May 30, 2013

6.78 Dissection and Discussion

Views: 34429 Atlas
I will be going over the recent changes here and evaluating them. I'm going to skip the new heroes, they're interesting but I have no idea whether they are effective/ineffective/OP/Weak without seeing them in game.

I'll skip heroes that aren't in Dota 2 yet as well, as they aren't relevant to me at the moment.

- Counter Helix cooldown decreased from 0.65/0.6/0.55/0.5 to 0.55/0.5/0.45/0.4

I don't think this is a huge change to Axe, however it will make him proc his helix more in big fights if you land a large call. I still believe the proc chance is too low, being at 17% at all levels. This buff will really only help if you use Berserker's Call in a large group of enemies, in my opinion. Still, a welcome buff.

Ancient Apparition
- Ice Vortex cooldown decreased from 6 to 5
- Ice Blast base AoE increased from 225 to 275
- Added Aghanim's Scepter
  • Ice Blast duration increased from 8/9/10 to 17

The Ice Blast changes here are pretty large, especially the aghs upgrade. That is 17 seconds that you can't heal, and continuously take damage over time. If you land a 4/5 man Ice Blast before a teamfight, I don't think anyone is living unless they dominate the fight. I feel this alone could bring AA back into the competitive scene, since many of the heroes in the meta rely on their healing to be effective, like Lifestealer, Alchemist, and any carry that gets lifesteal. Aghs will definitely be picked up as a core, or at least more often, in my opinion.

- Vision decreased from 1800/800 to 1400/800
- Flamebreak manacost increased from 80/100/120/140 to 140

This certainly hurts his insane initiating potential, which is one of the problems. And the Flamebreak manacost nerf hurts him in early ganks. I still think he will be a regular pick, but hopefully this will stop him, to some extent, from just dominating throughout the game.

- Greater Hawk invisibility fade time decreased from 5 to 4

Small buff, nothing huge, but definitely helps. His Hawk is awesome, but at the moment it definitely does take a long time to fade into invisibility.

- Strygwyr's Thirst now gives you bonus 3/4/5/6 armor when active
- Bloodrage dispels the target before applying its buff
(This would cause it to remove things like Ethereal)

- Rupture damage is now HP loss
(This causes it to go through Magic Immunity now)

Competitive pick now? Don't think so, at least not a common one. Bigger pub stomper? Certainly. Be sure to carry them TP scrolls!

Bounty Hunter
- Track manacost from 70/60/50 to 50

Certainly helpful early game, he has mana issues as is, this might give him a few more tracks early game than he would have otherwise no gotten, and track gold is big! Doesn't seem like it, but I think this is a pretty decent change.

- Quill Spray hit memory increased from 10 to 14 seconds

Nothing huge, but it will give Bristle more chance to stack quills on you since the "debuff" won't wear off quite so quick.

Doom Bringer
- Doom now disables Feast, Backtrack, Dispersion, Juxtapose, Bristleback and Blood Bath
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade duration reworked
  • Aghanim's Doom duration doesn't count down while the target is within 550 range of Doombringer

Well they made Doom even more of the "counter to everyone" but I would like to focus the Aghs upgrade. Holy ****. Infinite duration as long as Doom is near you, and he is pretty fast. In a teamfight, this might be less relevant since there will be more obstructing his path, but 1v1 early game with Doom, you just aren't surviving.

Dragon Knight
- Corrosive Breath passive from Level 1 Elder Form now carries over to Level 2 (the DPS)

Gives a reason to take his level 2 ulti before level 15, if you're not stacking ancients that is.

Drow Ranger
- Trueshot Aura increased from 14/18/22/26% to 16/20/24/28%

Lower skillbrackets might not like this Drow Nerf (even if she's not considered OP there anymore, I'm sure people might still be recovering from the stomping she gave them not too long ago and hate to see her nerfed again), but I like it. It's beneficial to the team as well as her, and I would like to see her get to a point where she isn't extremely weak nor extremely powerful.

- Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 0.6
- Fissure range increased from 1200 to 1300
- Echo Slam now considers illusions as heroes
  • This affects Aghanim's Scepter upgrade as it does extra damage for each hero in the area.

ES now counters PL even harder than before. But the turn rate is what I think is really big here. It doesn't seem like much, but remember what it did to Batrider? Now think about what it can do to Earthshaker, the guy that now has a 1300 range stun on a long cast animation. It will certainly make a large difference, in my opinion.

