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Khopi by lonelyfreak

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By: lonelyfreak
Last Updated: Aug 6, 2018
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the Doppleganger

Faction: The Dire
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Attack Type: Melee
Roles: Nuker, Carry, Durable, Escape

Khopi the Doppelganger is a melee intelligence hero who uses his abilities to jump headfirst into the middle of any battle, absorbing incoming damage and dishing out a fair amount to those unfortunate enough to be nearby. The ever changing nature of his being and abilities sew chaos among his enemies.

His Cutting Dash ability enables Khopi to jump into and out of fights dealing significant damage in an area around the endpoint. Being in the front line is something Khpoi excels at with the aid of his skill Pound of Flesh, giving him nigh unparalleled damage mitigation. Once in the fray Khopi deals out copious magical damage to those unfortunate enough to be near him with his skill Arcane Touch. But what truly sets the Doppelganger apart from his fellow heroes is his ultimate, Attribute Shift. Constantly imitating the main attribute of both his enemies and allies permits him to take fights in different ways and uniquely empowers each of his other skills depending on what attribute Khopi has donned as his primary.


A great shattering of the universe, the Schism as it would come to be called, and the creation of this world. Did he exist before that calamity or was he created as a result? He couldn't remember but surely he had experienced it, of that he was sure. Because of the Worldsmith, the known forces of the universe had been divided and Khopi with it.

For eons he simply observed. His purpose was unknown to him but he enjoyed watching; always learning and imitating what he witnessed. He saw warriors of great power wading into battle and decimating armies, lithe and dexterous assassins flitting from shadow to shadow killing without a sound, and grand magi locked in fantastical arcane duels. They were his "stories". Soon Khopi wished to take part himself, playing the role of the stalwart fighter, the agile rogue, or the masterful wizard. Whichever form suited the Doppelganger's whim.

Primary Abilities

Pound of Flesh
Khopi sacrifices a portion of his health to create a barrier of protection. Creates shield charges that reduce incoming damage below a certain threshold and break to damage above that threshold, dealing the difference to Khopi. When Khopi's primary attribute is Strength the shield threshold is based on a percentage of his max health pool.


: No Target
: Self
: Yes
: 130
: 25
Current Health as Cost
Shield Threshold
Shield Charges
Damage Reduction
: 15%
: 75/105/130/165 (Ult. Str: 10% Max HP)
: 2/2/3/3 (Ult. Str: 2/3/3/4)
: 20%/25%/30%/35%
: 20

A rather horrifying skill when you think about it.

Cutting Dash
Khopi dashes forward in a straight line at double his maximum movement speed and performing a cleaving attack upon reaching the specified destination or target. When Khopi's primary attribute is Agility he pushes his abilities beyond their maximum, further increasing the speed at which he moves, the distance he can travel, and multiplying the damage of his ending strike.


: Target Point/Target Unit
: Physical
: Yes
: 75
: 15/13/11/9
Cast Range
Max Dash Duration
Movement Speed Mulitplier
Starting Damage Radius
Damage Distance
Ending Damage Radius
Damage Multiplier
: Global
: 0.75s (Ult. Agi: 1.25s)
: 2x (Ult. Agi: 2.5x)
: 150
: 300
: 400
: 35%
: 1x (Ult. Agi: 2.5x)

Some would say speed is power.

Arcane Touch
Khopi's claws become infused with explosive arcane energies. Converting a portion of his auto attacks to magic damage, plus a small bonus, to be dealt in a small radius around the target. When Khopi's primary attribute is Intelligence the arcane explosion size increases and causes temporary blindness as well as slowing the target.


: Target Unit/Autocast
: Magic
: No
: 50/60/70/80
: 15/11/7/3 (Ult. Int: 8/6/4/2)
Cast Range
Effect Radius
Percent of Base Damage
Bonus Damage
Movement Speed Slow
Miss Chance
Debuff Duration
: 150
: 100 (Ult. Int: 225)
: 35%/40%/45%/50%
: 25/35/45/55
: 0(Ult. Int: 20%)
: 0(Ult. Int: 25%)
: 0(Ult. Int: 5/6/7/8)

Khopi does his best to imitate the arcane spell casters he has seen in his travels.


