Now, let's go on to the items. I know i've listed many different items, especially in the situational section. That is because i think Wraith King can make use of many items in different ways. I suggeste 3 ways of playing him : The "Racecar" builds... It has a big adaptability to the situation.
Then the Radiance rushing Hailrake Wraith King. Here it is important to get the items FAST and IN THIS ORDER. And last not but least a very experimental "Doomish" Build. It doesnt seem as a carry build, more like a Gather under my Shade- Aura build.
Never forget: These are SUGGESTIONS. Feel free to adapt them to your situation, playstyle ... bla bla, mix the PO's etc... ^^ The usual guide stuff!
Usual and Racecar mixes.
These are items most guides suggest. They are mostly mixable depending on one's playstyle and the flow of the game.
Starting options
Stout Shield: This is if you think that you are facing much lane harass and/or plan on jungling.
Iron Branches: ]When i started the game, i underestimated these HARD. But i started to love them on Wraith. 3 of them give 57hp 0,09 hp/regen( ok... meh), 3dmg, 3 attack speed, 0,42 amor, 39mana and 0,12 mana/sec regen( Yaya). A THIRD OF THE STATS OF A Drums of endurance, for 150(150!) gold.
Claritys: Simple mana regen. ofc a bit contraproductive that your melee, but still good for aggressive laning playstyles.
Tangos: U Need that. Simple as that.
Healing Salves: Another regen option.
Early game
Boots of speed: Unnecessary, but people insist on buying it. All noobs. Peruvians. Russians, Germans, Brazilian, guys with glasses or ... FRENCH!
Orb of Venom: Good for being aggressive early on. Nice slow and dot. Purchase it depending on the game.
Bracer: I like them. Simple stat boost and build into Drums of endurance. Depends on your farm and wether you have rushed a midas( then i would recommend buying one or two bracers).
Phase boots: Phase boots are better for playing more aggressive in the midgame. Therefore i prefer them. But...
Power Treads: are way better for DPS because they give both: DMG and attack speed, making them better in the long (hard carry) run. They also help you with your mana problems: Switch the treads to AGI when you regenerate, to INT when you use spells and thereafter leave them on STR:
Here's a link to reddit with a thread where this is explained. Especially ORJuices' post explains this nicely. I let you decide.
Mid game options
DrumsDrums of Endurance: YOUR TRANSITIONING ITEM INTO BOSSMODE. Jack of all trades, i really like it.
Armlet of Mordiggian: Ahahahaah. The best item for nearly any autoatatcker, especially strength carrys. Hp, dmg, attack damage, life saver due to armlet toggle... etc pp. Just learn to love it.
[icon=Maelstrom size=60)Maelstrom: Good IAS, and farming potential with the lightnings. Get this first when u build Mj¶llnir.
Sange and Yasha: People figured out that it was good on Lifestealer, Chaos Knight, etc. Yes, ineffective for its Price but: GREAT ( not to say best) speed increase, especially with your drums of endurance, Crippling and slowing fleeing foes, mana, attack speed, amor, dmg, hp. It#s best used when your ahead and/or snowballing for an aggressive mid game with an early win. It helps extremely against kiters!
Sniper's item, the good ol' father of torture. It boosts your dps against both heros and towers quite well, but you cant use other orbs like mask of maddness or
Eye of Skadi. Depending on the game, if you can obtain it early, your team is in need of tower pushers or has -Amor (
Bounty Hunter,
Slardar etc.)already this is never a bad idea.
Late game/ Luxury options
***ault Cuir***( Stupid censorship): The most logical item for any strength carry. Lucky Agility *****s dont have that problem: "
Oh im a Phantom Assasin, why not buy a
Butterfly (the favorite item of my mother, *cough*) it gives me amor( =EHP), attack speed AND dmg + Evasion( = EHP). Ah, yeeeeeah."
Wraith King: "
Heart of Tarrasque!!! Oh, my dps didnt increase godlikely??? What, attack speed. What, the 1K hp cant be transformed in EHP well without Amor. HA, GAY!"
