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Armlet Wraith King Build

April 3, 2014 by Panic 4.4
Comments: 3    |    Views: 29527    |   

Armlet Carry

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Armlet Wraith King Build

Panic 4.4
April 3, 2014


Hello and Welcome guys! I'm Panic 4.4 and this is my guide to Wraith King.

Wraith King is one of the easy-to-use heroes in DOTA due to his overall stats. High HP, Decent Damage, Decent Armor, a single target skill which stuns and slows and an ultimate that gives him more survivability.

Wraith King is also fun to use and very versatile. He can contribute in teamfights if used wisedly due to his high DPS output.

Pros / Cons

[*] tank
[*] good attack animation (for lasthitting if paired with Quelling Blade
[*] has a disable that also slows
[*] can scale very fast if farmed early and well
[*] his ultimate gives him more survivability

[*] mana dependent ultimate
[*] single target hero
[*] has no escapes
[*] needs and NEEDS farm


Wraithfire Blast
Wraith King sears an enemy unit with spectral fire, dealing damage and stunning, then dealing damage over time and slowing the target.

DAMAGE: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200
SLOW: 20%
DAMAGE OVER TIME: 15 / 30 / 40 / 50

[*] this is his core nuke and disable skill. at all levels, it stuns an enemy target for 2 seconds and deal damage overtime. it also slows the enemy target for another two seconds. this is a good skill even if it is casted without a backup stun or slow.

[*] i prefer to max this skill because the first and practical rule in DOTA is to MAX YOUR MAIN NUKE SKILL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 200 damage has more impact in Early Game than it does in MID-LATE game so it is better to max this first.

Vampiric Aura
Nearby friendly units gain hit points based on their damage dealt when attacking enemy units.

LIFESTEAL: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%

[*] an instant Vladimir's Offering that allows allied heroes and creeps nearby to lifesteal. I prefer to get only Level 1 since your goal is to add survivability and not to push your lane too fast in Early Game.

Mortal Strike
Wraith King passively gains a chance to deal bonus damage on an attack.

CRITICAL DAMAGE: 125% / 175% / 225% / 275%

[*] an instant Crystalis/ Daedalus. Gives Wraith King the ability to deal massive damage 15% of your attacks. this synergizes with your Vampiric Aura and any damage item you can buy for him

[*] Mortal Strike can make a difference in a 1v1 fight with an enemy. so if an enemy tries to fight you in your Low HP, he might get killed instead of you.

Wraith King's members regroup after death, allowing him to resurrect when killed in battle. Upon death, enemy units in the area will be slowed by 75%.

COOLDOWN: 260/160/60

[*] Wraith King's signature skill. when he dies and this activates, he reborns after 3 seconds and slows all enemies near your place of death for 5 seconds. So you have 2 seconds extra slow for the enemy which is enough to fight back or escape.

The Armlet Carry Build



[*] Quelling Blade - improves your last-hitting ability
[*] Stout Shield - improves your survivability by blocking damage from enemy attacks
[*] Tango - a basic consumable. Heals HP overtime

1.) in this phase your focus is to last-hit as many enemy creep as possible. Choose to farm in the safe lane if you are playing as the main carry. Get into the suicide lane if you are not. last-hitting is easy thanks to the effect of the Quelling Blade and your good attack animation.

2.) you do not need to worry much if your enemy ranged hero harasses you thanks to your Stout Shield and your decent armor.

3.) if your HP falls to 1/2, use your Tango.


[*] Magic Stick - gains 1 charge if an enemy casts a skill near you. each charge heals 15 health/mana.
[*] Power Treads - gives decent movement, attackspeed and decent attribute bonus. can be toggled.
[*] Quelling Blade
[*] Stout Shield
[*] Helm of Iron Will - gives bonus 5 armor and 2 HP regen. Synergizes with Stout Shield in blocking damage.

1.) Your goal in the Early Game is to get gold and not die as long as possible. Get a fast Boots of Speed if you are not that harassed in the first phase of the game. if your enemy has many skills to use buy Magic Stick first.

