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LuvLes's Blog
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May 29, 2012

Pushing, what to do?

Views: 4511 LuvLes
+Rep Report
At the moment, all anyone does is complain about pushing line-ups and the entire meta is surrounded by pushers. Just a quick FYI as to why that is: A lot of the competitive Gankers, Teamfight and Turtle-oriented heroes are not in the game yet, or heroes that are needed for them to work. Examples of this are Medusa, Wisp, Pit Lord, Nyx, Tauren Chieftain and Undying are the big examples. Medusa's ultimate denies Pipe since it purges effects, her nuke drains the entire team of mana, she can turtle back and amass gold, becoming what is considered one of the best carries in the game right now. Wisp's ability to gank and deny pushes is also very good and also gets exponentially better late game with his buff. Wisp can also suicide which has pretty much been falling to heroes like Windrunner and Queen of Pain these days. Nyx is an amazing ganker and can really shut down any semi-squishy hero in the game, with his recent buffs (though some see them as nerfs), he has become even better in a tur…
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April 25, 2012

DOTA2's April Tier List

Views: 7423 LuvLes
+Rep Report
ban  |  DOTA2  |  game  |  list  |  meta  |  pick  |  play  |  tier
Top Tier:
These heroes are always the first to go and it is extremely rare for them to not get banned/picked right away. Their ability to more than just fill the roles of the current meta-game makes them extremely useful in any line-up.

Middle Tier:
Useful heroes that are rarely left untouched during the early selection process. Most of these heroes will be picked/banned in a match.
Lower Tier:
These are the heroes that are still good in the competitive scene, but are obviously less of a priority in picking. Unless they are picked early for a specific role or counter, dependant on the team compsition.
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December 30, 2011

DOTA2's Metagame

Views: 3252 LuvLes
+Rep Report
DOTA2  |  HON  |  Metagame  |  playstyle  |  strategy
In HON we see the game much more focused on ganking and pushing, where as in DOTA2 it seems that most teams pretty much revolve around a single carry farming the entire game while the rest of the team does what they can to prolong and punish the enemy team for that duration.

I was wondering if there has been any real stray from this strategy over the years: I am aware that the general EU strategy is to constantly group up and try to rush enemies while the CN focus on a ranged carry farming the entire game and their allies keep pressure on the enemy team while keeping that carry safe while they free farm as much as possible, by any means.

I may be wrong, but I have been trying my best to follow the professionals these past few weeks to improve my game and see how they operate, what they prioritize and what their picks/bans are. And during that time, my conclusions from it, are all listed above. I was wondering what everyone's opinions were on this and hope to include new Blog updates …
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