Ultimate Abilities

Attribute Shift
Khopi changes his primary attribute to match the targeted enemy hero. Khopi gains additional attribute points in his current primary attribute at the cost of the other two. Can be cast on self to switch to the next attribute in order of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. However, when cast on self the cooldown duration is increased.


: Target Unit
: Self
: No ( Aghanim's Scepter: Yes)
: 50 ( Aghanim's Scepter: 25)
: 8/6/4 ( Aghanim's Scepter: 2)
: 12/10/8 ( Aghanim's Scepter: 4)
Cast Range
Shift Duration
Stat Bonus
Stat Loss
: Global
: 50/70/90
: 10/15/20
: 5

Aghanim's Scepter: Decreases cooldown, reduces mana cost, pierces spell immunity, shift duration indefinite

The Doppelganger compels his body and mind to match his current whim.


Hero Talents

- 2s Attribute Shift CD
+ 1 Pound of Flesh Charge

+10 All Stats
- 3s Cutting Dash CD

12% Spell Lifesteal
+ 8 Armor

+100 Day/Night Vision
+20 Movement Speed


Primary Attribute - Strength

Primary Attribute - Agility

Primary Attribute - Intelligence

*Base stat projections for each primary attribute provided player levels ultimate when available.
*It should be noted that level 1 stat projections are the same since Khopi can only be Intelligence based at this level.

Recommended Items

Starting items:

Null Talisman and it's components give Doppelganger a decent early game attributes boost.
Tango regenerates health so Doppelganger can survive the lane.
Healing Salve restores health also.
Stout Shield mitigates damage taken from enemy harass.
Enchanted Mango gives health regeneration and burst mana to use skills in lane.

Early game:

Power Treads is the item version of Doppelganger, thus has a lot of synergy with his kit.
Drum of Endurance is a pretty decent early game item to pick-up if your team is fighting a lot or the lane was really hard since the build up is easy. The stats and movement speed the item provides are really useful for Khopi. Otherwise skip this and go for Radiance.
Magic Wand is again useful if you are fighting a lot as a team or getting harassed in lane by spells. Otherwise skip this and go for Radiance.

Mid game:

Radiance is a great pick-up since Doppelganger can get it fairly quickly with Cutting Dash and Arcane Tough. It deals heavy damage to the enemy team the longer Doppelganger is alive in a fight and he can accomplish that due to Pound of Flesh. It also speeds up his already fast farming capabilities.
Aghanim's Scepter is a second or third item pick-up. It significantly raises the possible skill ceiling for Doppelganger, allowing him to effortlessly switch between primary attributes for more efficient use of skills.

Late game:

Heart of Tarrasque gives Doppelganger a massive amount of health. Combined with Pound of Flesh, which scales with maximum health pool, Khopi becomes practically impossible to bring down in a fight.
Octarine Core lowers cooldown to allow longer uptime of Pound of Flesh, more Cutting Dash usage in a fight to chase or run away with, and more Arcane Touch nukes. The spell lifesteal allows Doppelganger to gain back some health with Arcane Touch and Radiance.
Manta Style is excellent for sieging buildings, spilt pushing, and also provides Khopi with a much needed disjoint mechanism.
Boots of Travel allows Doppelganger to split push lanes and get to fights more quickly. This should replace Power Treads in the late game.

Situational items:

Shiva's Guard grants tankiness with armor and attack speed slow aura. Arctic Blast also slows enemy movement speed, keeping them in range of Radiance.
Black King Bar protects Khopi from disabled but more importantly keeps Pound of Flesh from being dispelled.
Scythe of Vyse gives good attributes, something from which Khopi obviously benefits a great deal. Hex is also one of the strongest hard-disables in the game that can completely turn teamfights around.
Silver Edge gives him another option for escape, even more bonus damage when coming out of invisibility by attacking the enemy, the stats are a nice bonus, and for the break effect. Mostly, you will pick it up for the break effect.
Eye of Skadi is a good luxury item on Khopi the Doppelganger. The stats benefit all of his abilities and the slow means enemies won't be able to escape you.


