February 18, 2015

Pub Skrubs II

Views: 2800 I Have Layers
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Scrubs  |  Pub


We started so well.

Just look at the graphs...

We were absolutely destroying. We had a 20 kill lead by minute 25. I was 10-2 by then. We were all way higher in GPM. I got my heart at minute 35. Had I known what was about to ensue, I would have purchased a BKB.

Then the game went on forever. Why?

I was ****ING, MUTED. The most broken punishment. I tried using the chat wheel. It's good for nothing. Nobody on my team was trying to lead. Because I couldn't spam ping, nobody pushed the last tower. They didn't even leave the base after minute 35.

So in the later half of the game, we got destroyed. It was a 70 minute game, and it seemed like we were guaranteed to end it quickly late. But nope. Enemy team ganked me everytime I tried to backdoor. No support from my team, at all.

Lesson learned?

Don't ping spam intentional feeders, and watch out for troll venomancers who report the whole team and then DC.