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So I have been playing a bunch of pub games and i would play someone like Tinker, and i would be forced to play in the Offlane because our team instantly pick an Invoker. So what would be some of the best teams? So i figured that
Mirana/SkyWrath Mage Roaming (can be used in team fights, ganks, roaming, and good supports Both ults are nice I would prefer Mirana if arrows can land easy.)
Invoker(Quas Exort-Quas Wex)/Puck/Ember Spirit/Magnus Mid (All good mids that work with the supports.) --Teamfight Quas Wex Invoker. Damage Quas Exort Invoker.-
Treant Protector/IO SafeLane (they can both work well with the carrys. IO can relocate the offlane, or the safelane Core Hero. Would get a Mek unless Viper is picked.)
Alchemist/Viper SafeLane I think that Alchemist would be a nice addition, he needs the help of the support, but if viper may fit better. Viper gets mek.)
Anti-Mage/Luna/Mabey ClockWerk? Solo Offlane (Hard hitters that could use the extra levels, & last hits in the Solo Offlane. Just a good addition to the team in a whole.)
If Treant Protector and/or Luna are chosen, and not Magnus, I think invoker sould go Quas Exort for damage. If not Invoker should go Quas wex.
* Mirana/SkyWrath Mage could be put Safelane, and Treant Protector/IO could be switched out with an Enigma Jungling, for teamfights. Works well with Magnus.
What do you guys think? Do you guys have any better Team Builds?
Best team COMPOSITION is one carry/hard carry filling the #1 farm priority (Terrorblade, Spectre, Luna). Your #2 will be a midlaner/solo offlaner that needs a considerable amount of levels/gold to be effective (Invoker, Clinkz, Shadow Fiend, Phoenix - generally soft carries or semicarries). Your #3 will be a semicarry that needs some gold and levels to remain relevant and powerful but not lots - for example Dark Seer, Elder Titan. The #4 is a support who benefits from farm but does not necessarily need it to be effective, such as Abaddon and Visage. The #5 or 'Ward *****' is a hard support that is effective mainly early-game, is completely gold and level dependant (which is why they end up warding - they don't need to spend gold on anything else). Whereas the #4 support will often buy utility items like Vladimir's Offering or Crimson Guard, the #5 will be happy with sentries, observers, dust and maybe if they're doing well a Blink Dagger or Force Staff. Good #5s include Shadow Demon, Mirana, Skywrath Mage and the like.
Now to draft with these principles.
Firstly, I'll make a team designed to be relevant early and midgame but absolutely annihilate lategame whilst still maintaining a realistic farm amount on the map.
#1 - Terrorblade safelane. A monster of a carry, highest lategame DPS in the game, eats towers alive. The rest of the team should be designed around creating space for him and letting him farm/push.
#2 - Necrolyte mid. Percentage based damage is brutal lategame, and Reaper's Scythe and its respawn time/buyback restrictions mean that it is hard to send your carry against him. Also a valuable asset in early-midgame teamfights due to Death Pulse and an early Mekansm.
#3 - Dark Seer. Good teamfight hero, strong lane presence, and his ultimate illusions deal ridiculous lategame damage. Will be able to quickly get a Pipe and combined with Necrolyte's mek and heals makes taking fights difficult.
#4 - Abaddon safelane. Best lategame aura carrier and if he can get an Aghanim's Sceptre it will make actually killing Heroes ridiculously hard. Somewhat irrelevant due to Necrolyte's heals but he is an excellent babysitter for Terrorblade and in the lategame becomes a powerful disabler and aura carrier with perhaps a Vlad's and Crimson Guard.
#5 - Shadow Demon safelane. The best lategame support, able to solo many #3s and #2s due to his Disruption + Soul Catcher combo. An extremely disruptive presence early-mid game, foiling ganks and making his own.
This team can realistically reach the lategame and allow Terrorblade to become virtually unstoppable, whilst still being relevant themselves. One weakness is a lack of ganking ability and hard disables, but since Abaddon generally gets Sheepstick anyway this isn't a huge problem.
Now on the other end of the spectrum, an earlygame 'deathball' team.
#1 - Razor safelane. A must in the team for the early Mekansm and push/fight ability with the ult.
