February 06, 2015

Pub Skrubs

Views: 2570 I Have Layers
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Skrub  |  Scrub


First off, these were the most stupid-*** lineups I've seen in a long time. I second picked Void, which while not a good idea I thought I'd get away with.

So I'm doing my job. Farming.

DK dies in the first minute. No big deal, or so I thought. Then he goes AFK for god knows how long. I'm fine with it. More farm for me. I get ganked by Slark and Slardar, I an't time walk out of there. Oh well. I get a kill, things even out. Huskar is doing his early game thing, shreking face. I'm keeping it low. When I get Chrono, and MoM I get some easy kills. I took Maelstrom over Battlefury, since my team was feeding so hard I had to get my farm sooner.

Not much else to say. I thought building Aghs + Refresher would end up working, since every time I popped my ult we'd destroy the enemy team. But my team was busy cooking up meals like a soup kitchen and I never got to the refresher.