The Doppelganger generally fits any of the core roles. He benefits spectacularly from levels and farm, pushing him more specifically into the middle lane when the match-up allows for it. He is strong in lane in the sense that other cores and supports struggle to effectively harass him due to the tankiness Pound of Flesh provides him as well as his ability to escape ganks with Cutting Dash. However, he struggles laning up against heroes with low cooldown burst abilities like Skywrath Mage, Zeus, Pugna, or Queen of Pain because of their ability to easily break his Pound of Flesh shield charges. Skill and item builds can vary widely, thanks in large part to how flexible Attribute Shift allows him to be but the standard build can feel similar to Radiance carrying cores like Alchemist and Naga Siren. Quickly farm up a Radiance, get an Aghanim's Scepter or Manta Style, and then pack on the stats.

An effective skill build looks like the following:

Taking two points in Pound of Flesh and one point in Cutting Dash give Khopi a very safe lane. Putting more points into Pound of Flesh doesn't scale well since you will using the skill when strength is set to your primary attribute. The single point in Cutting Dash is mostly for escape but can be used for more efficient farming patterns going into the mid game. Generally, maxing Arcane Touch after taking the first point in your ultimate, Attribute Shift, is best since it is your primary farming tool. Khopi relies heavily on getting items and levels faster than the enemy cores.

Talents are a bit more flexible. Vision and movement speed are both nice but vision probably wins out unless you are getting kited really bad. At level 15, if you are building a Radiance, the spell lifesteal is an absolute no-brainer. The next set of talents are situational. If your team has a decent amount of lock-down then you probably don't need a lower cooldown on Cutting Dash and Khopi scales very well with extra stats. Both of the level 25 talents are strong. If the enemy team can put out a lot of damage with no dispels then an extra Pound of Flesh charge is really good. At the same time further reducing the cooldown of his ultimate raises the skill ceiling by testing the efficiency of skill usage.

Author's Notes:

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FangzofFuzzy (9) | August 5, 2018 9:01pm
Pound of Flesh looks pretty boring. All it does is make you bulkier at the press of a button. Imagine if there was a reason for enemies to want to penetrate that shield quickly? For example, maybe while he has charges, his attacks slow enemies? You’re sacrificing quite a lot of mana and health just to be more durable, so I’d say make it worth something at least.

If you target an enemy with Cutting Dash, will you home in on the target and follow their location? Because if it does, I think the description should make it clearer that it can also target specific enemies. Actually, all it says is Target Unit so I’m not sure if it can also target allies. Can it?

I think overall, Attribute Shift is fine. I’ve seen a lot of iterations of this but being able to target heroes to match their attribute is a nice touch. So, I’d just like to suggest an alternative that falls in line with this. What if his ability upgrades based on primary attribute helped him kill heroes of that attribute? For example, if I switch to Intelligence, Arcane Touch helps him kill Intelligence heroes and so on. This would really sell the theme of adapting and make him really into casting on enemies. If this is implemented, I’d remove the ability to target allies so that he really has to adapt or suffer the higher cooldown penalty. Just to give some examples of what I mean:

When his primary attribute is Strength, Pound of Flesh grants an extra charge and losing a charge damages nearby enemies based on their max health.
When his primary attribute is Agility, Cutting Dash is faster and roots and disarms enemies hit by the cleave.
When his primary attribute is Intelligence, Arcane Touch has a larger radius and silences.