- Aghanim's Scepter bonus attack range increased from 165 to 190

This will add 7ish extra damage to her ulti at max range, not huge, but the extra range alone is nice, as it allows Ench to smack enemy units while being farther out of harms way.

- Malefice scaling reworked

Old Malefice:
Duration: 2/4/4/6 (1/2/2/3 ticks)
Damage: 40/40/65/65 (total dmg: 40/80/130/195)
Stun Duration: 1

New Malefice:
Duration: 6 (3 ticks)
Damage: 25/40/55/70 (total dmg: 75/120/165/210)
Stun Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1

This actually hurts Enigmas level 1 and 2 malefice, and the damage is hardly buffed. I don't think this is helping Enigma much, to be honest.

Goblin Shredder
- Base Strength increased by 3
- Int growth increased from 1.8 to 2.4
- Chakram initial manacost rescaled from 125/150/175 to 75/125/175
- Chakram move speed increased from 800 to 900

This is great for Goblin in my opinion. It seriously helps his early game. He is very reliant on getting Arcane Boots early and even more to keep up with the spammability requirements on his skills, as well as manacost, but now, not so much. He could very realistically be a competitive pick now, I think.

- Flak Cannon cooldown increased from 20 to 30

This allows him to still use his Flak Cannon every creep wave, so I don't think it slows down his farming too much (besides Ancients), however, this can easily be the difference between doing another 1200 damage in a 1000 AOE or not. Quite a strong nerf, in my opinion, and it will be difficult to see if this will impact him in the current meta.

- Base Strength increased by 3
- Burning Spears DPS increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
- Life Break HP cost increased from 35/30/25% to 40/35/30%
- Berserker's Blood Reworked
Old Berserker's Blood:
Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.

Attack Speed: 3/6/9/12 IAS per stack
Damage: 2/4/6/8 damage per stack

New Berserker's Blood:
Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing magic resistance and attack speed for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.

Magic Resistance: 4/5/6/7% magic resistance
Attack Speed: 8/12/16/20 per stack

- Removed from Captain's Mode

It's really hard to tell what this will do to him. On one hand, he no longer gets any damage from being low on HP, on the other, he attacks really damn fast when low and gets a lot of magic resistance. I don't think it will make him a competitive pick, but I do think it will make him stronger in pubs, and harder to deal with, especially with Burning Spears becoming much stronger.

- Alacrity manacost decreased from 100 to 75
- Ghost Walk slow increased from 20/23/26/30/33/36/40 to 20/25/30/35/40/45/50
- Ghost Walk cooldown decreased from 60 to 35
- Tornado damage rescaled from 70+(Wex+Quas)*20 to 70+(2*Wex+Quas)*15

Small buffs (with Ghost Walk being a nerf in my opinion) to Invoker. Not enough to fix his current problems though, don't expect him to change much.

- Spirits no longer provide vision, except temporarily when they collide with an enemy hero
- Overcharge hp/mp cost increased from 3.5% to 4.5%

This does nothing to impair his global ganking presence, however it does nerf his laning presence and makes using overcharge much more risky since you will lose HP and Mana much faster now.

- Omnislash no longer jumps on Tombestone Zombies


Keeper of the Light
- Base Strength decreased by 2

A bit squisher, still hits hard as hell early game and clears waves of creeps fast. A minor nerf, still a good pick but perhaps easier to gank in lane.

- Ghost Ship damage increased from 300/400/500 to 350/450/550
- X Marks The Spot manacost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 80
- X Marks The Spot vision from 1000 flying to 400 ground vision

Decent buff to Kunkka. He has very bad mana problems early on, and even late. The mana cost on X is very helpful. The vision on it though? I'm not sure that will have any impact on anything.

- Chainfrost bounce count increased from 7 to 10

If it bounces off into a creep wave, you're still out of luck. If you catch a team in a chrono or black hole with it? Good gosh almighty, that's gonna be some damage. Should have just increased the speed at which the orb bounces in my opinion.

- Open Wounds cast range decreased from 600 to 200/300/400/500

Well, it definitely stop LS from initiating in the lane, but I was really expecting more to be done to his stats and Feast. He is still a right clicking monster, but this does hamper his laning ability at least.

- Attack range increased from 625 to 635


- Mana Drain break and cast range improved by 100 (750/1100 -> 850/1200)
- Aghanim's Finger of Death CD decreased from 160/100/40 to 100/60/20

Did I read that right? 20 second CD on Aghs Lion!?! It's a rare item to be seen on him, and it's not gamebreaking or anything, but wow... 20 seconds. Like Gyro's 10 second CD makes a difference in teamfights, a 20 second reduction if you get an Aghs can make all the difference in the world. It'll still be a rarity, though.

Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear now has its HP drained by Armlet when active
- Spirit Bear bounty increased from 100 to 300

Armlet bear no longer viable, so his role in competitive... Dota... now somewhat... smaller... 300 bounty!?! Huge incentive to take it out quick, and many carries have no problem with that. Often the bear will even die early game, and 300g at 10 minutes or so is huge. Definitely going to be seeing less Lone Druid for a while in my opinion, at least for a short time until a team figures out what to do with him without Armlet.

- Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before)

Very minor change, may help his jungling ability just a bit but he will still have to tank a lot for his wolves.

- Reverse Polarity damaged decreased from 150/225/300 to 50/125/200

Very big change to his ultimate. Still outweighs Enigma's black hole in my opinion, but 100 less damage is pretty big, and easily makes the difference between living or not in the early stages of the game. He'll still be picked up, but I don't think he will be first ban material.

- Stone Gaze Reworked
Old Stone Gaze:
Any unit facing Medusa has its attack and movement speed slowed by 100%. Dispels enemy units and deals 500/1000/1500 damage to illusions and summoned units.

Lasts 5 seconds. Attack and Movement speed is slowly regained over the duration.

View Angle Spread: 75

AOE: 800
CD: 140/100/60
Manacost: 200/100/0

Note: Once a unit is affected, it retains the negative buff until the spell is over, regardless of facing direction.

Stone Gaze:
Any unit facing Medusa will have its attack, movement and turn rate reduced by 50% until the end of the spell. If you accumulate 2 seconds time (in total) facing Medusa, you will turn to stone.

Stoned units are disabled, have 100% magic resistance and take extra damage from physical attacks.

View Angle Spread: 85

Gaze Duration: 6 seconds.
Stone Duration: 3 seconds
Bonus Physical Damage: 30/40/50%

AOE: 1000
CD: 90
Manacost: 200

Note: Kills illusions instead of petrifying them

Well, her ulti is now incredibly good. This doesn't fix any of her big problems, that being early game survivability and lane presence, but I'll be damned if she can't teamfight now, or at least force enemies to back off.

- Innate magic resistance increased from 25% to 35%

Quite helpful, since AoE tends to be one of the big counters to Meepo. This can even help him in the early game. Doubt we'll see Meepo outside of Fnatic still, but this certainly helps him live.

- Elune's Arrow now deals up to 100 extra damage based on distance the arrow traveled
- Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 140/120/100
- Starfall will choose a new target for the second star if the first died before impact

Good, small buffs. The extra 100 damage will help if you land a max range arrow, but I think the most important thing here is the CD on her ult. It's great for initiating, and if she didn't before, you're going to be forced to place sentries around key positions against organized teams that will surely be abusing that free smoke.

- Base attack time improved from 1.7 to 1.6


Naga Siren
- Rip Tide cooldown rescaled from 19/16/13/10 to 10

Gives her a bit better of a laning phase surely. Could possibly see her run in trilanes more often, though she does have mana problems.

- If a unit dies under Reaper's Scythe, it will be credited to Necrolyte
- Aghanim's Reaper's Scythe causes buyback to be disabled on heroes it kills for that death

I'm not sure if this means Necro GETS the kill with gold and all, or if it just credits him with a kill as to spark his passive regen. Either way, very good for him. He'll be able to last longer in teamfights, thus making his team last longer. And the buyback disable... better use that ulti on a carry! Possibly a competitive pick now. Preventing a specific enemy from buying back can get you a rax or allow you to take the ancient.

Nyx Assassin
- Mana Burn drain and damage decreased from 5x Int to 3.5/4/4.5/5x
- Mana Burn manacost rescaled from 130/120/110/100 to 100

Both good and bad on this OP hero. He can still instagib people, but his support is weakened since he won't be removing enemy laners of their entire mana pool at level 1.

- Hunter in the Night attack speed rescaled from 30/45/60/75 to 45/55/65/75 (MS remains 20/25/30/35)

This is going to strengthen his first night somewhat. He is more reliant on his nuke than he is right click during first night, but it definitely helps him to become an even stronger ganker that early on. He's still picked in the pro scene, but now he might rise back up to being a more common pick with this.

Outworld Destroyer
- Movement speed increased from 310 to 315

Nothing huge, but he is now a speedy guy, and with Astral Imprisonment, he's going to be hard to escape.

