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Chaos Knight: Chaotic Kill Streaks

May 10, 2014 by JACKAZZ234
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Krwiozerca (34) | May 11, 2014 11:53am
Eightfold wrote:

I've tested this in a lobby with cheats on, you can't have six illusions at one time cause when you activate your ult again, it simply replaces the illusions you have.

Here we go. Now we can all simply say, that this guide is an utter ********. I do not apologise for language, because the author didn't even check that and he wrote that piece of s^&#, becausae he was bored. I think it should be deleted immediately. It confuses new players and is a pure blasphemy.
Eightfold (9) | May 11, 2014 11:39am
I've tested this in a lobby with cheats on, you can't have six illusions at one time cause when you activate your ult again, it simply replaces the illusions you have.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 11, 2014 12:46am
Did you actually put Aegis of the Immortal on the purchase list? You can't predict that, come on!

Then, you name the whole section "The Aigas", which is completely awful. That is really interesting, since your English is not that bad. How?

You obviously lack in knowledge how illusion based heroes work. They share only stats with it's caster. Bloodstone is a complete waste of money, let alone Refresher Orb... He has two skills that have cooldown of 10 or 6 seconds. His ultimate lasts for 24 seconds! This is often more than enough to last through a teamfight. With this build you can have 6 illusions around 40 minute (your farm will be terrible), and your illusions will suck. The original Nessaj will suck as well.

You put core/luxury/situational/whatever items on the beginning, then the replacement of Power Treads (which must be a bait of some sort), and then starting items?

Text looks so boring... Where is formatting? Not a single link in this guide.

Overall it is just an embarassing... thing.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 11, 2014 12:17am
A good part of the guide is copied from this. Also, the build is not even close to being good, it misleads new players and doesn't work well in mid/high level pubs.
samukobo (28) | May 10, 2014 7:34pm
He probably meant late game where sometimes replacing your boots is necessary to keep you stronger.

There is nothing here that makes the hero himself strong enough.

The Basher to Abyssal Blade isn't a good choice here. You want to make him about 4x stronger when he uses his ult, instead of his ult just being +damage.
ashwinthegrim (7) | May 10, 2014 6:18pm
No Armlet of Mordiggian? No Heart of Tarrasque?

Bloodstone on CK? Refresher Orb? Your 6 illusions with refresher will do no damage if your hero is weak in the first place.
Yasutsuna (51) | May 10, 2014 6:16pm
Wait, did I read wrong or did you say:


Dude, boots is what every hero is the game need, even Drow Ranger, who have relatively high movement speed and a slow needs boots, Chaos Knight definitely need them. If not, you'll be moving at a pathetically slow movement speed and won't even be able to cast a single spell.

There's a lot of thing wrong with this build:
1. Bloodstone, really? You're not even someone who needs a hold Bloodstone like Death's Prophet and Timbersaw

2. Refresher Orb - His ulti is as damaging as it is and will normally last throughtout the whole clash. At mid-late game, the cooldown is short enough, getting a Refresher Orb is more than an overkill and a waste of gold.

3. You do realize there are betting things to rush for Chaos Knight. For instance, Armlet of Modiggian, Manta Style, Heaven's Halberd instead of the Soul Booster that doesn't increase your stats are makes you damage output really, really sad.

4. Bottle? You're going to go to either top or bottom, which means you can only control one rune at a time. A real mid hero would benefit controlling both runes which makes your Bottle redundant and a waste of gold. Get a few Clarity if you need mana.

5. If you're planning for a first blood attempt or a gank, get clarities.
Moodkill (9) | May 10, 2014 5:08pm
Bloodstone? If you need mana go for a soul ring, if you need the regen go for a heart.
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