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One of the coolest matches ever?

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Forum » General Discussion » One of the coolest matches ever? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 10, 2014 11:50am | Report
Watch my replay please!

If you want to watch what I think is a pretty exciting match please do. It's one of my personal favourites and I made a couple of stupid mistakes, but overall I think I did pretty well. I got 10/8/26 KDA which I think is cool. And yes it was with Crystal Maiden :)

If anyone could tell me if I made some mistakes that would be good. I think I did well but I know I can do better!


Edit: Here's an even better one: Cm + Force Staff + BKB + Ult = Destruction!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ThreadOfFate » July 10, 2014 12:56pm | Report
This juggernaut...I can't express this. He only got ward at lv 22/23/24/25. Wtf.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 10, 2014 1:09pm | Report
ThreadOfFate wrote:

This juggernaut...I can't express this. He only got ward at lv 22/23/24/25. Wtf.

Lol, idk why he didn't level it earlier. But we still did okay in lane :)
Do you like playing juggernaut?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ashwinthegrim » July 10, 2014 1:19pm | Report
One BKB for the entire game.. and it was on a SB xD Typical pub game..

P.S: Nice farm on a CM :O However, that Clinkz build was ******ed.. Orchid Malevolence --> Power Treads --> Black King Bar --> Daedalus --> Monkey King Bar would have been a better option.

P.P.S: Vanguard on a Phantom Lancer.................... Either rush Radiance or go for Diffusal Blade into Manta Style into Butterfly/ Heart of Tarrasque.

P.P.P.S: No Blink Dagger on Ursa....

P.P.P.P.S: There are way too many post scripts in this comment. I didn't intend to have so many, but they just grew on..


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 10, 2014 1:49pm | Report

One BKB for the entire game.. and it was on a SB xD Typical pub game..

P.S: Nice farm on a CM :O However, that Clinkz build was ******ed.. Orchid Malevolence --> Power Treads --> Black King Bar --> Daedalus --> Monkey King Bar would have been a better option.

P.P.S: Vanguard on a Phantom Lancer.................... Either rush Radiance or go for Diffusal Blade into Manta Style into Butterfly/ Heart of Tarrasque.

P.P.P.S: No Blink Dagger on Ursa....

P.P.P.P.S: There are way too many post scripts in this comment. I didn't intend to have so many, but they just grew on..

Yeah, a pretty low level match, but it was fun and challenging nonetheless! :)
I was starting to build bkb but the game was pretty much over by then.


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Remarkable (32)
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Steam: Bunkansee
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by oldKainen » July 10, 2014 6:04pm | Report
This is low level guys, there's a lot of players who don't know how to build items nor skills (going to get out of this tier as soon as I can, when I get time to play with my new account) - not talking abou Bunkansee, the stats tells us you are quite sure of what you are doing =D

Downloading now to watch latter. Looks promising, Bunkansee!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 10, 2014 6:43pm | Report
Bunkansee wrote:

If anyone could tell me if I made some mistakes that would be good. I think I did well but I know I can do better!

Still no Blink Dagger... 8{P
Bunkansee wrote:

Edit: Here's an even better one: Cm + Force Staff + BKB + Ult = Destruction!

k, I watched the replay for this one, just like you asked. NOW PREPARE TO REGRET IT!!! >8{D

At the start, you placed an Observer Ward down in your Jungle, personally I would have placed it closer to the Tower, since there's little chance of anyone getting in your Jungle that early. It wasn't catching anything out. You also could have kept an eye on the Top Rune Spawn and Warded it immediately for Skywrath Mage.

After placing the ward, you then walked round and came out []bin front[/b] of teh Solo Slark. It would have been best to stay hidden in the Trees and look for a good opportunity to Crystal Nova/ Frostbite him. You wouldn't have gotten the Kill, but with Wraith King's help, you might have ended up doing enough Damage to force him to use his Healing Salve. I mean, this guy got Harrassed, came back, got Harrasswed again and walked away with half his Kills were attempted... 8{(

A little while later, and Wraith King realises that this guy is easy to Kill and throws out a Wraithfire Blast. Since you were idling atthe back of the Creep Wave, you weren't in a Position to follow up. Again, you wouldn't have gotten a Kill, but if you're going to be in the Lane, you need to be doing something useful there.

You eventually managed to get an easy Kill on this guy, but sadly that was just due to Slark being...terrible. GJ anyway though. 8{)

2:45...a Creep was 8{3

Seriously though, when you have a Carry who's "Special" like Wraith King, don't let them walk around below half HP, use your Healing Salve ( didn't buy...?) on them (just remember that "Special" players tend to draw Creep Aggro while Healing up 8{( ).

6:00 in, gj on getting a 2nd Kill, ignore what anyone says about Killstealing, it's fine for Supports to take Kills since they aren't taking any Farm, but...why do you still have that Observer Ward you bought 6 hours ago? If you buy Wards, either place them, or give them to someone who will place them for you. There's no sense hanging onto that extra ward, especially when you have no vision of the Runes.

