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Clinking and Clashing

September 20, 2013 by NinjaFatcats
Comments: 8    |    Views: 74922    |   


DotA2 Hero: Clinkz

Hero Skills

Bone and Arrow (Innate)


4 5 8 10


4 5 8 10

Tar Bomb

1 3 7 9

Death Pact

2 12 13 15

Skeleton Walk

6 11 16


14 17 18

Clinking and Clashing

September 20, 2013


Clinkz is a great harasser and ganker and is well known for his signature ability, Searing Arrows.During this guide, I will teach you things about Clinkz which will improve your skills with him. If you find out that you are running out of mana too much for Clinkz, you must learn mana management and conservation.



-High DPS
-Great harasser
-Can go invisible
-Short ult cooldown


-Vulnerable to nukes
-No stun mechanism
-cannot slow the enemy
-rather bad attack animation
-very low base damage
-gg for him if you are laning against 2 disables
-Vulnerable to Gem of True Sight, Sentry Ward and Dust of Appearance.


Clinkz attacks with a barrage of arrows. Dramatically increases attack speed for a short time.
Ability: No target
Affects: Self
Duration: 4/6/8/10
Bonus Attack Speed: 110
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
Mana cost: 90

This is a deadly ability to gank or harass.It increases the attack speed epicly and when used with Searing Arrows maxed out,he does massive damage.Use this ability sparingly at early game as it has a long cool down.

Searing Arrows
Imbues Clinkz's arrows with fire for extra damage.
Ability: Auto-Cast
Affects: Enemy units and structures
Damage Type: Physical
Range: 600
Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 8

Searing Arrows is the signature ability for Clinkz ,and when maxed out,8 MANA equates to 50 BONUS DAMAGE! This ability is an orb effect and does not stack with any other orbs.However Eye of Skadi is the only orb effect which works with Searing Arrows. Very good skills for exchanging hits against the target.

Skeleton Walk
Clinkz moves invisibly through units until the moment he attacks or uses an ability.
Ability: No Target
Affects: Self
Fade Time: 0.6
Duration: 20/25/30/35
Bonus Movement Speed: 11%/22%/33%/44%
Cooldown: 20
Mana cost: 75

This ability grants invisibility and when maxed out, it grants SUPER SPEED!!!.This ability is useful for going back to your base or to escape from ganks.

Death Pact
Clinkz consumes the target friendly or enemy creep, gaining a percent of its HP as max health and damage.
Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Units
Range: 400
Duration: 35
Bonus HP and HP Capacity: 50%/65%/80% of the killed unit's HP
Bonus Damage: 5%/6.5%/8% of the killed unit's HP
Cooldown: 45
Mana cost: 100

This ability grants bonus health and damage for a duration,useful for team clashes and ganks.Not much to say :(

Item choice

During early game, the 3 Iron Branch gives more health,damage and mana.This with the Slippers of Agility gives the extra damage to try and get last hits and to harass a wee bit better.The Iron Branch can later be turned in to a Magic Wand and the Slippers of Agility can be turned in to a Wraith Band,and then to a Ring of Aquila.Having 2 Wraith Bands are optional but I usually get them for more damage, health and mana.The Magic Wand gives a slight stat boost along with its charges for longer sustainability.

For core, I would choose Power Treads for switching stats when you need them!I would not recommend Phase Boots as when you use Skeleton Walk, the Phase Bootss ability will make you lose your invisibility! Ring of Aquila gives bonus armour,damage, mana regen and a stat boost. Rod of Atos is used to give bonus health and mana, along with an active ability to slow down your opponent by 50%!!! so you can Strafe them. Oblivion Staff gives extra attack speed,damage and also a 75% mana regen, and can later be made in to an Orchid Malevolence. Orchid Malevolence is used as it has an active ability which silences the enemy and amplifies the damage they take by 25%. It also grants extra damage, attack speed and a 150% mana regen!!! Hood of Defiance grants magic resistance and hp regen but can be replaced by Linken's Sphere late game.

Daedalus is used to crit the enemy like CRAZY doing massive damage. Eye of Skadi can replace Rod of Atos as it grants a massive stat boost, mana,health and a passive which slows enemy attack speed and movement speed by a whopping 30%!!! Linken's Sphere is an important item, especially against nukers like Tinker, Zeus, Lina and Lion. Linken's Sphere is to block their super long ult, while you wait only 20 seconds.

For situational, Butterfly is a great item against high DPS heroes like Phantom Assassin, Ursa and Drow Ranger to avoid their epic physical damage!!! Monkey King Bar is also situational against heroes with evasion such as Riki and Phantom Assassin. Heart of Tarrasque provides extra long sustainability.Bloodstone grants mana,health,hp regen,mana regen and an awesome passive ability if you are ganking like a crazy maniac!!!



Allies are heroes who can slow down the opponent to aim for first blood, with heroes including Drow Ranger, Broodmother and Venomancer.


Enemies are nukers as you are fragile and squishy.Said before, nukers include Tinker, Zeus, Lina and Lion. Pudge and Doom Bringer are a great threat towards you as they have skills which do epic damage and if they have a Gem of True Sight, you might as well be dead(well he kind of already is).


- Orchid Malevolence is pretty much useless if you don't have a slow

-Once you Strafe a tower with Searing Arrows, prepare for "radiant/dire structures have been fortified"

- Death Pact should be used on the biggest creep in a jungle cos it instantly kills it with that juicy gold

-countered by Ghost Scepter or Ethereal Blade, so yeh, don't pick this guy if 4 of your team mates have physical damage only.

-lacks AoE presence

-just farm farm farm!!!

-Destroyed by Sven with just one mighty slash with his blade (9183748927489324789 damage CRIT!!!)

-you tickle Bristleback


Clinkz is overall a simple hero but is fragile being brittle as bones(alliteration and similie).Feel free to add any comments so I could add or change some things.Thank you for reading my guide!


I give thanks to Mysterise for his ideas he has expressed to me!

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