Wait... Why not just purchase an
Assault Cuirass, that gives me AND my team + Amor and Attack speed while REDUCING the enemys team's amor. Wait... I'm tanky as hell, so the aura is there forever! Yeah!
Mjollnir: Similar to AC. Gives you much needed Attack speed and AoE dmg. It aslo increases your farm and pushing power! Start with the
Maelstrom. Experiment when to get this, a early
Maelstrom can help you farm a lot, then decide freely when to complete the full
Mjollnir. Remember that this is an orb BUT, it stacks with others. The lightning only overrides other orbs when it procs. So let's say you have a
Mask of Madness and a
Mjollnir: 1st hit: The chain lightning procs. It deals AoE DMG but the Lifesteal of the
Mask of Madness doesn't apply. 2nd hit: The lightning doesn't proc: No AoE DMG but the Lifesteal fromthemask of maddness regenerates your health! More infos on orbs u can find
here on!
Skull Basher: The
Skull Basher is there, obviously, to keep foes in place. It helps you in 1v1 and chases.
Eye of Skadi: The dragons artifact. Natural followup to
Orb of Venom.
Eye of Skadi gives u a HUGE increase to all stats: More AGI (amor and IAS), STR (HP and DMG) and INT (Mana), together with ADDITIONAL mana and hp. While solving many problems it also comes with very usefull slow. You can get this, depending on the usefullness of the slow. It has a hefty pricetag and it's buildup is not the best as well, even though it's way better than
Radiance's. Be aware of the fact that this is an orb, so it doesn't stack with, e.g.
Hailrake Wraith King
This is a build used by
Hailrake. He farmed MMR up to 6K+ by solely playing Wraith with with a Winrate of 70%+ and a KDA higher than 7(!!!). He sold it though.
It is a different way to help with your Kings Kiting Problems, by focussing on AoE dmg:
Radiance, Blademail, and
First get the usual starting and laneing items. Hailrake preferres to get a
Ring of Basilius for mana and amour. That is up to you, i don't do that. Your first major item is Drums of Endurance<9]. Then you get [[Blade Mail. This underrated item gives all: AS, Amor and Mana. The active is GREAT and proves a usefull way to dish out serious damage.
Then the problems begin...
Radiance. The whole build is based on it. It gives constant AoE dmg, something
Wraith King lacks. Laugh at these Kiting bastards! HAHA. Your tankiness lets you utilize this greatly. Doesn't matter how the enemy reacts. Attack you? Your are tanky with 2 lifes. They "waste" there focus fire on you and your teammates have an ez life. If they attack your mates, they will rot away by your dmg. The problem with radiance is its cost and built-up. 3.8K
Sacred Relic - 'nuff said! YOu have to adapt to the game. If it is clear that you can't get it by max. 30 min. ... then don't get it at all. Get
Mjollnir or switch to the racecar build.
After Radiance comes
Mjollnir, accelerating your enemys dillemma.
Mjollnir's shield will damage the enemy even more when they attack you but ... When they don't do that they get even more AoE dmg due to your Lightning Strikes.
Last item would be
Refresher Orb. RFO gives you the ability to use your
Mjollnir and
Blade Mail twice AND gives you anotehr ulti. Consider it, when you got it you can get
Divine Rapier as well!
Support Wraith
If something has gone terribly wrong in *champ select*, you can try this one out. Wards and chicken. Then
Arcane Boots,
Shiva's Guard. But, that's clearly not not ideal...
Situational/Player Preference
There is a diversity (seemingly 95% of all the items) of items i list here. Don't be confused by that please.
Soul Ring can be used for "free"
Wraithfire Blasts. Even though since 6.82 you cannot pop it for your ult anymore (it only gives 150 mana, your ult now needs 160), you can kill people more consostently with it.
If you have total freefarm,
Hand of Midas is great. 6-8min should be your goal. The attackspeed is nice as well.
Mask of Madness helps greatly against Wraith Kings Kite and Attack Speed problems. The increased damage isn't much of a problem with your tankiness.+
In case of squishy glass cannons on the enemy team, do the following: #1 - Buy
Blade Mail! #2 - See how all of these
Sniper, and Drow ******s kill themselves! HAHA! BEKNEEL FOR YOUR KING, PEASANTS!