For about 2 minutes after that, there was a free Mid-Lane. Your Wraith King was forever Pushing the Lane, and Slark had finally reached lvl6 (and successfully fed 3 times). By this point, you should have either been Pulling and Farming the Jungle, or better yet, taking advantage of the empty Mid-Lane and Farming there placing the Observer Ward on the way (*hint hint* 8{3 )

Also...what is this 3rd level in Arcane Aura at lvl7? Just because you have a Skywrath Mage and a Zeus doesn't mean you should delay Maxing Crystal Nova and Frostbite. 2 levels is more than enough! 8{(

9:30 - finally someone Roams from the Safe Lane to the Bot Lane to help out with the fighting there...sadly, it isn't you...and Mid Lane had been empty for about 3 or 4 minutes...4 vs 5 Bot, but it's cool, CM is Farming Top! 8{3

When you eventually TPed Bot, it was already too Late, 3 members of your Team were already limping back to Base half-dead, and to add insult to injury, you hung around the Tower too long leaving even the most "Special" of Slarks to Dive and Kill you. 8{(

15:00 - You couldn't have saved your "Special" Elder Titan here, but you could have gotten the Kill on the Shadow Shaman if you were a bit quicker.

30 seconds later, LMFAO at that Aegis snatch ("I claim it Peasant" X{D )!...but also crying, because you still haven't bought any more Wards. T-T

17:15, I wouldn't have used Freezing Field here, you had to go right up to the Mass Serpent Wards and they were almost all dead already anyway, using [[Frostbite] would have been much better.


Watch this. ^ Ignore the Skill and Item Builds, but note how this guy Aggroes the Big Creep with an Auto-Attack, then Frostbites it away from the Camp. Since it lasts 10 seconds at all levels, this is an easy way to Jungle with CM. Also note the timing, so that you can Stack Camps while doing this.

19:41 - the second you landed Crystal Nova, you should have used Freezing Field, it would have gotten you an easy Kill here.

I'm not entirely sure what happened at 21:00, but you should have been much more careful here. You could easily see the Enchantress heading towards you (thanks to a Ward...Wait! Your team had Wards?! D{8 ) and it was pretty obvious that Ursa was still there too. Add in the fact that the other 3 weren't anywhere to be seen and staying there was a bad idea. Sacrificing yourself as a Support is noble, but don't sacrifice yourself for a player like this Wraith King. He died 10 seconds later anyway... -_-

23:10 - good Freezing Field, 25:50, even better Freezing Field...nuff said. 8{)

To summarize:-
  • Maxing Arcane Aura first is bad...unless you're Trolling
  • If you're not Harrassing and there's only 1 Offlaner, get out of the Lane. Go hide in the Trees and try to ambush the Offlaner for a Kill.
  • Once your Carry has a couple of Kills against a Solo Offlaner, you can leave them be for a while, just buy a Town Portal Scroll and go Roaming.
  • Try buying some Wards, Roaming around and placing them regularly
  • Did I mention Roaming?
  • Blink Dagger is awesome, love it or suffer the consequences -_-
  • Your 4 Teammates were "Special", the 5 members of the other Team were even more "Special". You won by having a brain, but you still have far to go ;{)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ThreadOfFate » July 10, 2014 11:55pm | Report
Bunkansee wrote:

Lol, idk why he didn't level it earlier. But we still did okay in lane :)
Do you like playing juggernaut?

He's a ninja with an awesome voice. Why would I not like him?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 11, 2014 1:19am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

Still no Blink Dagger... 8{P

k, I watched the replay for this one, just like you asked. NOW PREPARE TO REGRET IT!!! >8{D

At the start, you placed an Observer Ward down in your Jungle, personally I would have placed it closer to the Tower, since there's little chance of anyone getting in your Jungle that early. It wasn't catching anything out. You also could have kept an eye on the Top Rune Spawn and Warded it immediately for Skywrath Mage.

After placing the ward, you then walked round and came out []bin front[/b] of teh Solo Slark. It would have been best to stay hidden in the Trees and look for a good opportunity to Crystal Nova/ Frostbite him. You wouldn't have gotten the Kill, but with Wraith King's help, you might have ended up doing enough Damage to force him to use his Healing Salve. I mean, this guy got Harrassed, came back, got Harrasswed again and walked away with half his Kills were attempted... 8{(

A little while later, and Wraith King realises that this guy is easy to Kill and throws out a Wraithfire Blast. Since you were idling atthe back of the Creep Wave, you weren't in a Position to follow up. Again, you wouldn't have gotten a Kill, but if you're going to be in the Lane, you need to be doing something useful there.