Ogre Magi
- Ignite DPS increased from 26/32/38/44 to 26/34/42/50

Nothing huge.

- Added Aghanim's Scepter
Guardian Angel AoE becomes global and affects buildings (including regen)

Whoah there. This is incredibly powerful, though, farming Aghs on Omni can be difficult in the support role. If this makes any difference in the pro scene, we're going to be seeing solo lane omni's or farming omni's.

- Aghanim's Primal Split units now gain your current level of Drunken Brawler
- Fire Panda no longer upgrades damage with Aghanim's Scepter
It has roughly same damage with Drunken Brawler now

Great buff, and he is going to be a pain to deal with since his spirits can now crit and evade.

Phantom Assassin
- Blur level 4 evasion increased from 35% to 40%

Get that Monkey King Bar quick.

Phantom Lancer
- Spirit Lance, Dopplewalk, Juxtapose and Phantom Edge illusions damage dealt decreased from 25% to 20%

This can be a total difference of 40% damage with 8 illusions. Nothing to scoff at, but diffusal will still hurt.

- Flesh Heap strength bonus increased from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1/1.5/2/2.5

As if he wasn't tanky enough, now this. Don't let him snowball out of control if you don't want to deal with a 5000 HP Pudge.

- Nether Blast structure damage increased from 33% to 50%
- Decrepify can now target Tombstone

Pugna is now a much better pusher. I love Pugna, and this is something he needs to be able to fill a role other than Anti-Caster. He is now a very formidable tower-taker.

- Eye of the Storm duration increased from 20/25/30 to 30
- Eye of the Storm strike interval decreased from 0.75/0.65/0.55 to 0.7/0.6/0.5 (Aghanim's to 0.55/0.45/0.35)
- Unstable Current movement speed bonus increased from 3/6/9/12% to 4/8/12/16%

His ult is now, in my book, "good", and Aghanims can make him a formidable tower pusher. As well, he got a bit of a speed boost. With this he might be a situational pick against certain strength carries, like Lifestealer and Dragon Knight.

- Permanent Invisibility fade time decreased from 3/2.25/1.5 to 3/2/1

He'll be able to slip out of fights very quickly, dust (especially with new dust, will discuss that later) or sentries needed as always to keep him in check.

Sand King
- Invisibility fade delay when exiting Sand Storm improved from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.5 to 1.5
- Sand Storm now has a smoother damage interval (1->0.5, total damage is the same)

Makes him more survivable in lane early game. He could always suicide lane, but it was iffy. This makes him a bit stronger in that aspect.

Shadow Demon
- Base Intelligence decreased by 3
- Shadow Poison no longer gives vision over the targets with the debuff
This still reveals the projectile path, but no longer locks on vision to units with the debuff on them for 10 seconds

He'll have a bit of a harder time managing spells early game since his mana pool is now smaller, and the vision lock on shadow poison is VERY big. You could keep track of enemy whereabouts previously, and repoison them, with this before, very great for mexican standoffs, now, not so much. Still a strong hero, though maybe not top tier support anymore with this.

Shadow Fiend
- Requiem of Souls slow rescaled from 15/20/25% to 20%
- Requiem of Souls damage reduction increased from 15/20/25% to 50%

Overall buff, though less slow at level 16, but at this point your attack damage will start to become more beneficial to you than your ulti.

Shadow Shaman
- Aghanim's Mass Serpent Wards damage increased from 53-59/74-79/94-100 to 85-90/105-110/125-130
Basic version damage numbers also normalized a bit from 39-43/54-58/69-73 to 40-45/55-60/70-75

Self explanatory.

- Global Silence now affects sleeping units
- Added Aghanim's Scepter for Silencer
Applies the current level of Curse of the Silent to all units and increases ultimate duration by one second.

With Aghs on Silencer, you will now be silencing for 5/6/7 seconds. With Curse of the Silent applied (assuming it as at max level as well), all enemies also take 390 damage without reduction, and lose 192 mana. This is decent, at best. I don't think it will change much, and other items will still be better for Silencer, but Aghs is still an option since it gives Int as well as HP.

Skeleton King
- Reincarnation slow now affects attack speed as well
- Reincarnation slow happens immediately upon death rather than after reincarnating
- Critical Strike Reworked
Mortal Strike:
Has a passive and active component. Passively gives you a chance to land a critical strike. Can be cast to temporarily steal HP from a target enemy hero. When the active is used, the critical strike is temporarily disabled for the drain duration.

