August 25, 2015

6.84c and Efficiency

Views: 1879 Sanvitch
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Just a little frame-work before the main body of the post; This came about from one of my discussions with Hamster in Sando's 6.85 thread, where as usually we have very different view points on a subject matter.

The point was based around a statement of (This is paraphrased) 'TA farming ancient stacks costs the game in a large number of situations, because you aren't abusing the peak window of the heroes skills at 8-10 minutes when you have a Blink + level 10'

Now, before we continue I will say I am approaching this from the perspective of professional games, not pub games, which may be one reason why Hamster and I end up disagreeing a lot.

Warning; This is a bit of ranting blob of text, because that's how my thought processes work, I'll do my best to TL;DR at the end.

Spoiler: Click to view

In reference the the TA bit at the top, the easy thing to say would be; If she can't see a kill that she is 90% certain to get, it's probably not worth rotating around for it, even at your peak, because the trade offs either way just don't pay off that well. Unless say you think you can catch the enemy farming the stacks, then great scout for that.

If you read the whole thing, thank you. I'll be happy to discuss any points people take issue with, of which I'm sure there are a lot due to how rambling it is.