#2 - Drow Ranger mid. Notably synergy with ranged Heroes, such as Razor.
#3 - Lone Druid offlane. Tanky, (mostly) ranged, and if things go pear-shaped is a pretty good hard carry in himself. Mainly here for the push, though.
#4 - Visage. The Drow + Visage combo is rightly feared as the birds do tend to eat faces while Drow's aura is active. Just a good Hero all round.
#5 - Venomancer. Another ranged Hero that has push, counterpush and is generally a pain in the ***.
Again, a lack of hard disables, which seems to be a theme with me, but insane push and actually decent lategame for a deathball team.
There are two kinds of people in the world; those who can count, and those who can't.
Best team COMPOSITION is one carry/hard carry filling the #1 farm priority (Terrorblade, Spectre, Luna). Your #2 will be a midlaner/solo offlaner that needs a considerable amount of levels/gold to be effective (Invoker, Clinkz, Shadow Fiend, Phoenix - generally soft carries or semicarries). Your #3 will be a semicarry that needs some gold and levels to remain relevant and powerful but not lots - for example Dark Seer, Elder Titan. The #4 is a support who benefits from farm but does not necessarily need it to be effective, such as Abaddon and Visage. The #5 or 'Ward *****' is a hard support that is effective mainly early-game, is completely gold and level dependant (which is why they end up warding - they don't need to spend gold on anything else). Whereas the #4 support will often buy utility items like Vladimir's Offering or Crimson Guard, the #5 will be happy with sentries, observers, dust and maybe if they're doing well a Blink Dagger or Force Staff. Good #5s include Shadow Demon, Mirana, Skywrath Mage and the like.
Personally, I'm more a fan of
Position #1 Mid
Position #2 Safe Laner
Position #3 Solo Offlane
Position #4 and #5 Support
The #1 should be a Hero that can effectively Carry games, while scaling well if needs be, e.g. Shadow Fiend, Tinker, Ember Spirit, etc. They should Split-Push a lot to focus on their Farm and keeping up pressure on the other Team's Lanes, controlling the flow of the game and making good trades if the other Team decide to take a Tower that can't reasonably be contested.
The #2 will benefit from Farm early on, but will then focus more on Teamfights and Ganking while the #1 Farms up, e.g. Faceless Void, Slark, Storm Spirit, etc. They'll be more active in fights, making space for the #1 and will only stay in the Safe Lane to get their Core Item, e.g. Blink Dagger, Mask of Madness, etc.
The #3 as usual only needs levels to be effective, preferably someone capable of Roaming and getting Kills early on, e.g. Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Bounty Hunter, etc.
The #4 and #5 can be changed to suit each game. My preferred style though is for the #5 to have priority on farming an Urn of Shadows, after which they become the Ward Beech to allow the 4 to Farm their Blink Dagger. Both heroes should combine to make a good Ganking Duo or be capable of portecting the Cores to seize control of the Early Game and create space for their #1 and #2.
Ember Spirit-hard lane.Great hero with a solid early-mid-late game potential.Also, wrecks pushing lineups with a single batllefury.Also, melts through stacked camps with shield-thingy.
Ogre Magi-safelane support. Cuz lategame supports are all the rage now.
Storm Spirit-mid lane.Hue Hue hue hue.The destroyer of all that does not disable.
natures prophet-Jungle.Whatchu gunna do eh?Tb gets early BoT? hell i just tp the **** out of there.Trying to catch me, got no disables bro!Wanna push?Meet the bros,they get the hoes.Enemy wanna push? lets rax their **** and stop their push with Wrath of Nature.
Medusa-safelane carry.yeah.great combination with Ember Spirit,who has a field day with physical damage amplification.Not much synergy with others, but,hey,who has synergy with Medusa other than similar carries and Witch Doctor right?
notice that i have only one support in my line-up.Why? because the opposing line-up can't gank for ****.My line-up is mostly made for destroying the "4 protect 1" strategy as all of the heroes in my draft can kill early on ( Storm Spirit + any hero is almost always a kill) and have awesome late-game potential. Ember Spirit can go Diffusal Blade, thus removing soul catcher, and also destroy Terrorblade's precious illusions.
