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can i use both blodymare & deffusal together ??
What is the world is bloodymare? If I assume it's lifesteal then yes. You can use both that and diffusal together, but personally I would prefer
I still prefer phase boots (despite spectral dagger), spectra is quite survivable if played right and after some 35 min mark you should have your cores (radiance, manta, HoT).
Hey, nice guide!
I have played some Spectre games with old builds like the Vanguard one, and it's notable that this don't work well anymore. The rad rush too, very risk if you can't farm safe and fast.
I've just one doubt with the Desolate skill. The bonus damage is applied when Spectre is alone, or when the enemy hero is alone?
Sorry for the poor english.
Good job, maercS -
Erm, wasn't it always when your enemy is alone? Agreed to the
Prefering stats over the amazing 20 bonus pure damage per hit, and 10% damage block?!
Yes, I would prefer stats over those two. To start with, why the hell would you want
It is argueable on the 10% damage block, but if the creeps are attacking you. It means you are playing
So yes, stats over the other two.
Edit: I always thought it was that way?
I have played some Spectre games with old builds like the Vanguard one, and it's notable that this don't work well anymore. The rad rush too, very risk if you can't farm safe and fast.
I've just one doubt with the Desolate skill. The bonus damage is applied when Spectre is alone, or when the enemy hero is alone?
Sorry for the poor english.
Good job, maercS -
Also, I usually max
I use Phase boots in most cases, makes it almost impossible for a lone runner to get away when phasing on the path.
Also, Blade Mail works wonders in end game against a Void (for me anyway). If you manage to activate Blade Mail in time, and you have enough HP, you can deal so much damage that when
Good guide, upvoted, but I think you should really try playing 2-3 games with desolate maxed at 7 and see what happens. That junk is broken.
Alright, max desolate instead of spectral dagger. I wonder how will it go.