DON'T need a courier until your Phase Boots / Ring of Health and that is a great thing to do: taking pressure off your courier.

Again, if you follow the item build, you can see I immediately follow the starting items with a Stout Shield from the Side Shop: why should I buy it from the start when I can have it on the spot?

GotYou wrote:

it is probably better to exchange the 2nd circlet for 3 branches (better value and you have empty slots anyway; also it can be build into magic wand)

So I'll have a Circlet, 3 Iron Branches, Tango and Clarityes (full 6 slots!). Where will I put my Stout Shield now? How about the Quelling Blade? How about the Boots of Speed? Keeping 4 items occupied (instead of only two) is never a good thing as you don't even have boots now!

A Magic Wand is good, but if I start with it, it will take away 509 gold, which won't suffice for a Tango. If I pick three Iron Branches and the recipe (considering I buy the Magic Stick from the Side Shop), I still need a fourth Iron Branch for 5 slots occupied (or only one point in Healing Ward until level 6). If I take a Circlet and 2-3 Iron Branches, I will still need a courier at some point in time to finish my Magic Wand. See what I mean?

GotYou wrote:

The battlefury build, while genereally being a viable option, is considered a greedy build and should be farmed on the safe lane which contradicts your concept of juggernaut as a semi-carry.

I agree with Battle Fury being better on the safe lane. Nevertheless, I had a funny game when I was the only (semi-)carry: the other 4 were supports. Obviously we lost that.

One thing I like pointing out is that an early Maelstrom can behave like a cheaper Battle Fury (check the second build) that works BETTER with your Omnislash, but is worse at both farming and overall bonuses: Battle Fury 'procs' 100%, has (at least a) GREATER (primary target) damage boost and adds great HP/s and MP/s regen!

It's indeed painful to farm but it pays off greatly. It's plain core.

GotYou wrote:

I personally think that you will run in a lot of trouble if you head into the offlane with just one set of tangoes and w/o a stout shield.

But I have two Clarityes, too, and I will cast 2 Healing Wards. Also +4 STR = +76 HP (more than 13% of starting HP!)

Not to mention I will buy a Stout Shield from the Side Shop asap, as I previously said.

GotYou wrote:

Consider phase, drums, yasha (SnY) for max. midgame impact.
You could also add skull basher / abyssal and satanic into situationals.

Drum of Endurance + Yasha = 1775+2050=3825 gold. I'll have a Maelstrom and a Point Booster for that money (ANYTIME!) THAT I CAN LATER UPGRADE TO GREAT ITEMS, so no. Not for me.

Drum of Endurance in my opinion is a poor item on some semi-carry ( Chaos Knight, Juggernaut) heroes, the only good thing to it being is somewhat easy to farm. The downside is it unfortunately doesn't upgrade to something better. :'(

And for 370 starting gold, you almost have half of the Drum of Endurance (excepting the auras) for a fifth of its price! o.O

Check my insights on Drum of Endurance on Chaos Knight's core here.

But I do love Yasha (and Sange and Yasha as a fall down item to [[Eye of Skadi)! <3

Never thought of Skull Basher. It's a great pick, though. Strange, but still great! <3

Although it is the DMG item and not the durability increase one.

Too bad it doesn't help that much in farming creeps, but heroes, perhaps. ^^

Satanic? Good in Omnislash, but not with Blade Fury, so it's quite situational...

Satanic is best with Black King Bar, and that combo goes for 6150+3975=10125 gold.

For that amount, I'll have the recommended Battle Fury + Eye of Skadi combo instead, as building Black King Bar + Satanic will give me +35 STR, +44 DMG, +5 Armor, magic immunity (which is always good! <3) and through the roof lifesteal that I can (not that similarly, though) have by taking a step back and casting a Healing Ward. As a side note, obviously Heart of Tarrasque is a rejected item.

A Battle Fury + Eye of Skadi combo will give me 'only' +90 DMG, cleave, +725 HP ( Black King Bar + Satanic give 665 HP), +25 AS, +3.6 Armor, 575 MP (take that, Satanic!) and its corresponding +100% MP/s regen, together with a great synergy of its 35% slow with Omnislash.

Black King Bar + Satanic is a great combo on STR hard carries like Dragon Knight anytime, though.

Rest assured, I'm not a 10-year-old that woke up today and thought 'hey, I should make a Juggernaut guide with the stuff I dreamt last night': as you'll see in my Chaos Knight guide, I did thorough research before making my point.

Just read that guide top to bottom and I'll +1 ANY guide you'll craft from now on. I promise!

Just my two cents ^^

(and thank you for the comment/s - to rhyme),

GotYou | December 11, 2013 3:54am
Overall OKish guide. However, there are some points I'd like to critisize. While I agree that stats in the starting items are needed, it is probably better to exchange the 2nd circlet for 3 branches (better value and you have empty slots anyway; also it can be build into magic wand).
The battlefury build, while genereally being a viable option, is considered a greedy build and should be farmed on the safe lane which contradicts your concept of juggernaut as a semi-carry. I personally think that you will run in a lot of trouble if you head into the offlane with just one set of tangoes and w/o a stout shield.
Consider phase, drums, yasha (SnY) for max. midgame impact.
You could also add skull basher / abyssal and satanic into situationals.

Overall, this build might work out to a certain extent but will fall off if you face smart opponents.
my 2 cents, peace
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