Passive Crit Damage: 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75
Passive Crit Chance: 15%

HP Drain: 20% of Max (Not Lethal)
Drain duration: 7
Cast Range: 550
Manacost: 30
Cooldown: 25

Note: This doesn't affect max hp, just temporarily drains then returns it.

I would much rather the slow still apply after reincarnating, but that's just me. As for the reworked crit, it's quite nice against tanky heroes. 20% for 7 seconds will then make any further damage taken be amplified, basically. A good change to an otherwise outdated hero.

- Bash damage type from magical to physical
- Sprint cooldown decreased from 40 to 28

Both of these are pretty big. Bash now does damage through magic immunity, and Spring is now awesome. Enough to where I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Slard in the competitive scene as a semi-carry.

- Shrapnel AoE increased from 360 to 400

People don't usually take Shrapnel early anyway. Good AoE on it now though, not enough to warrant a gameplay change though.

Spirit Breaker
- Charge of Darkness will now also Greater Bash its target
Instead of only affecting those it runs through, it now also affects the target as well.
The Greater Bash portion of Charge of Darkness will go through BKB, since Greater Bash goes through BKB.

Still not a competitive pick I don't think, but his ganking power goes up 1.

Storm Spirit
- Electric Vortex cooldown decreased from 20 to 21/20/19/18

Zip! Zap!

Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit vision type from Flying to Ground
- Natural Order aura increased from 20/40/60/80% to 25/50/75/100%

Vision change will make it harder to follow people with your Spirit, and make scouting harder, however, the Natural Order aura... 100%... somebody is in for some pain.

- Ravage AoE rescaled from 825/925/1025 to 1025

Great buff for a great hero. Makes his early teamfights that much stronger.

- Toss cooldown decreased from 10 to 9
- You can now Toss units to Runes

Well if you have a Tiny babysit you mid, you have guaranteed rune control! Also, opens more trolling windows... *gulp*.

Treant Protector
- Leech Seed slow increased from 24% to 28%
- Leech Seed's healing effect no longer ends when the target dies

IceFrog really wants this guy to be as powerful as possible... minor buffs overall though.

Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance cooldown increased from 20 to 30
- Battle Trance duration decreased from 10 to 7

23 seconds downtime from the previous 10 seconds. Very nice in my opinion, but he is still capable of damaging bases way too quickly in my opinion.

- Snowball cooldown decreased from 24 to 21

Tusk Approves!

- Soul Rip cast range increased from 650 to 750

Even more lane control. I'm not sure why he fell out of the meta, to be honest. He's up there with KotL in terms of winning lanes.

- Fury Swipes duration increased from 6 to 15

Okay this is pretty big. For an entire fight you can have fury swipes on you, and if he just goes back to you, he'll continue from the previous stack of fury swipes. Kiting him is still efficient, but it might not be enough in all situations now.

Vengeful Spirit
- Strength increased from 16 + 2.3 to 18 + 2.6
- Nether Swap cast range rescaled from 600/900/1200 to 650/925/1200

The range on her ulti was horrible, and still is, but it helps. She is also quite beefier now, giving her more presence in the early game, which is where she needs it.

- Poison Sting duration increased from 6/7/8/9 to 6/8/10/12

So he now does 240 damage total with a maxed poison sting attack, not including resistance. Quite powerful, and he will continue to be a strong laner.

- Corrosive Skin affects any damage source not just regular attacks
- Viper Strike is no longer removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell

This really is very big for Viper. Even being the victim of a spell now does damage the offender. It makes it kind of hard to NOT trigger his passive.

Witch Doctor
- Death Ward cast range rescaled from 300/350/400 to 400
- Maledict cast range increased from 400 to 525

The Death Ward range is very nice, but I'd like to focus on the Maledict cast range. This is awesome. Before, if it got to late game, it gets to the point where you don't even use Maledict because you have to get so close to use and, and usually die in the process, so you just sit back and cask and ult. Now, it opens up a lot more opportunities to use it without getting killed for it, also in lane it will be useful.

Drum of Endurance
- Recipe cost increased from 750 to 800

Icefrog hates this item it seems. Though it does have a lot of utility.

- HP regen decreased from 8 to 7

Self explanatory.

Assault Cuirass
- Positive armor aura is no longer prevented from stacking with other items
This means that it works with items like Vladmir's Offering

Pretty big actually, since you can now be granted a whole lot more teamwide armor since these items stacks now.

Black King Bar
- Magic Immunity now has a 6th level of decrease
So it decreases on usage until it gets to 4 duration and 50 CD. Previously the lowest level was 5 duration and 55 CD.

