December 18, 2015

Official Acknowledgement Thread

Views: 1961 Kyphoid returns
Thank you dotoforeans. Thanks for the wonderous insight. Thanks for your imagination. You require so less yet you do surprisingly good. A small pat a small thanks a smiley makes you happy. Its so rare to come by these days. When i say thanks, i say for all of us who work so hard to keep this game interesting. You make our work a little less hard and a lot more interesting.
Perfection is an obsolete concept for us, for our perfection is in constant evolution. There cant be a perfect patch but all these think tanks make for a perfect game. And you have a great hand in fuelling these think tanks. We are proud of you. Believe it.

We are on the verge of releasing all heroes to the Dota verse and believe me we need all the help we can get to reimagine old heroes and introduce new ones. We are looking at you. Know that you handful activemembers are always at the back of our minds. That even if you stop posting, we'll remember you.

We have imagined a new concept and are eager to show it to the world and for that i will be burning the midnight oil. Know that you live inside me and i do Live through you. I could name names here but you all are equally important to me. Know That even a small post will be read. Your ideas will be weighed and be implemented orshall be tried at the very least.

At this year end i wish u merry christmas and happy new year. We are excited and eager to showcase what we have.

Keep challenging the way we play dota. I will be back in some days. Well maybe.


It was
certainly a good
for me to have gained
refreshingly new perspectives
on that
game we so love collectively.