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8 Votes

Bradwarden - How to play Centaur off-lane like a PRO (6.81 updated)

May 31, 2014 by Fiskerik
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AdyTh3BOSS | February 27, 2016 1:48am
When i play against squishy heroes i normally get a Dagon and if i'm reluctant to get a blademail. If you have enough HP the heroes hitting you will kill themselves
SoloKings.Adrenaline | September 5, 2014 4:25pm
Monkey King Bar doesn't work against Faceless Void bruh, get back to HoN trash xD
Silentwraithe | June 24, 2014 11:22am
Great guide. Just one quick suggestion. In the part talking about heart you should mention that it increases your damage for both Stampede and Return.
FleetAU (16) | June 2, 2014 2:50am
I think you should find an updated video, that one is several patches ago, still activated tranquils
Fiskerik | May 31, 2014 11:57am
Thanks for your input guys.

Totally forgot about the Tiny combo. Used in in 2vs2 a few years ago!

While those items are only suggestions (as someone mentioned in the comments, all the items after Blink dagger is situational) I should probably focus the guide onto that.
I just assumed that after blink and blade mail, that you farm items towards the very very late game and thus have infinite amount of gold.

Gonna modify the guide to only consider initiation/ganking and not on the damage dealing part.

Keep up with the inputs! :)
Treutreu (1) | May 31, 2014 10:40am
But Tiny is also a good ally in teamfights ; he can somewhat mitigate the need for a blink, and allows for very powerful initiations, with a quite good chainstun and heavy burst damage. When these two heroes are picked the game generally ends before the 35:00 mark.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 31, 2014 9:59am
I agree with most of the thing you say (finally someone that buys Blink first!), but to me everything after the Blink Dagger is situational: I almost never buy a full Hood of Defiance (a casual Cloak is better if you really want to mitigate that self damage), and while I pick up a Blade Mail most of the time sometimes a Heaven's Halberd or Black King Bar are required.

And about the late game items, Centaur Warrunner is a terrible damage dealer: he doesn't scale well with damage items at all, as his biggest strength is ganking (and, after it, Return damage). So, I'd remove all those items items like Monkey King Bar, Mjollnir, Radiance (why would you get it past the 25 minute mark anyway?), Abyssal Blade and maybe Orchid Malevolence as they don't help much and focus on survivability and auras. The Mjollnir active is kinda nice to have, but no way I'll pay 5400 gold for a shield (as the damage isn't that noticeable for a Hero like Centaur); if a teammate gets one though, then you're a valid candidate for the Static Charge.

Lastly, I just saw the starting items: they're quite good, but most of the time I need an extra regeneration item before I can pick up my Tranquil Boots. I usually go for the standard Tango + Healing Salve + Stout Shield (saving money for Tranquils) build or two Tangos without a Salve, I don't feel comfortable at all while off-laning with so little regen.

Treutreu wrote:

No Tiny in allies? The Tiny-Centaur combo kinda wrecks everything after a few levels.

I don't think these are "laning" combos, as he says he plays Centaur Warrunner as an off-laner (which is, most of the time, a solo lane), but if you want to play support Centaur for some reason then Tiny is a good partner (ignoring the fact that they're two melees and are susceptible to ranged harass). Going in a dual lane with two farming Heroes, instead, is bad: if you're safe laning nodoby will do the pulling, if you're hard laning any half-brained support will pull and make the carry farm under their tower, making the combo impossible to perform. I've played support Centaur a few times, if you can farm a quick Blink Dagger there's basically no difference between off-laning and supporting.
Treutreu (1) | May 31, 2014 9:23am
No Tiny in allies? The Tiny-Centaur combo kinda wrecks everything after a few levels.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 31, 2014 9:18am
"Monkey King Bar is great against heroes with evasion (such as Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, Brewmaster etc. and also makes your attack from downhill towards uphill to never miss!"

waste item brad cant farm that much. and also it does nothing against Faceless Void

"With the active Mjollnir-buff on you, nobody would like to attack you! Great way to add more damage to the carries attacking you (in addition to and Blade Mail)."

ask that pesky Sniper to make one ._.

"In most of the cases, the enemy carry will get a Black King Bar and while that is active, none of your spells will work to bring him/her down and that is why Abyssal Blade is a great counter."

Abbysal Blade is made not only for a 2 second stun every 60 seconds for 150 mana.
you need attack-speed to utilize it. dont give me the "ill make mjoll too then' bull__

I seriously think Heavens Halberd is core on the centaur.
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