November 29, 2015


Views: 4731 Fedorable
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I apologize for the momentary takeover of your internets, but I fear that I must interrupt your normal routine of ****posting, ranting about your mmr, endlessly bumping your recruiting threads that no one looks at and whatever you use dotofire for to show you what I have been up to recently.

As you all know, the Gamer Grill is an evasive being, to a point that most consider the "Gamer Grill" to be a myth (though there have been sightings of grills such as "SingSing" "Zai" and our very own ChiChi, the OGG or "Original Gamer Grill"). I, however, have been working on a little pet project in between class and other things to educate the normies about them : the making of Dotafire's own mascot and/or waifu, Dotafire-Tan.

Granted, I have merely completed this character sheet which I drew up in my character drawing class, but I wanted to, before getting too far on this, share this idea with dotofire and how I got around to making this thing.

It all started during one fateful expedition to the dankest parts of the internet, among which were r/dota2, twitch chat and some of EE-Sama's.... Personal er... Webpages. Anywho, since I've been focused on character design this quarter, I figured it was time to contribute something to dotofire. Since I don't any heroes well enough to write a guide nor do I host any inhouses, I decided to utilize my creative/artistic talents along with my understanding of the Dank Arts to create Dotafire-Tan.

So, do you wish to see more of this Dank Gamer Grill embodiment of Dotafire? If so, I will bust out phitoshop and my tablet and begin to make some art happen!