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Drow Ranger, Cookie-Cutter... Or Not?

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Forum » General Discussion » Drow Ranger, Cookie-Cutter... Or Not? 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kuchinashi » June 28, 2013 3:34am | Report
I have seen people playing Drow Ranger, day in day out, especially in public games due to its simpleness and so. I have always seen this build on Drow, which is most-likely the cookie-cutter build.

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So, I was thinking about other items that could be used on Drow Ranger.

Ring of Aquila - An upgrade from the Wraith Band. The mana regeneration can conpensiate for your lack of mana if you keep spamming Silence.

Force Staff - Screw the Shadow Blade because it is countered as easily as anything, making 3000 gold a complete waste of money, except for the minor attack speed bonus. You can FORCE melee heroes who are attacking you away or yourself. Even Nature's Prophet trees can't stop you!

Armlet of Mordiggian - You can increase your survival by toggling it on and off. Coupled with lifesteal, it seems good. It gives minor attack speed which you can also use.

Pretty much, that's it. Your opinions, community?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by manic_e » June 28, 2013 7:53am | Report
I rarely see helm or any life steal on drow or a bottle. Ring of Apulia I do see often.

I like force staff instead of shadow blade. But armlet? That seems a little strange.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » June 28, 2013 8:59am | Report
I like force staff over SB, but the issue is that it doesn't give you any damage/attack speed. The escape possibilities are potentially worth it (though I'm not a drow player, so I wouldn't really know), since it doesn't have a hard counter like SB. SB is obviously better if you're playing in games where you won't be countered (aka pubs), but you'll generally see it less in the higher brackets.

I haven't seen lifesteal on drow since WC3 dota, and armlet wouldn't seem worth it without the lifesteal.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 28, 2013 9:12am | Report
All items above are fine, expect Bottle and Force Staff

Why would you buy a Bottle when you aren't a mana dependent hero at all, and you won't control the runes?

Also, Force Staff might give you mobility and such, but it's not worth the gold. It doesn't give what Drow Ranger needs.

Lately, people started picking up Armlet of Mordiggian on many heroes, I never saw it on drow, but I can see it working. There are better picks for her though.

Ring of Aquila is fine, some extra mana regen won't hurt. Especially if you're going to harras your enemy with Frost Arrows.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by daPhongster » June 28, 2013 10:37pm | Report
Regarding her cookie cutter build; Lifesteal isn't very often picked on her, and I often see Manta Style.

Ring of Aquila is pretty good, but nevertheless she isn't mana dependent; Silence doesn't cost much mp, and you could easily get a second wraith band for some mid-game carrying.

The problem with Force Staff is that it doesn't give you any particularly useful stats, only hp and int. In comparison, Shadow Blade gives you a good amount of both attack speed and damage.

Regarding Armlet of Mordiggian, its use becomes very limited if you aren't a strength hero; the 25 strength isn't translated into damage. Granted, you still get 31 damage and almost 500 health when toggled, but I don't think it's as worth it.
The reason heroes like Naga Siren can use it is because they have illusions. They can toggle armlet, use something like Mirror Image and then untoggle it so that the clones get bonus stats without the damage per second on the main hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mattyg2787 » June 29, 2013 8:47pm | Report
I love seeing drow in pubs games, especially with clockwerk. Hook in. Cogs. Dust. Dead drow.
Even super late games she is easy to shut down.
Force staff breaks that plan. The other critical item for drow with her recent Nerf is wards. Because she doesn't want people getting close, wards become a huge boost. Nothing better than running from drow to high ground and then stopping and waiting.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smorbel » June 29, 2013 11:04pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

All items above are fine, expect Bottle and Force Staff

Why would you buy a Bottle when you aren't a mana dependent hero at all, and you won't control the runes?

I dont think bottle is only for mana dependent hero's. If you mid and get harassed alot or you just want that double damage or invis rune bottled for wheneven it comes in handy, bottle can help alot. And i think drow is a good mid, if she doenst face her counterhero there...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » June 29, 2013 11:12pm | Report
Smorbel wrote:

I dont think bottle is only for mana dependent hero's. If you mid and get harassed alot or you just want that double damage or invis rune bottled for wheneven it comes in handy, bottle can help alot. And i think drow is a good mid, if she doenst face her counterhero there...

Almost everything counters her.Its good mid if she is alone in that lane.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » June 29, 2013 11:25pm | Report
Smorbel wrote:

I dont think bottle is only for mana dependent hero's. If you mid and get harassed alot or you just want that double damage or invis rune bottled for wheneven it comes in handy, bottle can help alot. And i think drow is a good mid, if she doenst face her counterhero there...

Harassed a lot? Why don't you just get a Tango or Healing Salve? Runes? I don't know. In most cases runes as themselves aren't that useful. Bottle recharging is still the biggest thing the runes can provide early on.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by whitenun » July 10, 2013 9:26am | Report
Kuchinashi wrote:

Force Staff - Screw the Shadow Blade because it is countered as easily as anything, making 3000 gold a complete waste of money, except for the minor attack speed bonus. You can FORCE melee heroes who are attacking you away or yourself. Even Nature's Prophet trees can't stop you!

You know, I see people say that all the time but I have yet to be majorly countered with Shadow Blade, esp in pubs. Sure there is the chance someone gets a little pissed a picks up some dust, but usually they don't keep it up. Gem is easily countered since you can pick them off fast weather they see you or not. Not to mention the use of Shadow Blade is not just the escape, but the pretty awesome stats it has for 3k


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