July 03, 2016

Comparison of manta style with diffusal on phantom lancer

Views: 2139 Kyphoid returns
So today, this is my last post before the international. I like to remove myself from.the public eye, so here goes nothin

Phantom lancer, people think, is an underpowered hero. What with direct and indirect needs. Doppelganger, juxtapose, agi, all were nerfed to his detriment but I feel there is hope for this behemoth of a snowballer that he should be played as.

People tell me that diffusal nerf buried him. Some fellow members say it is true, that it cut down his output by 30% or so. But 30% of what?
30% of awesome is still awesome so here it is, how manta into heart is one of the new meta (I know you hate this word) way to play cancer lancer.

Why manta is a viable alternative to diffusal?

Well let's say that phantom lancer can do the same on ratting if not better than diffusal.

A diffusal roughly gives you 240 awesome damage with 8 rillusions , manta early game gives you less ( around 100 damage)but reliable damage over time as the 66% increase is guaranteed instead of depending on your hits to spawn illusions. You can rat with easy illusion carry over thus increasing item acquisition capability. Elusive pussycat becomes more elusive than what he already is . You get the idea.
Late game, manta is a monster on its own.

I think I can't articulate this well, but I am leaving it like this so someone may explain this better. It's just better to play, the build up is good, gives health and durable illusions, rat power is good. Overall a viable substitute for all games where early diffusal is dispensable.

So that's it. Keep finding new ways of playing heroes, that's what inspires me to wake up everyday and change the meta.

Challenge the way you play dota, check your whys and how's, that way you will stay ahead of curve. Segregating yourself for the ones who reminisced about the old days and the ones who define the future.

Barafu frog (that's where I am right now)