May 29, 2012

Pushing, what to do?

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At the moment, all anyone does is complain about pushing line-ups and the entire meta is surrounded by pushers. Just a quick FYI as to why that is: A lot of the competitive Gankers, Teamfight and Turtle-oriented heroes are not in the game yet, or heroes that are needed for them to work. Examples of this are Medusa, Wisp, Pit Lord, Nyx, Tauren Chieftain and Undying are the big examples. Medusa's ultimate denies Pipe since it purges effects, her nuke drains the entire team of mana, she can turtle back and amass gold, becoming what is considered one of the best carries in the game right now. Wisp's ability to gank and deny pushes is also very good and also gets exponentially better late game with his buff. Wisp can also suicide which has pretty much been falling to heroes like Windrunner and Queen of Pain these days. Nyx is an amazing ganker and can really shut down any semi-squishy hero in the game, with his recent buffs (though some see them as nerfs), he has become even better in a turtle line-up. Tauren Chieftain is a comparable pick to Earthshaker or Tide Hunter in my personal opinion. Undying's ability to turn any game around if your team can just get a good teamfight with a decent line-up is amazing, so this all-in pushing strategy with him on the board can turn into all kinds of wrong. The last that I mentioned is Pit Lord, who upon getting his rework, was left in a permanently banned state and eventually made 'illegal' in tournaments. His ability to serve as an amazing hero in just about any line-up and makes the current Tier 1 heroes look like tools. The last mention I have here will be Soul Keeper, who scales extremely well into the game, having an increasingly better laning phase as time goes on and a great mid game.

So if you are getting tired of seeing the same dozen heroes all the time, just wait: When these heroes are released, the game will change quite a bit: Expect teams a little focused more towards turtling with a side of ganking, versus the "who can push better."

If anyone has some comments that may disprove what I have said, knock yourself out and I will update this blog as need be.