2.) the magic stick can turn a bad situation into good if you are getting harassed by your enemy spells. its HP/Mana heal synergizes with Wraith King's low Manapool. when you have no more mana after using your stun in the Early Game, just pop your stick and you get mana for another extra Wraithfire Blast

3.) Rush your Power Treads since this gives you the essential movement, attackspeed and damage.

4.) you should also be able to buy Helm of Iron Will for the Armlet if you have a good time in your Early Laning Phase.


[*] Armlet of Mordiggian - one of my favorite item for Wraith King. Provides damage, armor, attack speed and HP regen. Active Armlet of Mordiggian gives bonus bonus strength, damage and attackspeed at the cost of HP loss per second.
[*] Black King Bar - important item for any carry. it provides decent strength and damage. active BKB makes Wraith King immune to magic damage and effects.
[*] Power Treads
[*] Magic Stick - very usable because it gains huge amount of charge in teamfights.

1.) an early Armlet of Mordiggian is a good option for Wraith King since it synergizes with his skills.

a. gives additional damage and attackspeed (synergizes with Mortal Strike and Vampiric Aura.
b. the active armlet provides bonus 25 strength which adds to the potency of Mortal Strike and attackspeed which gives a better chance for Wraith King's attacks to crit.
c. the HP degen is a good exchange for the bonuses since you can regain that lost HP with your auto-attacks and possible crits. be warned though that this has a setback if used for long term.

2.) your core Black King Bar not only gives you bonus strength and HP and damage but also the ability to dive in your enemy ranks during a team fight. Pop your Armlet and BKB, initiate on the nearest enemy with your stun and let your auto-attacks melt that poor target.

3.) in a bad situation, example is when you and your team were outnumbered or you are ganked, One good strategy is to first Pop Armlet of Mordiggian, dive-in the enemy and auto-attack. When they had killed you, and your Reincarnation activates, pop your Black King Bar and Armlet of Mordiggian and kill any hero that you can kill. If you fail, then at least you have tried. Another good strategy is to use Black King Bar and Town Portal Scroll out.

4.) as much as possible auto-attack and stun with your Wraithfire Blast. Conserve 140 mana for your Reincarnation or you Magic Stick charges for your Reincarnation.

5.) you should also be able to get the Aegis of the Immortal from Roshan.


[*] Assault Cuirass - additional armor, attack speed and a minus armor aura for enemies. Also provides attack speed aura for allies
[*] Armlet of Mordiggian
[*] Black King Bar
[*] Power Treads

1.) in this phase of the game, you should be able to get enough gold in kills, last hits farming in the ancients and Roshan.

2.) as much as possible, even if well farmed, avoid going solo and the enemy team if outnumbered. go after solo kills or fight back if you are ganked.

3.) with your damage output you should be able to push enemy towers or even the barracks from the enemy base.

4.) Finish Fast.

Situational Items

Blade Mail - good item if you have an enemy carry or if you plan to take the frontlines in teamfights. provides armor, damage and intelligence points.

Shadow Blade - an escape item good for making/avoiding ganks. it provides decent attackspeed and damage.

Maelstrom/ Mjollnir - good for flash farming. provides attackspeed and damage. Static Charge active can contribute to winning 1v1 or teamfights.

Desolator - best follow-up before of after Assault Cuirass. Decreases enemy armor and provides decent damage.

Skull Basher/ Abyssal Blade - additional bash which can ensure a kill. Active Abyssal Blade provides an additional disable. Provides strength and damage.

Divine Rapier - imba item for Wraith King that synergizes with Mortal Strike, Vampiric Aura and Reincarnation. Also best when you are handling the Aegis of the Immortal.

Sange- Heaven's Halberd - Counter for {Anti-Mage]] and any carry hero. provides strength, evasion and maim.

Sange- Sange and Yasha


Wraith King can be built with any proper combination of your choice even without Armlet.
because he is easy to use, he can be proper carry to rule in pub games.

Thanks Guys for reading my guide!!!

this is my first time to make one and don't hesitate to give comments.
I'm also thinking to edit this and add

[*] When to Pick
[*] Friends and Foes

Once again, thank you and good day!!!!

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