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I've found myself playing carry more often lately (largely due to the Manifold Paradox event) and I've noticed that even when I feel like I've had a great game, my GPM is actually not that great. That being said, I play solo pubs so there usually isn't any help such as stacking, and sometimes supports actually take farm from me. I was just looking for some tips to get my GPM raised by around 100.
My average with carries (none specifically, just across the board) in games that I've won has been around 625-650. Of course there's that occasional game where you just have a bad lane from the start and the farm never fully recovers, but in my "good" games where I've managed to farm, that's about the best I can manage.
With heroes like Anti-Mage and Luna I can usually bump it up a little more than with, say, Phantom Assassin, but by and large I sit at around that mid 600s mark. Is there anything that I can personally do to increase it? I know I can't count on my supports to always create space or stack camps for me, so I just need tips that I can do by myself I suppose.
I think 600 gpm is definitely good on PA, especially if you don't get bfury as she farms so slowly. After all she isn't such a hard carry and can have a great impact just fighting so she doesn't really need to be the uberfarmed 800 gpm carry.
About the faster farming carries: This again is not always about gpm. Playing carry is at least as much about good decisionmaking, knowing when to join fights and when to splitpush, as it is about farming. So in some games you getting a nice 700 gpm can be bad if your team loses all map control because of you not joining fights.
But about faster farming: If you think you can get away with it, (almost) AFK farm, don't waste any time walking around pointlessly, farm jungle efficiently (stack if you can't kill a camp fast enough), use Quelling Blade to cut shorter paths and to kill the camps faster, farm lanes also applying pressure onto them, stack with your HotD, get mobility items such as Yasha. Tell your supports to stack for you.
In some you also have to think who at the particular point of the game needs the farm most. You may want to give some space for your offlane to farm his blink so he can create space for you more effectively.
i watched a replay back of one of my Faceless Void games where i only had a 680 GPM when i had free farm for 20 minutes of the game and i ended on 18-4-9 KDA... i was like how the hell dont i have a 700 gpm or a 800 one.
i looked at my pathing for my farming and i realised that i Backtrack(hehehe) places where there isnt farm.
so id leave the lane and move to jungle and then to hard camp then to medium then to mid camps then back again but then i just search for a jungle camp that has respawned. i saw that i spent maybe 20 seconds every 2-3 minutes just walking to camps. when there was a lane right there that i could use.
so next game i looked at my movement more.
push lane for 2-3 waves then go hard camp then mediums push mid lane for 1 wave then mediums again after they have re spawned then hard camp then pull camp then onto lane again push for 2-3 then back to hard camp.... went 12-2-8 with a 760gpm
good but not good enough.
then i looked at my transition times (when i am moving to a fight or away from one)
i found i either just walk directly to it or directly away.
so i started looking for farm on the way and on the way back. went 22-7-13 with a 812 GPM...
Game won or game lost is the only measurement that really matters. However, efficient farming on the harder carries can make or break that provided the rest of your team does their jobs too.
I think many players don't realise how important the rest of your team is to measurements like this:
Example 1: solo or poorly supported hard carry, allies constantly taking farm from the jungle and losing map control limits your opportunities = poor GPM even if you're a pretty good carry.
Example 2: well supported, space created, camps stacked, first pick of juiciest farm, few deaths, few periods where you're not farming or killing.
Efficient farming is about making the most of your opportunities - as you say, picking up farm in passing, finding a good rhythm for your last hitting, grabbing a few kills and towers when they're available. E.g. follow a path through the jungle from the middle lane to the safe lane, kill each camp in turn (stack if you're near the minute mark), in time to push back the lane from your tower in the safe lane. This should be long enough for the camps to respawn, plow your way back through as efficiently as possible, and do the same to the middle lane. Go hit/stack ancients if these aren't available.
The three primary measurements you have to consider are:
1) How much gold you get for killing something.
2) How long it will take you to kill it.
3) How long the travel time is between farming opportunities.
Put them together into the best formula you can find that gives Max Gold, Minimal Time, Minimal Travel. Anything that detracts from this should be avoided - having to regen at fountain, dying, etc.
Items are also pretty important - some heroes need specific items to do so effectively (e.g. Radiance on Naga Siren, Battle Fury on Anti-Mage etc). But more damage, and enough regen not to have to stop hitting things is pretty important too.
Always be aware that the most efficient method of farming is killing enemy heroes, but obviously you have to weigh up the risks and the time taken to do so. If your team is in a strong position, and looking to win the game though, you should take advantage of the situation. Nobody gives a hoot how high your GPM was if you lost.
I have this problem, but i play supports so it's not the end of the world!
My problem is after i have my core items i stop pulling/semi-jungling and my gpm drops dramatically. Obviously this isn't as big a problem as if it was on your Anti-Mage, but it really is a pain when you struggle to get that Black King Bar after your aghs on Witch Doctor. If the game is hard and you aren't getting much kill/assist gold, it's rough.Especially if you are 5v4 space creating, a death here and there can really hit you in the wallet when you are saving for that Mithril Hammer. And this is actually made worse when you have a farm dependent carry like Anti-Mage, Medusa, Naga Siren etc farming everywhere. Though, being a good support, i'll stack those camps and walk away in tears at that juicy ~100g i just walked away from. Know why, because there is that one creep in the river that you wont reach. That **** is MINE!
This can be the problem running "greedy" supports like Witch Doctor. Supports really need to look at getting gold from kills/assists/towers, with low priority on the rest of the farm (occasionally you get some, but you've got to leave it for other heroes if they want it).
While Witch Doctor is a good example of a support who can do a lot more with some farm, good positioning it fights is always the key to being effective without it.
This should be long enough for the camps to respawn, plow your way back through as efficiently as possible, and do the same to the middle lane. Go hit/stack ancients if these aren't available.??
This should be long enough for the camps to respawn, plow your way back through as efficiently as possible, and do the same to the middle lane. Go hit/stack ancients if these aren't available.??
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