October 14, 2015

Unknown.xiu- ¡Viva Perú!

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Frankfurt Major  |  eSports  |  Peru  |  Team  |  Overview

1-Kotaro Hayama

Winners of the TI5 NA Open Qualifier
2nd Place at Awqa League
Guaranteed Top 3 Finish at Sudamerican Master 3
First South American Team to qualify for a Valve-Organized event

SEA has Pinoys, EU has Russians, don't exactly know what the Chinese have to put up with (probably having to play on Perfect World), but like their Asian and European counterparts, North Americans have had their own scourge to deal with. An unstoppable force of feeding and high ping, known only as the Peruvians.

To some, the Peruvians are merely an annoyance, a factor that can be overcome by proper play and excessive reporting. But to those who've followed the signs, they know that the Peruvians are learning, adapting, and most terrifying of all, evolving. It all started at the Summit 2, when the Peruvian squad Not Today qualified for the event under the leadership of SmAsH. They may have been the first team eliminated, but that didn't stop SmAsH from becoming a celebrity in his homeland. After qualifying again for the Summit 3, SmAsH and Not Today proved that the Peruvians were here to stay.

The hope was that SmAsh and his Not Today cohorts were the only Peruvians who actually knew how to play Dota 2, that they could be properly quarantined. That was before the Open Qualifier, before we doomed ourselves by giving the whole country of Peru an opportunity to become players on the international stage. Looking back on it, the North American Teams should have taken heed to the fact that some Peruvians had gained sentience and began playing dota in packs. But it was too late for them and for us.
Inb4 Nintendo sends a cease and desist letter.

At first, there was hope, the American and Canadian squads made short work of the countless Peruvian teams in the qualifier, but soon that hope would be dashed, by an unknown squad of hyper-evolved Peruvians who simply referred to themselves as "Unknown." Despite high ping, packet loss and other handicaps, Unknown demolished the competition, which included teams like TongFu.NA, Boreal eSports, Top5 and Isurus Gaming. Be they Americans, Canadians or even their fellow South Americans, Unknown demonstrated an unnerving lack of empathy in their conquest of the Open Qualifier.

Eventually, we were forced to resort to deploying the BananaDogSh*tStainSlamJamma-led Champions of Summer's Rift, whose offlaner was among the saltiest the NA region had to offer, ixmike88. However, several years of being flamed and reported for simply being Peruvian had allowed Unknown to developed an immunity to both flames and salt.

This adaptation took Summer's Rift by surprise and as a consequence, were hopelessly overmatched by Unknown, leaving our last hope to be the Chilean team, eGamersX. However, the Chileans failed to find an answer to the Peruvians' newfound powers and Unknown won the Open Qualifier, and by extension, secured their place in the NA qualifier.

It took the combined effort of compLexity and mouz to fell the Peruvian war engine that is Unknown, for the time being that is. Despite the events that took place, NA failed to learn from it all and two months later, the Frankfurt Major Qualifiers began. In true NA Dota fashion, Archon gave up their spot in the qualifier due to a last minute roster change and pain gaming opted out of the qualifier altogether, which left the door open for Unknown, which was not the same team that ripped their way through the TI5 Open in May.

Unknown had learned from their failure in the TI5 main qualifier and as a result, developed a new play style the likes of which North America had never seen. Unknown's newfound style of play revolves around hyper-aggression and dictating the pace of the game to their liking, and as such, they like to draft high-tempo lineups that allow for lane domination to parley into snowballing. This aggressive style of dota is reminiscent of the pre-TI5 Team Empire and while this aggression can occasionally lead to rookie mistakes, once Unknown gets the ball rolling, there is very little that can stop them.

Peru is still a newcomer to the professional Dota scene, but the nation possesses a rabid fanbase as a result of Dota 2's immense popularity in the country. Team Unknown is still a young squad but they have overcome every obstacle and challenge they've faced with their grit and play. While the rest of the world may dismiss Unknown as just another NA team; they might very well learn the hard what happens when you underestimate this hyper-evolved Peruvian super-squad.

¡Viva Peru!

I'm thinking of doing a blog for the teams in the Frankfurt major, which team would you guys like to see next? Virtus.Pro? Newbee? Alliance?

You can find the teams in the Major here