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5 Votes

Armlet Wraith King Build

April 3, 2014 by Panic 4.4
Comments: 3    |    Views: 29204    |   

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eeon (6) | April 4, 2014 2:49am
Nice guide overall; standard item progression for SK. I'm pretty sure that Daedalus is pointless, it is much better to get a MKB. You should consider a Blink Dagger and Phase Boots (as an alternative to treads) so you can close the gap between you and your target. oh..and Radiance? really?
And also you should use Shadow Blade as an INITIATION item, don t forget about the 150 bonus damage that gets criticaled (just made this word up) if you are lucky, so go invi, hit him, stun him, kill him
Good for a firs guide.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | April 3, 2014 9:22am

It's a pretty good guide, your core item and late game choices (aside from weird ones like a late Radiance, Battle Fury, Shadow Blade and Vanguard) are excellent. The starting items, though, are really greedy: starting with Tango, Salve, two Branches and the Shield is much better because of the extra regen, you can also substitute a Branch with a Clarity.

Also, you need to put a skill build.

Battlefury is a situational, i always get it for illusion carries when the illusions start getting scary ~30 min.

One item i do see missing from each and every guide of WK is a blink dagger. It offers you a solid escape after reincarnation and actually lets you benefit from your ulti rather than just being killed twice if caught in a bad spot(going solo rosh and getting 5 man ganked)(actually caught a guy doing that, easiest rosh of my life)
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 3, 2014 7:29am
It's a pretty good guide, your core item and late game choices (aside from weird ones like a late Radiance, Battle Fury, Shadow Blade and Vanguard) are excellent. The starting items, though, are really greedy: starting with Tango, Salve, two Branches and the Shield is much better because of the extra regen, you can also substitute a Branch with a Clarity.

Also, you need to put a skill build.
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