I hate to tell you KoDyAbAbA, but your lineup loses hard if Terathiel's Supports and Offlaner know how to Gank.
Ember Spirit as a Solo Offlaner is pretty terrible, he lacks any sort of escape and he can't Flash Farm with Sleight of Fist without levels. Getting First Blood with Shadow Demon or zoning him out completely with just Abaddon is incredibly easy.
As for Mid, Storm Spirit will probably find Farm and levels easily enough, but so will Necrophos.
All in all, you'll lose your Hard Lane, your Jungle will become Dark Seer's playground and Mid won't be lost, but it won't be won either. If the game goes Late enough, you have the advantage, but only if you can protect your Towers, which I highly doubt you could.
Would put ember solo safe and go aggro tri. Shut down tb, dusa can go kill acients easy from the offlane if lane gets pushed and the rest will solve itself.
in the hard lane, Ember Spirit won't be in for the farm, he will be in for the experience.Now, granted Shadow Demon can harras him, but it can be fairly negated with an early poor mans shield and a set of tangoes to go with them.Also, any attempt to harras via spells will lead to an insane push as Shadow Demon's poison thingy will affect creeps and Ion Shell is known for its pushing prowess.Also, necrophos can't gank nearly as well as Storm Spirit,meaning that the offlane cannot get kills on Ember Spirit without taking a high degree of risk.
In the worst case-scenario, Nature's Prophet can leave jungle to join Ember Spirit in the offlane,where he can safely harras both the heroes with his superior attack damage as well as attack range ( 100 more than shadow demon).
I disagree that Ember Spirit is not a good offlaner.He is a oke-oke offlaner simply because people are afraid to go against him by the virtue of Searing level 3, he can disable both heroes for 2 seconds and with his above average movement speed(310), can run away from anything else.granted,he does not do good against stuns,cuz no one does, but in this condition he is more than well suited as they don't have any.
Abbadon might use Aphotic Shield to debuff one of the searing chains, but the other hero,(in this case Shadow Demon will be forced to take the tower damage.
in the hard lane, Ember Spirit won't be in for the farm, he will be in for the experience.Now, granted Shadow Demon can harras him, but it can be fairly negated with an early poor mans shield and a set of tangoes to go with them.Also, any attempt to harras via spells will lead to an insane push as Shadow Demon's poison thingy will affect creeps and Ion Shell is known for its pushing prowess.Also, necrophos can't gank nearly as well as Storm Spirit,meaning that the offlane cannot get kills on Ember Spirit without taking a high degree of risk.
In the worst case-scenario, Nature's Prophet can leave jungle to join Ember Spirit in the offlane,where he can safely harras both the heroes with his superior attack damage as well as attack range ( 100 more than shadow demon).
I disagree that Ember Spirit is not a good offlaner.He is a oke-oke offlaner simply because people are afraid to go against him by the virtue of Searing level 3, he can disable both heroes for 2 seconds and with his above average movement speed(310), can run away from anything else.granted,he does not do good against stuns,cuz no one does, but in this condition he is more than well suited as they don't have any.
Abbadon might use Aphotic Shield to debuff one of the searing chains, but the other hero,(in this case Shadow Demon will be forced to take the tower damage.
why would SD lane with dark seer? no excuses, ember offlane will become a liability. :P
and why would the lane push when SD harasses him? ember wont be near the creepwave at all.
aside from that your team as WAAAAAAY too greedy. you basicly running 4 carries. and technicly they will outcarry a terrorblade, but there isnt enough farm for all these heroes. if you get a jungler atleast get something good like an enigma.
terathiel's draft isnt perfect either but dark seer will have a field day, necro may get decent farm since abbadon can help him against the ganking ogre.
dark seer will get freefarm. terrorblade will have freefarm.
even though im not the biggest fan of terathiel's draft with the necro mid and very defensive supports(even though SD can be offensive as well) i dont like your draft either. terrorblade just starts peaking at a moment when medusa cant do anything, and prophet isnt that good at either. ember will have no items since he is offlane, and ogre will be a hard 5.
the hero that will have to do all the lifting is storm spirit, but if he doesnt manage to shut down necro then at some point they will just start walking towards towers and taking them without much resistance.
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