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Basically I think demony killed wulf who was freefarming jungle and asked to be alone. And then we lost. So HE was salty, then I was salty, and it was awesome, would salt again.
But what would happen in Io Wars? Can Wisp's Tether to each other and then 1 Relocate used is enough to move all of them? I am curious about mechanics on this.
Confirmed for tomorrow, unconfirmed for sunday. I see Slark is taken, but player is unconfirmed - I'd like to play that hero if he doesnt show up, otherwise ill take Jug.
Confirmed for tomorrow, unconfirmed for sunday. I see Slark is taken, but player is unconfirmed - I'd like to play that hero if he doesnt show up, otherwise ill take Jug.
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== Broodmother guide out! ==
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