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samukobo's Blog
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January 19, 2014
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This blog post won't really be that well written as I'm going to be typing it live while watching the draft. I just thought mid-draft that this was an incredibly well done drafting phase from Na'Vi and wanted to write about it.

First bans:

Na'Vi: Bane and Invoker

Both of these heroes are unorthodox picks/bans (at least right now)and are weird to be included in the first banning phase - considering that this is Na'Vi. The Invoker ban from sigma would have made sense as Dendi was able to use Invoker very well in game 1 of the series, but for Na'Vi to ban it was probably more of a statement rather than a strategical move. Banning Bane however was most likely to create space for XBOCT's Lifestealer.

Sigma.Int: Enchantress and Io

Enchantress ban is fairly standard against a team with a #4 position player that is exceptionally good at micro. The Io ban here suggests something about their strategy - they most likely would have a team composition that would be very weak against
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December 25, 2013

Dota 2 and LoL

Views: 2276 samukobo
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  LoL
First of all, no ranting here - both games are good in their own way.

So I've been playing League of Legends with my friends a lot lately, and we've been enjoying it a lot - mostly because of how easy and relaxing the game is when compared to a dota 2, which we take really seriously. (Contrary to LoL where players seem to suck at positioning and do not seem to grasp simple game mechanics, at least in our level 20s pubs. Though it's definitely not that way in ranked)

We did this as a break from stressful and competitive dota matches and decided the break was over, and BOY was the break not worth it when we came back.

Long story short, our 1 month break from dota 2 really seemed to lower our game - bad lane control, bad decision making, pressing spacebar repeatedly to try to focus to the hero.. everything.

And while it was a nice experience and LoL was really fun, we'd really like to be back on track in terms of skill.

To the people who play both dota 2 and LoL regularly - how do yo…
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