This is huge. A whole extra second of Magic Immunity removed during a fight. Wouldn't have a problem with this if you could sell BKB, but this is big, and I'm not sure what IceFrog's intended effect is.

Blade Mail
- Armor increased from 5 to 6
- Damage Return cooldown decreased from 22 to 17

Slightly better.

- Initial charges increased from 6 to 8
- Can be activated to instantly kill yourself
This will cause it to trigger the AoE heal that always happens when you die with Bloodstone. 300 second cooldown. Targets the ground to be used, to help prevent accidental usage.


Really I have no idea what will happen because of this. The extra starting charges are nice though, but I guess you could just heal your entire team at your own sacrifice or deny them an important kill. Useful, at least.

- While empty, Bottle causes couriers to move 30% slower

Bottle crowing now weaker. This will make some impact on the competitive scene surely.

- Courier no longer block neutral creeps from spawning
- Courier Speed Burst from 100% to 50% MS bonus (still reaches max speed)
This primarily a factor when carrying an Empty Bottle. Without an extra slow, Couriers will still reach maximum speed.

More anti-bottle crowing.

- Recipe cost decreased from 1300 to 1250

Thought we were going to nerf Nyx Assassin.

Dust of Appearance
- Now stacks in inventory
- Now slows heroes with an invisibility buff on them by 10%

Now this is nice. With shadow blade being picked up a lot, and a most Invisibilities giving them a speed boost, they often still escape when dusted. This helps to fix that.

Ethereal Blade
- Self or ally cast duration increased to 4 seconds

For more defensive uses.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity
- Movement speed bonus increased from 30 to 35

Nice, nice.

Force Staff
- Recipe cost decreased from 1000 to 900

Great for the supports that already have a rough time purchasing this item.

Gem of True Sight
- Gem can no longer be destroyed
- Gold cost increased from 700 to 850

If you take the gem from someone that has it, you can effectively destroy it by just dropping it in the back of your base somewhere, but now if you have full inventory, you're pretty much forces to make your courier grab it. I support the gold cost change though.

- Regeneration Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to Mekansm's active)


Blink Dagger
- Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12

Strong buff, going to see heroes like Puck and TA get stronger because of it.

Linken's Sphere
- Cooldown decreased from 20 to 17

Weaver and Morphling now impossible to kill. GG.

Shadow Blade
- Damage decreased from 30 to 22

And so the age of Shadow Blade has ended.

Medallion of Courage
- Cast range increased from 800 to 1000

And the age of Mediallion has begun.

- Regeneration Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to active)

- Armor bonus AoE active increased from 700 to 750 (now equal to Mekansm's active )


- Warrior and Archer armor type changed from Heavy to Hero
This causes them to take a bit less damage from creeps, but same damage from heroes.

Makes Necrobook even better for pushing.

Null Talisman
- Recipe cost decreased from 145 to 135

Thus making Dagon EVEN cheaper. Come on, IceFrog, we wanted to NERF Nyx.

Observer Ward
- Initial Stock now starts at 1 instead of 2 (max stock is still 2)

Whatever the intent of this, now you can only have one pair of wards to start. Only your offlane or safelane may now have them, not both. Have a feeling wards will now revert to ward spots instead of blocking pulls now, because if they get dewarded, you have no rune vision until the next wards are available.

Quelling Blade
- Can now target Observer or Sentry wards dealing 100 damage (wards have 200 hp)
- Cast range increased from 100 to 350

IceFrog just hates wards.

- Burn damage increased from 45 to 50

Doom is happy.

Sange and Yasha
- Minor changes to stats

+16 Agility
+16 Strength
+15 Attack Speed
+15% Maim chance
+12 Damage
+12% Movement Speed

+16 Agility
+16 Strength
+16 Attack Speed
+16% Maim chance
+16 Damage
+12% Movement Speed


Sentry Ward
- Sentry Wards AoE decreased from 950 to 800

The war on wards continues.

Shadow Amulet
- Fade time decreased from 2.6 to 2.4

No comment.

Shiva's Guard
- Shiva's Guard aura AoE decreased from 1000 to the standard 900
- Shiva's Guard AS reduction increased from -30 to -40

Active nerf, passive buff. -40 is nothing to scoff at though, it's a little more than having your treads taken away.

- Corruption armor reduction increased from 6 to 7

GG towers.

Veil of Discord
- Discord AoE increased from 550 to 600

Still wont see it picked up too much in pubs.