April 25, 2012

DOTA2's April Tier List

Views: 7423 LuvLes
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DOTA2  |  meta  |  game  |  play  |  tier  |  list  |  pick  |  ban
Top Tier:
These heroes are always the first to go and it is extremely rare for them to not get banned/picked right away. Their ability to more than just fill the roles of the current meta-game makes them extremely useful in any line-up.

Middle Tier:
Useful heroes that are rarely left untouched during the early selection process. Most of these heroes will be picked/banned in a match.
Lower Tier:
These are the heroes that are still good in the competitive scene, but are obviously less of a priority in picking. Unless they are picked early for a specific role or counter, dependant on the team compsition.
Pandaren Brewmaster + The reason I added him here, is because his initiation and anti-carry ability are phenomenal, while at the same time he can be one of your team's semi-carries. Very reliable hero and depending on what happens come this May, we will see if he goes up or down.

Bottom Tier:
Rarely ever picked and banned even less, it is hard to find a place for them in most team compositions. Chances are that none of these heroes will be in a competitive game.
Status of the Current Metagame

For a while now, the game revolves around a Rock Paper Scissors kind of style, where: Push > Turtle > Gank > Push. Over time, each has had it's dominant time and currently, Push is the favored style. Getting Towers down for your team gives a gold advantage that can swing the game in your favor while giving your team a lot of momentum. Or focusing down pushing heroes to deny them experience and gold, giving them to a semi-carry who is doing the ganking. Then lastly there is holding back and playing defensively, to avoid the ganking strategy but leaves you somewhat open to pushing.