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I Have Layers's Blog
Blog Posts: 4     Views: 9749     Comments: 52
I Have Layers
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January 02, 2016

Layers' Road to Getting Gud

Views: 1944 I Have Layers
+Rep Report
Climb  |  New Meta  |  Scrub
Hey everybody.

Whew it's been several months since I last posted here. I don't know, I guess I just drifted away from the community. I have been lurking a bit, trying to soak up as much knowledge as I can on DotA.

My dotobuff

Whew I have come a looooooooong *** way from a 35% winrate.

Then again maybe not so long since I've only got ~400 games played.

This isn't too much of a NYR thing, but then again maybe it is. The goal is to just climb and climb MMR until I'm as high up as I can possibly be, bearing my constraints in mind.

This has been a year of discovery for me. Lots of **** IRL. A weight gain of 30 pounds.

I've also come to terms with just how ****ing terrible at DotA I am, but I think I've made some progress there as well.

To do list:
1. High Skill Bracket on dotabuff
2. Begin solo ranked to determine exact MMR
3. 5,000 MMR
4. 10,000 MMR

So far I've just been trying to get better at a few heroes I really enjoy, but most often I've ended up picking support after 4 tea…
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February 18, 2015

Pub Skrubs II

Views: 2832 I Have Layers
+Rep Report
Pub  |  Scrubs


We started so well.

Just look at the graphs...

We were absolutely destroying. We had a 20 kill lead by minute 25. I was 10-2 by then. We were all way higher in GPM. I got my heart at minute 35. Had I known what was about to ensue, I would have purchased a BKB.

Then the game went on forever. Why?

I was ****ING, MUTED. The most broken punishment. I tried using the chat wheel. It's good for nothing. Nobody on my team was trying to lead. Because I couldn't spam ping, nobody pushed the last tower. They didn't even leave the base after minute 35.

So in the later half of the game, we got destroyed. It was a 70 minute game, and it seemed like we were guaranteed to end it quickly late. But nope. Enemy team ganked me everytime I tried to backdoor. No support from my team, at all.

Lesson learned?

Don't ping spam intentional feeders, and watch out for troll venomancers who report the whole team and then DC.

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February 06, 2015

Pub Skrubs

Views: 2570 I Have Layers
+Rep Report
Scrub  |  Skrub


First off, these were the most stupid-*** lineups I've seen in a long time. I second picked Void, which while not a good idea I thought I'd get away with.

So I'm doing my job. Farming.

DK dies in the first minute. No big deal, or so I thought. Then he goes AFK for god knows how long. I'm fine with it. More farm for me. I get ganked by Slark and Slardar, I an't time walk out of there. Oh well. I get a kill, things even out. Huskar is doing his early game thing, shreking face. I'm keeping it low. When I get Chrono, and MoM I get some easy kills. I took Maelstrom over Battlefury, since my team was feeding so hard I had to get my farm sooner.

Not much else to say. I thought building Aghs + Refresher would end up working, since every time I popped my ult we'd destroy the enemy team. But my team was busy cooking up meals like a soup kitchen and I never got to the refresher.

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January 30, 2015

New Meta OMG

Views: 2403 I Have Layers
+Rep Report
Meta  |  New  |  New Meta


Alright, so a few weeks ago there was the whole discussion about a fan-see newfangled meta for good ol' Anti-Mage, with Maelstrom instead of Battlefury. So I decided to start a blog on testing alternative metas for heroes.

Well those are the results.

Let me give you a brief play by play.

Me and Dazzle (My friend) go safelane. And for whatever reason, DK went mid and OD and Bounty Hunter went offlane.

Me and Dazzle started out strong, he died once early to Broodmother and Nyx but eh. Once he bought wards it was no longer a problem.

I was doing my job, farming, staying out of fights as Anti-Mage.

I got a 13 minute Maelstrom, and a 16 minute Vlad's. So clearly, the Maelstrom sped the farm up quite a bit. It wasn't the same as a Battlefury, but the effect was much earlier than if I had bought Battlefury, which probably would have ended up a 20 minute buy. Mjolnir with Vlad's felt about the same though.

The real issue was Kunk…
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