July 09, 2015

To Commit or Not to Commit

Views: 882 Sanvitch
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So basically this is a discussion that arose from a recent game of mine;

http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1617732682 (Try to ignore the fact I did really badly in mid, if you choose to watch the game that is)

And in this game, our Tusk was very insitent on us fighting pretty frequently. Like he's always be going 'group and push mid' or insiting we chase as 5, or going in when one of us was ganked and killed.

And the issue was... after a while, I was pretty confident this was always the worse descision he could be making for us. Like, something like 20 or 30 minutes in, I got ganked by 5 due to an error of mine (I knew they had wards in the jungle, I just throught I could get a couple of creeps and get out), and then rather than having us split push mid and top and force them either back or get a trade, he insists that everyone else group up and go into fight them 4v5.

And he did this later on, saying we should go for a fight in our midlane woods with our WD out, when I was pretty sure we needed his damage (Since he had ag's) to win the fight. And thus I didn't follow into what I was pretty sure was death.

And this kept happening. I kept thinking he was making the worse calls by insiting we fight into the clearly stronger line-up, till the point where the lanes were so pushed in, and our map control was so low we had no choice but to turtle and fight.

And it got me thinking; I know generally everyone should be on the same page. But is the same true for when you are sure that following said decision would end up with us losing the fight anyway, and that you can be getting something from the map instead? Because, I just wasn't willing to commit into constant fights that we wouldn't win?

Like, I think I was in the wrong to not follow his calls, but I think they were still just bad calls. Idk, I think it's why I make a bad core player at my level, or why if I do play core, I should be on the ones who are making the active calls and deciding fights we should take (Iniators Offlaners basically).

It's just something bugging me, and I wanted to talk it through with my most knowledgable DOTA peers.