January 30, 2015

New Meta OMG

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Alright, so a few weeks ago there was the whole discussion about a fan-see newfangled meta for good ol' Anti-Mage, with Maelstrom instead of Battlefury. So I decided to start a blog on testing alternative metas for heroes.

Well those are the results.

Let me give you a brief play by play.

Me and Dazzle (My friend) go safelane. And for whatever reason, DK went mid and OD and Bounty Hunter went offlane.

Me and Dazzle started out strong, he died once early to Broodmother and Nyx but eh. Once he bought wards it was no longer a problem.

I was doing my job, farming, staying out of fights as Anti-Mage.

I got a 13 minute Maelstrom, and a 16 minute Vlad's. So clearly, the Maelstrom sped the farm up quite a bit. It wasn't the same as a Battlefury, but the effect was much earlier than if I had bought Battlefury, which probably would have ended up a 20 minute buy. Mjolnir with Vlad's felt about the same though.

The real issue was Kunkka, and my team.

OD and Bounty Hunter were trying to be really aggressive. But RNGesus hated us, and I literally only saw a rune spawn besides Haste and Bounty once. So Kunkka basically tower dove at everybody.

Then my team kept getting into stupid teamfights. Oh well.

The Verdict on Maelstrom+Vladimir's Offering: Viable