January 02, 2016
Call of Dota: Trench Warfare #Roadto2K
Views: 1891
Weight loss aside, another New Year's Resolution I've made for my self is to get to
2K MMR! After watching MMR boosters, I came to realize that it is, in fact, possible to win games in a 1v9 scenario. It's all simply a manner of having a hero pool I am comfortable with.
As time goes on, I will be updating this blog entry or simply make new ones
Current Hero Pool
Ranked Games: 0
Solo MMR: 1362
Party MMR: TBD (Dotofire giff 5 stacks pls)
Among my 10 most played heroes,
Shadow Fiend is the one that I feel best is suited for the task as I continue to build my hero pool. Despite the nerfs to his early game and indirect nerfs resulting from the reduction of
Bottle's mana restoration, SF can still win a vast majority of mid matchups and has pretty good item flexibility.
I feel like having a hero pool of 5 to let's say 8 heroes for ranked, what do you guys think?
Should I learn the ways of the rat and consider working heroes like
Tiny or
Nature's Prophet into my "ranked" pool? Or should I focus on the 2 position with heroes like
Razor, qop of pain and
Huskar (I got few ideas to make him playable)?
What do you guys think? Can it be done?
giff new post or we rage
I'll be entering the ranked fray this weekend, until then, have a picture of Dotafire-Tan. Pls no babyrage.
Time to spam my best hero, Slark.
Might throw in OD or Abbadon
I've seen it mentioned a few times that in order to truly understand a Hero, you have to play them in at least 50 games. These days, I think 500 is more accurate. 8{(
It's to get comfortable with a hero, meaning you got most of the mechanics down
Yes, it can be done, you just have to play at a higher level than the other team. As for Heroes, go with whatever you feel comfortable with. If you feel like a total badarse playing SF, then he's one of the best Heroes you can pick. Just refine your plays with him. Practice early Last Hitting until the only ways for you to miss Creeps are to get Zoned out, or to get Denied. Do the math on his Mana Pool: if you get a Rune every 2 minutes, how many Razes should you throw out in those 2 minutes, and when? If you
I've seen it mentioned a few times that in order to truly understand a Hero, you have to play them in at least 50 games. These days, I think 500 is more accurate. 8{(