Essentially I felt like sharing my current in DOTA goal. Because I'm not willing to do my calibration matches as of quite yet (I'm getting there, I just still feel like waiting a bit longer before I enter the murky waters of ranked), I felt like I should have a DOTA goal I would be aiming towards.
And when I was looking at my dotabuff (Shameless plug;, I looked at my win percentage (Relatively small number of games, but hey), and so I decided upon it. I will try to both reach and maintain a 60% winrate from now till I start playing ranked, because I like the feel of the nice round number.
Now, it's very similar to the idea of hitting a certain MMR I'll admit, but it'll do the same things. Encourage me to continually get better and better ect ect ect.
So yeah, goal is set. Progress of the first day... Sad because I dropped .02 of a percent due to a poorly timed Lion pick making me go 1-1, but hey that's something tobe worked on =D (Admittedly I knew it was bad the moment I did it, but I was running low on time to pick due to how unranked All Pick works).
But it's nice to share goals I feel =D
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