I was wondering if there has been any real stray from this strategy over the years: I am aware that the general EU strategy is to constantly group up and try to rush enemies while the CN focus on a ranged carry farming the entire game and their allies keep pressure on the enemy team while keeping that carry safe while they free farm as much as possible, by any means.
I may be wrong, but I have been trying my best to follow the professionals these past few weeks to improve my game and see how they operate, what they prioritize and what their picks/bans are. And during that time, my conclusions from it, are all listed above. I was wondering what everyone's opinions were on this and hope to include new Blog updates whenever I can.
tl;dr Testing new Blog system and needed a place to talk out of my ***.
They *may* be using NS as a placeholder for Lycan in their strats until he gets ported over. They've used Lycan very successfully in the past, he's another example of a hero that hits critical mass very quickly and can deliver high DPS with only core equipment, plus howl is great for pushing when they're using Chen/Enigma/Furion.
I've also seen them come back from behind by mass split pushing 3 lanes at once. Lycan got thrown under a bus and had to solo a lane, and the enemy Alchemist wound up with a < 14 min radiance (and he was doing a Greed build too). Basically Na`Vi wound up just trying to constantly threaten 3 lanes at once, split the enemy team up then converge and knock out a tower or pick the weakest defense and try to snipe the heroes out from under it. They kept that up until the managed to take a rax.