First off, these were the most stupid-*** lineups I've seen in a long time. I second picked Void, which while not a good idea I thought I'd get away with.
So I'm doing my job. Farming.
DK dies in the first minute. No big deal, or so I thought. Then he goes AFK for god knows how long. I'm fine with it. More farm for me. I get ganked by Slark and Slardar, I an't time walk out of there. Oh well. I get a kill, things even out. Huskar is doing his early game thing, shreking face. I'm keeping it low. When I get Chrono, and MoM I get some easy kills. I took Maelstrom over Battlefury, since my team was feeding so hard I had to get my farm sooner.
Not much else to say. I thought building Aghs + Refresher would end up working, since every time I popped my ult we'd destroy the enemy team. But my team was busy cooking up meals like a soup kitchen and I never got to the refresher.
Don't just say "no", tell us why 5 carry teams aren't dumb.
5 carry team is just dumb.
normal team with you as #1 = you get all farm
ez farm ez game stomp dat pub ggwp
ever had a 5 support? yea... that didnt go so well.
poor tinker in my enemy team is so sad his team is full support. sob. he carried game but cant carry them all. we proceed to win.