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Unorthodox Items Picks for Heroes

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Unorthodox Items Picks for Heroes 51 posts - page 2 of 6
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kemedo » December 11, 2012 4:19am | Report
I really like to have once a Sniper with:

Power Treads
Monkey King Bar
Abissal Blade
Manta Style
Shadow Blade

And let him fire at will... annoying range and auto-stuns. But defenseless (well SB, but not that much)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SuperNova » December 11, 2012 6:49am | Report
Kemedo wrote:

I really like to have once a Sniper with:

Power Treads
Monkey King Bar
Abissal Blade
Manta Style
Shadow Blade

And let him fire at will... annoying range and auto-stuns. But defenseless (well SB, but not that much)

those are cookie cutter items....derp.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SuperNova » December 11, 2012 6:50am | Report
i want to try and carry treant. somehow. any ideas guys?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » December 11, 2012 8:12am | Report
Abyssal blade on Sniper?That ain't good.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » December 11, 2012 10:15am | Report
Why no guide except mine for skeleton king includes Sange and Yasha? Isn't it like made for him, because his crit steroid profits very much from attack speed?
The fast way to fast Skeleton King.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ShadowStorm » December 11, 2012 10:59am | Report
im not sure if this is in any of the Luna guides but i have used Aginims, Veil of discord and E blade on her and if the game takes longer than that then i normaly go for Dagon Lvl 5 :P its actually incredibly effective in pubs when combined with Tide for other mass AOE.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » December 12, 2012 1:31am | Report
NicknameMy wrote:

Why no guide except mine for skeleton king includes Sange and Yasha? Isn't it like made for him, because his crit steroid profits very much from attack speed?

Because for that gold I could get a Hyperstone and a Platemail and build it into an Assault Cuirass.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » December 12, 2012 8:03am | Report
Wulfstan wrote:

Because for that gold I could get a Hyperstone and a Platemail and build it into an Assault Cuirass.

Who said that Sange and Yasha excludes Assault Cuirass? And Sange and Yasha has two stats assault curi*** doesn't have, MS and a slow. These two, Armlet of Mordiggian and Power Treads give enough AS to easly proc skeleton king's critical strike.
The fast way to fast Skeleton King.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » December 12, 2012 9:25am | Report
You don't understand what I mean, Sange and Yasha is not a good item overall,it gives so few out of each,that it would be better out wihtout it.Just get the Assault Cuirass, Armlet of Mordiggian, Power Treads,and you have 1 free space in your inventory to get a higher tier item than Sange and Yasha that could either be:

Heart of Tarrasque
Radiance(though its probably not worth it that late in the game)
Monkey King Bar(underrated in my opinion,its hella good)
Black King Bar( you don't need movespeed when you can just go magic immune,stun the enemy carry,and go berzerk on his ***)
Divine Rapier(obvious reasons)
Force Staff(if you need mobility,and yes Force Staff is hella good on skeleton king)
Eye of Skadi(though really expensive)
Satanic(yes it stacks with vampiric aura.)

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NicknameMy » December 12, 2012 10:14am | Report
I personally dislike Force Staff very hard and I want an item with movement speed to compensate that. No item you mentioned has that.

In league of legends, there is a similar item called Trinity Force. For the longest time, Trinity Force was overlooked because it had rather medicore stats, but for that, nearly every stat. Then, suddenly, someone picked it up, and then nearly everyone had to get it in order to be good. This item is kinda like the same.

And again, I want an item with damage, HP, attack speed, movement speed and a slow on it. Sange and Yasha is the only item which offers that all in one item.
The fast way to fast Skeleton King.


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