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Mask of Madness blocks your Laser beam and ultimate in Situations u need it the most.
i died over and over again ganked on lane or in jungle while having the mask popped on, same in teamfights where i forgot to activate ulti before popping the mask. this guide is not updated to newest dota patch. blik dagger can work but on a agiltityhero with that great damage output could be a wasted slot if not very good early game. for lifesteal better go vlads if nobody else has it or satanic. mask of madness is a very situational item for very situational heros like faceless void.
thx for the wall of text but i will follow another guide. sorry
I don't know what you want from me dude, the guide's 8 month old and I'm not planning to update it of course it's ****ing outdated.
Nevertheless, I still go
Unless you are playing vs
That's not true but yeah don;t go Blink anymore. Go Pike if you need mobility.
In conclusion, I don't think any other guide will help you, and in fact I think you need to go see a doctor dude, apparently you are not very good with numbers(as evidenced by you failing to realize that 6.88 =/= 7.02) and especially not good with logic(as evidenced by you using MoM before Q and R across multiple games). Peace.
Also it's just now I noticed that I don't have E-Blade in situationals - I picked it up occasionally, not for the blast damage or beam amplification(it is not the main source of
Thanks for the comment!
i played luna recently and i think it is a MUST to have a diffusal blades for these reasons
1- its easy to assemble
2- high damage output for a single target
3- excellent against buff based heroes ( saladar-venomancer-ursa -etc)
5- u can sell it in the late game to have a better item
and i think about having a Eblade is good also especially verses a team of two decent carries and 3 supports.for these reasons
1- good damage because almost u buy every agility item for luna
2-amplifies lucent beams damage
3-it can be considerd a 3 sec disarm(extremely important vs troll warlord when he uses ulti)
4- it can save luna is some circumstances(when luna get caught off-guard by phantom lancer or juggernaut)
If you have 5k gold and want to **** PL up, get a
That's they way all carries deal with PL - they wreck his face before he wrecks their face because the only carry that at least semi-reliably defeats 6-slotted PL and is not from Void/Dusa/Spectre trio is
Pl becomes dangerous after 2-3 slots, so the main way to counter him is push his towers because underfarmed PL is just a melee creep if you have AOE. When he gets his items you should either be hugely overfarmed to a point you don't care about his illusions or be aiming for burst damage to bring him down fast. Mjollnir lightning does surprisingli little against this hero.
If you intend to "counter" CK in a fight and not by ratting him(which is how it should be done) you'll need BKB and
Hope that clarifies things.
A lot of phantom lancer this days get boots of travel. Ratting against a hero with bots is really hard.
Btw you don't have to place the mjolnir on yourself. You can do it on a (as an example) bristleback after the difusalblade is used. Than the pl has 3 options: ignore the bristle and take ****load of queil spray damage or he attacks the bristle and dies to mjolnir or the pl retraits and wait for his next difusal blade charge( 8 seconds cd) so you can destroy his team. If your team has no natural pl counter you are very likely to lose. You can try to end around 30 minutes but if you fail( what is really likely in a pub) you have nothing to counter the pl.
Guys, guys...can you stop with that "Mjollnir counters PL because he'll kill himself on the shield"?
That's just not happening. Unless the PL is the biggest scrub EVER.
It's not that Mjollnir is bad against PL. I buy it against him because it's the "least bad" item against the hero...but it's a soft counter at most IMO.
I wouldn't recommend it on luna, since she isn't particularly tanky, but if luna went satanic and skadi/ or went for a heavy stats build that tanks her up, mjollnir might be a situational counter to pl.
The same does not apply for ck, since the way pl and ck fight is completely different. Ck will nuke luna down before she even has a chance to do anything useful if ck manages to initiate on luna.