Another option against fed Carrys would be Heavens Halberd. The DMG and Strength are good the evasion as well. Combined with the disarm, this item can be great in different situations.
You are matched up with stupid ******s? They pick
Faceless Void and have
Hand of Midas and
Mask of Madness by 35 minutes? 45 Lasthits? You are way too important for your team and they have annoying casters like
Shadow Shaman and stuff. BKB - Here you go. But usually you want to draw the aggro and spells on you.
Monkey King Bar is obviously against Evasion. On the other hand a Battlefury is sometimes usefull against illusion heroes, but most of the time the Hailrake Build is enough.
To counter Kiters,
Blink Dagger and Force Staffe are the way(s) to go!
Situational Luxurys are Heart,
Satanic and
Eye of Skadi. Heart is a good mean against heavy nuking, but it isn't usefull against physical carrys. Amor is better there. A
Satanic, combined with a
Black King Bar is like a third life. Really.
Only, please only, get this as a last resort. With
Refresher Orb. Please. Don't THROW ****ING GAMES by RUSHING A ****ING ((DIVINE RAPIER))!
You should play aggressive all over the game. Really. In lane, pressure your foes. The stun and the combined slows of
Wraithfire Blast and
Orb of Venom allow for good killing potential. I recommend laneing with another aggressive hero like
Lion. Hailrake stacked with a Wisp e.g. Its usually better to help your team in the mid game than to farm. With your reliable stun and the Upheveal and Fire spirit combination of your ult you can help nicely in clashes.
Always buy a
Town Portal Scroll, you can help with your stun. Always have an eye on your mana. Dont throw stuns relentlessly when you can't use your ulti thereafter.
During the first part of the game, go top or bot with a ranged support. Preferrably with one that has some sort of cc. I don't have experience with Wraith in a trilane, but i think there are carrys that are more suited towards it.
In lane focus on lasthitting. Don't autoattack, just last hit. Don't push the lane. Pushing denys most of your killing potential, because the enemy can just flee under their tower. Its not your job to harass either. Don't leave the safety of your creepwave unless going in for a kill. When you stack CCs with your partner you should be able to get a one. 1 or 2 kills at the beginning are so usefull for a good snowball. Don't be too aggressive, wait until your enemys overextend and then BOOM, FIRST BLOOD!
Once you got your ult, you can be way more aggressive, even towerdiving goes ok once. Just keep in mind that the cooldonw on your ult is ridiculously long at early levels. Use you stun wisely, as less as possible.
Mid Game
It depends on the game when mid game starts. You can't expect your support to stay in lane for half of the game. Wraith King can contribute decently to clashes with his stun and ult. He isn't a roamer, but you should help your team. If the enemy is 5-man pushing mid, help your team defend. Buy
Town Portal Scrolls and USE THEM. With a few core items you have decent dmg and a lifesteal. Pls, for god's sake, don't afk farm too long. If u do, congrats, most likely you costed your team the victory! Yeah, nice feeling bro, isn't it?.
Usually you come online faster with Hailrake, but you have to be less aggressive. Always keep in mind that 3.8K
Sacred Relic. Start with Drums and Blademail, but don't die for no reason!
With racecar, start fighting AT LEAST, when you got your a
Armlet of Mordiggian.
Late Gane
When you got
Radiance/Desolator, thats usually the point where i would consider it "Late Game". Stay with your team here. Wraith king CAN splitpush with Hailrake build, but he is best suited in a teamfight I don't have much to say here, you are the carry. When someones harder than you try to bait their BKB. When it's down, CC him or use a
Heaven's Halberd.
I just have some tips:
-After you won a teamfight: DONT ****ING CHASE THEM UNTIL THE FOUNTAIN. Destroy the Barracks, for god's sake.
-When you go Roshan, WARD. A teamwipe + an Aegis for the enemy's carry = GGWP
-In a push battle,
Boots of Travel are your best friend.
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