On a side note, I’m not much of a fan of how the spells improve with levels. Pound of Flesh is purposely intended not to be levelled too high first because if it is level 4 early on and you switch to Strength, you’d actually have a lower shield threshold. Clever loophole, but not a fan. Cutting Dash looks pretty underwhelming to level whereas Arcane Touch looks too good not to level first. You already start off as an Intelligence hero so Arcane Touch is already upgraded in its base state, so does it really need more incentive to be levelled over his other spells?
lonelyfreak (7) | August 6, 2018 11:22am
FangzofFuzzy wrote:
Pound of Flesh looks pretty boring. All it does is make you bulkier at the press of a button. Imagine if there was a reason for enemies to want to penetrate that shield quickly? For example, maybe while he has charges, his attacks slow enemies? You’re sacrificing quite a lot of mana and health just to be more durable, so I’d say make it worth something at least.

I think you get quite a lot from his Q. My biggest worry with this skill and something I have discussed with Dota friends at length, is that the skill is too strong. I worry that adding anything too it would be over kill. At level 25 with no items or the level 25 talent, you get something like 938 HP worth of shields that can only be broken by damage over 234 AND you have to do that 4 times before damage reduction is lost. The reason for wanting to get through his shield is to stop him from just sitting in a fight with Radiance and the additional magic damage his E does.

FangzofFuzzy wrote:
If you target an enemy with Cutting Dash, will you home in on the target and follow their location? Because if it does, I think the description should make it clearer that it can also target specific enemies. Actually, all it says is Target Unit so I’m not sure if it can also target allies. Can it?

Noted. I tried to clarify these points in the skill and notes section.

FangzofFuzzy wrote:
I think overall, Attribute Shift is fine. I’ve seen a lot of iterations of this but being able to target heroes to match their attribute is a nice touch. So, I’d just like to suggest an alternative that falls in line with this. What if his ability upgrades based on primary attribute helped him kill heroes of that attribute? For example, if I switch to Intelligence, Arcane Touch helps him kill Intelligence heroes and so on. This would really sell the theme of adapting and make him really into casting on enemies. If this is implemented, I’d remove the ability to target allies so that he really has to adapt or suffer the higher cooldown penalty. Just to give some examples of what I mean:

When his primary attribute is Strength, Pound of Flesh grants an extra charge and losing a charge damages nearby enemies based on their max health.
When his primary attribute is Agility, Cutting Dash is faster and roots and disarms enemies hit by the cleave.
When his primary attribute is Intelligence, Arcane Touch has a larger radius and silences.

I was worried that this concept wasn't unique enough, so I'm glad that the twist of copying other heroes is different. I agree that targeting allies with his ultimate is a bit out of theme. I've removed targeting allies which as a consequence makes Aghanim's Scepter even more attractive (an item I have had a hard time justifying). I like the idea of improved killing of heroes with that primary attribute but I don't really have time to come up with skill improvements or balance them.

FangzofFuzzy wrote:
On a side note, I’m not much of a fan of how the spells improve with levels. Pound of Flesh is purposely intended not to be leveled too high first because if it is level 4 early on and you switch to Strength, you’d actually have a lower shield threshold. Clever loophole, but not a fan. Cutting Dash looks pretty underwhelming to level whereas Arcane Touch looks too good not to level first. You already start off as an Intelligence hero so Arcane Touch is already upgraded in its base state, so does it really need more incentive to be levelled over his other spells?

I think if Strength is the primary attribute then the 10% max HP threshold is always higher (at hero level 4 threshold for Strength is 113). The reason you don't max this skill is because from level 1 to level 2 of the skill, it improves dramatically (2 -> 3 charges in 1 level is a 50% power up). Where as level 2 to level 4 is a pretty weak power up (3 -> 4 charges in 2 levels is a 16% power up). As for Cutting Dash, the point of the skill is to help him escape and speed up his farm. So again it's purposeful that it be less attractive to max level. If you have a free lane then I think you could argue that Arcane Touch be maxed immediately. However, that usually isn't the case so having sustain through damage mitigation as well as the ability to escape ganks is higher priority than better damage. Khopi's base damage is pretty good and Arcane Touch also pushes your lane.
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