You eventually managed to get an easy Kill on this guy, but sadly that was just due to Slark being...terrible. GJ anyway though. 8{)

2:45...a Creep was 8{3

Seriously though, when you have a Carry who's "Special" like Wraith King, don't let them walk around below half HP, use your Healing Salve ( didn't buy...?) on them (just remember that "Special" players tend to draw Creep Aggro while Healing up 8{( ).

6:00 in, gj on getting a 2nd Kill, ignore what anyone says about Killstealing, it's fine for Supports to take Kills since they aren't taking any Farm, but...why do you still have that Observer Ward you bought 6 hours ago? If you buy Wards, either place them, or give them to someone who will place them for you. There's no sense hanging onto that extra ward, especially when you have no vision of the Runes.

For about 2 minutes after that, there was a free Mid-Lane. Your Wraith King was forever Pushing the Lane, and Slark had finally reached lvl6 (and successfully fed 3 times). By this point, you should have either been Pulling and Farming the Jungle, or better yet, taking advantage of the empty Mid-Lane and Farming there placing the Observer Ward on the way (*hint hint* 8{3 )

Also...what is this 3rd level in Arcane Aura at lvl7? Just because you have a Skywrath Mage and a Zeus doesn't mean you should delay Maxing Crystal Nova and Frostbite. 2 levels is more than enough! 8{(

9:30 - finally someone Roams from the Safe Lane to the Bot Lane to help out with the fighting there...sadly, it isn't you...and Mid Lane had been empty for about 3 or 4 minutes...4 vs 5 Bot, but it's cool, CM is Farming Top! 8{3

When you eventually TPed Bot, it was already too Late, 3 members of your Team were already limping back to Base half-dead, and to add insult to injury, you hung around the Tower too long leaving even the most "Special" of Slarks to Dive and Kill you. 8{(

15:00 - You couldn't have saved your "Special" Elder Titan here, but you could have gotten the Kill on the Shadow Shaman if you were a bit quicker.

30 seconds later, LMFAO at that Aegis snatch ("I claim it Peasant" X{D )!...but also crying, because you still haven't bought any more Wards. T-T

17:15, I wouldn't have used Freezing Field here, you had to go right up to the Mass Serpent Wards and they were almost all dead already anyway, using [[Frostbite] would have been much better.


Watch this. ^ Ignore the Skill and Item Builds, but note how this guy Aggroes the Big Creep with an Auto-Attack, then Frostbites it away from the Camp. Since it lasts 10 seconds at all levels, this is an easy way to Jungle with CM. Also note the timing, so that you can Stack Camps while doing this.

19:41 - the second you landed Crystal Nova, you should have used Freezing Field, it would have gotten you an easy Kill here.

I'm not entirely sure what happened at 21:00, but you should have been much more careful here. You could easily see the Enchantress heading towards you (thanks to a Ward...Wait! Your team had Wards?! D{8 ) and it was pretty obvious that Ursa was still there too. Add in the fact that the other 3 weren't anywhere to be seen and staying there was a bad idea. Sacrificing yourself as a Support is noble, but don't sacrifice yourself for a player like this Wraith King. He died 10 seconds later anyway... -_-

23:10 - good Freezing Field, 25:50, even better Freezing Field...nuff said. 8{)

To summarize:-
  • Maxing Arcane Aura first is bad...unless you're Trolling
  • If you're not Harrassing and there's only 1 Offlaner, get out of the Lane. Go hide in the Trees and try to ambush the Offlaner for a Kill.
  • Once your Carry has a couple of Kills against a Solo Offlaner, you can leave them be for a while, just buy a Town Portal Scroll and go Roaming.
  • Try buying some Wards, Roaming around and placing them regularly
  • Did I mention Roaming?
  • Blink Dagger is awesome, love it or suffer the consequences -_-
  • Your 4 Teammates were "Special", the 5 members of the other Team were even more "Special". You won by having a brain, but you still have far to go ;{)

Okay, so what I gathered from this: BLINK DAGGER PLOX, go roaming, stop screwing up wards/buy more wards, roam, missed a few kills, get two points in arcane aura, but max frostbite and crystal nova first (ignoring my own tips on my guide >.<)

And to answer to the mistakes you weren't sure about: I frostbite a creep at 2:45 because I missed xD
21:00 I was going in to ult, but I didn't have enough mana, was probably too suicidal anyway.

I'll try to improve, I guarantee next game will have the following: Exciting ward placement! Wandering about aimlessly to attempt to gank and fail! More Wards! Less/More stupid mistakes! Be excited :)


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Remarkable (32)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 11, 2014 1:55am | Report
oldKainen wrote:

This is low level guys, there's a lot of players who don't know how to build items nor skills (going to get out of this tier as soon as I can, when I get time to play with my new account) - not talking abou Bunkansee, the stats tells us you are quite sure of what you are doing =D

Downloading now to watch latter. Looks promising, Bunkansee!

Thanks, I think it was one of my better games, but there's a lot I need to improve on.


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Remarkable (32)
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Steam: Bunkansee

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